"Poetic Appreciation"

      ✳️About the poem/poet and the title·  
      ✳️The theme
      ✳️Poetic Style
      ✳️Language /Poetic devices·  
      ✳️Special features· 
      ✳️Message, values, and morals in the poem 
      ✳️Your opinions about the poem.

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"Poetic Appreciation"

'The Sower' is translated from the French language and was composed by the French poet Victor Hugo with the title "Saison des Semailles" by the Bengali Poetess Torulata Dutta the title "The Sower" The Sower refers to the farmer. The poem has a regular rhyme scheme that is abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh, and ijij which is every alternate line rhymes together. 
The poem is in figurative language, the prominent figures of speech in the poem are Alliteration, Inversion, and imagery. The special feature of the poem is that the poem has beautiful natural images. Thus the poem is full of imagery.
Though the poem was originally written in the French language it has a universal theme that is the optimistic approach of the farmers. Even though the sower has seen so many bad harvests still he doesn't lose hope and believes that the next harvest will be his, with the same optimistic approach he sows the seeds and waits for the good yield. 
The poem is in narrative style as the poet narrates the story of the optimistic farmer. The language used by the poet is very simple and easy to understand. The moral of the poem is that even if you have faced lots of obstacles in your life you should not lose hope and keep putting in your efforts be hopeful about the future is universal message is given through the story of the sower that the farmer. I like this poem very much because it gives us the lesson of life and encourages us to face the problems of life.
