
Poetic Appreciation Of All Poems.



Poetic Appreciation of 'Song of The Open Road

Poem No 1

 1. 'Song of The Open Road


 'Song of The Open Road'  

Name of the Poet 

 Walt Whitman.

Rhyme Scheme 

 No Rhyme scheme as it's free verse. 

The figure of Speech 

 Alliteration, Repetition, Personification 

Central idea.




The poem 'Song of the open Road' is about The poem is about self-realization and consistency in life. the poet is against staying in one place for too long.

The poem has figurative language but is easy to understand.

 The poem gives us the moral of life we should keep moving ahead despite of any obstacles and difficulties in life. I love this poem because it's a self-motivational poem that helps to bring good discipline into our life.

Poetic Appreciation of 'Indian Weavers

Poem No 2

 2.''Indian Weavers 


'Indian Weavers'  is  Translated from The French Poem "Saison des Semailles" by the Poet Victor Hugo. 

Name of the Poet 

 Sarojini Naidu 

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 Regular rhyme scheme, abab, cdcd etc.

The figure of Speech 

 Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, and Imagery etc. 

The Theme/Central idea 

The poem deals with
a universal theme Though the poetess highlights the craft and skill of the weavers. She speaks about the three important stages in a man's life which are birth, marriage, and death, and relates them to different colors and different times of the day. The poet talks about three types of dresses that the Indian Weavers weave at three particular times of the day. Metaphorically each time and the dress weaved in that time symbolizes a particular stage of life.


The message of the poem. 

The poem is in conversation mode as the poetess asks the questions to the weavers and the Indian Weavers answer the questions the poetess. The language is very simple to understand but it's a figurative language.

The moral of the poem is as the day passed through various phases we humans too passed pass through different phases of life and every phase has its importance.

Poetic Appreciation
'The Inchcape Rock' 

Poem No 3

 3.'The Inchcape Rock' 

Title/Type of the Poem 

 'The Inchcape Rock' (Ballad)

Name of the Poet 

 Robert Southy 

Rhyme Scheme 

 Regular Rhyming couplet with the rhyme scheme aabb.

The figure of Speech 

 Personification, alliteration, repetition, Inversion, simile, metaphor apostrophe, and Onomatopoeia.

The Theme/Central idea 

The basic theme of the poem is that those who do bad things will ultimately be punished accordingly and poetic justice was done.


The message of the poem. 

Though the language looks simple, it has many old English words. The poet has used various images and symbols to create a live beautiful mental picture before the eyes of the readers. The poet also enriched the beauty of the poem with various figures of speech.

The poem, The Inchcape Rock, teaches a moral lesson- “As you sow, so shall you reap.” The poem proves the principle that crime gets its punishment. 

Poetic Appreciation of 'Have you Earned Your Tomorrow' 

Poem No 4

 4.'Have you Earned Your Tomorrow' 


'Have you Earned Your Tomorrow' 

Name of the Poet 

 Edger Guest.

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is aabb, ccaa, ddee, faa

The figure of Speech 

Interrogation and  Alliteration are the prominent figure of speech. 

The Theme/Central idea 

The main theme of the poem is an inspiration. It's an inspirational poem that enables the readers to do the self Introspection and helps us with self-improvement. The poet is asking the readers that have they secured their future by helping others or doing their duties for others. The poet said that today's good deeds will be the treasure of tomorrow. It also focuses on the karma philosophy that earns your tomorrow by doing good to others today. 


The message of the poem. 

The poet used to write in very simple language optimistically. That's why he is known as a Peoples' Poet. A similar simplicity and optimism can be seen in the present poem.

The moral of the poem is that "As you sow so shall you reap" whatever you have done today same thing you are going to get back.


Poetic Appreciation of 'Father Returning Home' 

Poem No 5

 5. 'Father Returning Home' 


 'Father Returning Home' 

Name of the Poet 

 Dilip Chitre.

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 It is a free verse where there is no rhyme and no rhythm.

The figure of Speech 

Alliteration, Simile, and Onomatopoeia. 

The Theme/Central idea 

The main theme of the poem is "Man's Isolation from a materialistic man-made World". The poet expressed his feelings for his working father. He realized that his father was neglected and uncared for despite being the lone bread-earner for the family


The message of the poem. 

The language is easy and simple but full of imagery and symbolism. 

The poem has given 
the moral that 'we must look after the elderly members in our family and society' 


Poetic Appreciation of 'Money' 

Poem No 6

 6.  'Money'  



Name of the Poet 

 William H Devies.

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is abcb 

The figure of Speech 

Simile, Repetition, Inversion, Antithesis, and  Onomatopoeia.

The Theme/Central idea 

The poem deals with the theme that "the real happiness is not in being rich but for the real happiness one must become poor" because the poet has an experience that whenever he had money he had many friends but they were interested in his wealth but after becoming poor he had very few friends but all of them are true. The poet realized that real happiness we can feel only when we become poor. 


The message of the poem. 

The language used by the poet is very simple and easy to understand.

The moral of the poem is money may be very important but the most important thing in life is true friends which we can get only in poverty. 


Poetic Appreciation of 'She Walks in Beauty' 

Poem No 7

 7. 'She Walks in Beauty'  


 'She Walks in Beauty' 

Name of the Poet 

 George Gorden Byron. (Lord Byron)

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is abab 

The figure of Speech 

Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, and Personification. 

The Theme/Central idea 

Though the present poem is considered a love poem, the main theme of the poem is pure beauty and the harmony of mind and body.

The poet speaks about the physical and spiritual beauty of a woman. He praised her beauty. At the same time, he also speaks about the perfect amalgamation of day and night light and dark. Another theme is about inner and pure beauty which enhances outer beauty. Her inner beauty is so pure that it takes her to the level of divinity due to her purity and innocence.


The message of the poem. 

The poem is figurative but easy to Understand.

The poem gives an excellent message to the readers that to look beautiful from the outside one must be beautiful internally


Poetic Appreciation of 'Small Town and Rivers' 

Poem No 8

 8. 'Small Town and Rivers' 


 'Small Town and Rivers' 

Name of the Poet 

 Mamang Dai.

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is abab 

The figure of Speech 

Alliteration, Antithesis, Inversion, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Repetition, Simile, and Transferred Epithet.

The Theme/Central idea 

The theme of the poem is  development and the destruction of nature due to modern development. The poem describes the love for nature and the attachment of the poetess to her hometown.


The message of the poem. 

The poem has figurative language, the poetic device like various figures of speech used by the poet. It is known for Imagery and Symbolism

The poem gives the message to the readers that we must protect and preserve the beauty of nature.

Marking Scheme of Poetic Appreciation as per the Board Pattern

Title, Name of the Poet:- 1 Mark. 

The theme of the poem:- 1/2 Mark 

Poetic Device:-              1/2 Mark

Language:-                    1 Mark. 

Other Points:-                1 Mark.

📌Important Instructions:- You have to write the Poetic Appreciation in the paragraph which covers the above points. Sometimes the points may be given with the poem or points may not be given but the students are expected to cover the key points like the Title, the Poet's name, The theme of the poem, Poetic devices (like Rhyme scheme/figures of speech), Style, Language of the poem, Tone of the poem, special features, Message/moral value, and your opinion.

Instead of being reproductive students are expected to be creative while writing an appreciation of the poem.

The following points will be helpful for the students to write poetic Appreciation. 




