The poem Indian Weavers is composed by the Nightingale of India Sarojini Naidu. The poem has three stanza of four lines each. The poem deals with the theme of the cycle of the life. It is the main theme of the poem as it deals with the three important stages of life that is birth, Marriage and Death. 

प्रस्तुत कविता "इंडियन वीव्हर्स" ही नाईटिंगेल ऑफ इंडियन म्हणजेच सरोजिनी नायडू यांनी रचली आहे. कविता फारच लहान आहे कारण त्यात फक्त प्रत्येकी चार ओळींचे तीन श्लोक आहेत. ही कविता प्रश्नोत्तराच्या स्वरूपात आहे पहिल्या दोन ओळी वक्त्याने भारतीय विणकरांना विचारलेले प्रश्न आहेत आणि पुढील दोन ओळी भारतीय विणकरांचे उत्तर आहेत.कवितेचा वक्ता दिवसाच्या वेगवेगळ्या वेळी आणि वेगवेगळ्या उद्देशाने विविध प्रकारची वस्त्रे विणतो.
कवितेची विषय हा जीवनचक्रावर आधारित आहे. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीच्या जीवनात काही महत्त्वाच्या घटना असतात त्या म्हणजे जन्म, विवाह आणि मृत्यू. या तीन जीवनातील महत्त्वाच्या टप्प्याची तुलना ही दिवसातील वेगवेगळ्या वेळासोबत तुलना केली आहे.
1. मानवी जीवनाचे तीन टप्पे.
बाल्यावस्था, प्रौढ आणि वृद्धावस्था.
2. मानवी जीवनाचे तीन प्रसंग.
जन्म, विवाह आणि मृत्यू.
3. दिवसाच्या तीन वेळा.
सकाळ, संध्याकाळ आणि रात्र.
4. तीन भिन्न वस्त्रे.
नवजात मुलाचे कपडे, लग्नाचे बुरखे आणि अंत्यविधीचे आच्छादन.
5. कपड्यांचे वेगवेगळे रंग.
अंगरखा निळ्या रंगाचा, विवाहाचा बुरखा जांभळा आणि हिरवा आणि अंत्यसंस्काराचा आच्छादन पांढरा रंगाचा आहे.

               भारतीय विणकर

विणकर विणे, भल्या पहाटे का आनंदी आणि सुंदर वाटे धीवरने जणू पंख निळे वाहिले आम्ही विणतो, तान्हुल्या नवोन्मेशाचे वस्त्र पहिले.

विणकर विणे, कातरवेळी का दिसे तेजोमय आणि चैतन्य डोळी मयूरपंख जणू जांभळे पाचूचे मलमल आम्ही विणतो, नवतारुण्याची शाल कोमल.

विणकर विणे, शितचांद राती, का असे स्तब्ध अन् गंभीर संगती शुभ्र जणू पिसारा, शुभ्र जणु मेघ पांढरा, आम्ही विणतो, उपवस्त्र अखेरचे देही पांघरा.

अनुवाद:- डॉ. उदय शिरागावे.

Indian Weavers

The poem Indian Weavers is composed by the Nightingale of Indian that is Sarojini Naidu. The poem is very short as it has only three stanzas. The speaker of the poem is asking the questions to the weavers who weave the different types of garments at the different time of the day and for different purpose. The poem is in question answer form the first two lines are the questions asked by the speaker to the Indian weavers and next two lines are the answer by the Indian weavers. 

The theme:-The theme of the poem is the cycle of the life is the main theme of the poem as it deals with the three important stages of life that is birth, Marriage and Death. 

🟢The poet is compares🟢
1. The three stages of human life. 
Infancy, adult and old age. 
2. The three occasion of human life. 
Birth, Marriage and Death.
3. The three times of the day. 
Morning, evening and Night. 
4. The three different garments. 
Robes of new born child, Marriage veils and funeral shroud. 
5. Different colours of the garments. 
Robes is of blue colour, Marriage veils is of Purple and green and Funeral Shroud is of white colour. 
6. Direct comparison of garments with other objects. 
Robes is compared with Halcyon, Marriage veils with plums of a peacock and Funeral shroud with feather and cloud. 
Figures of Speech in the poem.
1. Alliteration. :- When the sound of the initial letter is repeated for better Poetic effect it's called Alliteration. 
Example of Alliteration from the poem are.....
  •  1. WEAVERS, weaving at the break of the day. 
  • 2. Blue as wing of halcyon wild. 
  • 3. Why do you weave the garment so gay. 
  • 4. Weavers weaving at the fall of night. 
  • 5. Why do you weave the garment so bright
  • 6. Like the plums of peacock purple and green. 
  • 7. Weavers weaving solemn and still. 
  • 8. What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
  • 9. White as features and white as a cloud..
  • 10 We weave the marriage of queen. 
  • 11. Wweave the robs of newborn child:-. 
2. SIMILE:- When two unlike objects having similar qualities are directly compared to each by using the words like 'like, so, and as' it's called simile. 

  • 1. Blue as wing of halcyon wild.
  • 2. Like the plums of peacock purple and green. 
  • 3. White as features and white as a cloud.
3. Metaphor:- When two unlike objects having similar qualities are indirectly compared to each other without using the words like 'like, so, and as' it's called metaphor.
1. Weavers weaving at the break of the day. 

4.Imagery  :- The language used by the Poet for vivid description which crates image/picture in the mind of readers is called Imagery. 
1. Like the plums of peacock purple and green. 

A1 State whether the following statements are True or False. 
1. The Weavers is weaving the robes of new born child in the evening. 
2. The colour of the funeral shroud is white. 
3.The marriage-veils are compared with the plumes of peacock. 
4. The garment weaved in the morning is very bright. 

A2 Match the following. 

  Match the following. 

Column A (Garments) 

 Column B 


Robes of new born baby 

 Purple and green 

Funeral Shroud. 


Marriage veils



A3 Fill in the blacks. 
  • 1. The robes of new born baby is weaved at........ 
  • 2. The Weavers are weaving........... at midnight. 
  • 3. Marriage veils are weaved by the Weavers at............ 

A4 Match the following. 

Match the following

Column A (Stage of life) 

 Column B 

( Time of the day) 




 Early morning 




A5 Complete the following statements. 
1.The rhymes Scheme of the poem is............. 
2. The rhyming words in third stanza are ..... 
A6 Match the following

Match the following. 

Column A (Garments) 

 Column B 

(Compare with) 

Robes of new born baby 

 Feathers and clouds

Funeral Shroud. 

 Plumes of peacock 

Marriage veils



A7 Compose the four lines poem on Life.

B Appreciation of the poem 'Indian Weavers'
Marking scheme. 
(i) Title, name of the Poet.     1
(ii) Theme.                           1/2
(iii) Poetic devices.                1/2
(iv) Language.                        1
(v) Other points.                    1

Sarojini Naidu is a celebrated poetess and known as the "Nightingale of India". The short poem "Indian Weavers" is composed by the poetess in the year 1920. Apart from being a poetess she was writer as well as strong political activists. 
Though the poetess highlights the craft and skill of the weavers. She speaks about the three important stages in a man's life  that is birth, marriage and death and relates them to different colors and different times of the day.The poet talks about three types of dresses that the Indian Weavers weave at three particular times of the day. Metaphorically each time and the dress weaved in that time symbolises a particular stage of life.
The poem has three stanzas of four lines each. The rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb as first line rhymes with the second and third line rhymes with the fourth. The poem is in conversation 
mode as the poetess ask the questions to the weavers and the Indian Weavers answers the questions of the poetess. The language is very simple to understand but it's a figurative language because the poetess had used many figures of speech like Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration and Imagery.The prominent figures of speech is Simile The special Features of the poem is the poetess had created the beautiful picture of the artistic work of the Indian Weavers. At the same time it has implied meaning because the poetess not only talking about the various time of the day but also about the three important stages in human life, different colours and its significance in life. The moral of the poem is as day passed through various phases we human too has too pass through different phases of life and evey phase has its own importance. I like the poem very much as it depicts the real picture of human life and various phases in human life.

Online Test on The Poem "Indian Weaver"

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