Expected Answers of 2nd Sem Exam Marach 2024 Activity Sheet.

Important instructions.

(1) Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/sentences. Answers written in only one word will not be given complete credit. Only the correct activity number written in case of options will not be given any credit.

(2) Web diagrams, flow charts, tables etc. are to be presented exactly as they are with answers.

(3) In point 2 above, only the words written without the presence of activity format/design, will not be given credit. Use of colour pens/pencils etc. is not allowed. (Only blue/black pens are allowed.)

(4) Multiple answers to the same activity will be treated as wrong and will not be given any credit.

(5) Maintain the sequence of the Sections/Question Nos./Activities throughout the activity sheet.


Section I Prose Lesson.

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary and Mind Mapping)

Q 1 (A)Read the extract and complete the activities given below (12) 

I made a quick trip to Surat and bought around 10 kilograms of moong. Moru Dada rented his tractor to plough the land and quickly planted moong all over the place.A few days later, we were overjoyed to see tiny green leaves. I had never seen moong growing before and was thrilled at the sight. It was the same thrill I had felt as a young boy when I saw the first of the hibiscus I had planted bloom at the Railway Quarters in Vile Parle in Mumbai. I was grateful to have taken Moru’s advice. The next thing Moru Dada wanted to do was spray Moru Dada because some pesticide on the plants. He claimed that it would give a higher yield. This was something we did not want to do. We were clear that we would not use any chemicals and tried to explain it to him. He reacted as if we have suggested hora kiri. It took lot of convincing to ensure that Moru Dada and his friends did not use any chemicals on the farm. They refused to understand how crops could grow without sprays. Contrary to what everyone had told us, nature did her job and she needed no bribes to get the work done. Soon it was harvest time and we managed a respectable 300 kilograms. An awful lot of moong and with it a lot of confidence. Now I was certain the land was fertile and that it was possible to grow crops without chemicals. It was a major morale booster. The Scent of Rice The first year I was late for the rice-sowing season and had to resort to growing the GR 4 variety that was short term and recommended by the agricultural officers at Kosbad. The next year we decided that we would start early and try to find some good traditional variety of rice to grow. We had read about traditional varieties of rice and knew that they did not require very high inputs of fertilizers. These varieties were also quite strong and resisted pests. We were sure that it was this type of rice that would grow well in our farm where we did not use any chemicals at all. Our previous year’s experience and low yield had taught us a lesson and we were sure we would not plant hybrids this year. 

A1 Complete the following statements with the help of the extract. (2)

 I. The main lesson the author got from the experience of growing moong and rice is …….. 


I) The main lesson the author got from the experience of growing moong and rice that crops can grow successfully without the use of chemicals.

II. The author has an experience of plantation at..............


II). The author has an experience of plantation at the Railway Quarters in Vile Parle in Mumbai. 

A2.. Complex Factual:- (2) 

Give the reason for the following. 

1) Moru Dada wanted to spray the pesticide on the plants……… 


2) Moru Dada wanted to spray pesticide on the plants because he believed it would lead to a higher yield. This belief is commonly held among farmers who use chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases that can damage crops. Chemical pesticides are designed to kill or repel pests, which can help protect the plants from damage and increase the yield. 

A3. Interpretation. (2) 

1 The reaction of Moru Dada and his friends to the writer’s decision of not to spray pesticides on the crops………….  


3) Moru Dada and his friends didn't believe that crops could grow without using pesticides. They reacted as if the writer had suggested something impossible or strange. It took a lot of talking to convince them that it was possible to grow crops without using chemicals.

A4. Personal Response .(2) 

Write about your reaction on seeing the plats with fruits, planted and grown by you. (2)


A4) When I see plants with fruits that I planted and cared for, I feel very proud and happy. It's like watching something amazing happen because of my efforts. It reminds me of how important it is to take care of nature and the things around us. Seeing the plants grow makes me want to keep gardening and looking after the environment.

 A5.Langaguge Study.

Do as directed. (2)

1) I made a quick trip to Surat. (Choose the correct alternative to rewriting the given sentence to change the voice)

  • A quick trip is made to Surat by me.
  • A quick trip has been made to Surat by me.
  • A quick trip was made to Surat by me.
  • They have made me quick trip to Surat.


A quick trip was made to Surat by me.

2)  I had never seen moong growing before. (Select the suitable option for an affirmative sentence of the above statement) 
  • i)  I had always seen the moong growing before.
  • ii)  I had been seeing the moongs growing before.
  • iii) I had hardly seen the moongs growing before.
  • iv) I had had seen the moongs growing before.


➡️ I had hardly seen the moongs growing before.

 A6. Vocabulary
Match the following Column A words and Column B Antonyms.(2) 



(1) Overjoyed 

(2) Fertile 

(3) Major

(4) Accept 








(1) Overjoyed.➡️.  ➡️

(2) Fertile ➡️.        ➡️

(3) Major ➡️.         ➡️

(4) Accept ➡️.        ➡️





Q 1 B 1 Rewrite as instructed.

i) Choose the correct alternative to convert the given sentence to a positive degree. 

Sunita is the most loyal employee of our firm.

  • a. Sunita is not the most disloyal employee of our firm.
  • b. Sunita is the most not disloyal employee of our firm.
  • c. No other employee of our firm is as loyal as Sunita.
  • d. No other employee of our firm is the most loyal as Sunita. 


C) No other employee of our firm is as loyal as Sunita.

ii) He is .......MLA from our area........ most corrupt person. (Use the suitable article in the above sentence and rewrite it.)


II) He is an MLA from our area the most corrupt person.

iii) Choose the correct alternative to make the given sentence a negative sentence. "As soon as he entered the room, he noticed the unusual presence".

  • a. As soon as he entered the room, he did not miss the unusual presence.
  • b. As soon as he entered the room, he was unnoticed by the unusual presence. 
  • c. No sooner did he entered the room than he noticed the unusual presence.
  • d. No sooner did he enter the room than he noticed the unusual presence.


d). No sooner did he enter the room than he noticed the unusual presence.

B 2. Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence: 1.

I read an essay who was about the importance of The English language. 


 I read an essay which was about the importance of The English language. 

Q 2  Read the following extract and complete the activities given below it. (12)

Reading a lot is essential. It is stupid not to venture outside the examination ‘set books’ or the textbooks you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books in English as you can, not as a duty but for pleasure. Do not choose the most difficult books you find, with the idea of listening and learning as many new words as possible: choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance, that it is not too hard. You should not have to be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary, for that deadens interest and checks real learning. Look up a word here and there, but as a general policy try to push ahead, guessing what words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive reading that normally helps you to get interested in extra reading and thereby improve your English. You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives. As you read you will become more and more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already know, understanding them better and better as you meet them in more and more contexts, some of which may slightly differ from others. Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the help of a book. They believe that spoken language and written language are quite different things. This cannot be true.

A.1 Based on the above extract state whether the following statements are true or false. (2)

  1. You must choose the most difficult books you can find to read.
  2. You must choose what is likely to interest you.
  3. You must read books for pleasure.
  4. You should be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary. 
1) You must choose the most difficult books you can find to read.

2) You must choose what is likely to interest you.

3) You must read books for pleasure.

4) You should be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary. 

A2 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the extract. (2)

  1. We must read the book in English for............ 
  2. The author believes that the spoken and written languages are not......... 
  3. and.............reading helps us to develop the interests in reading.
  4. Some people believe that spoken language can not be learned........... 

 A3 State the benifits of reading from the above extract. (2)


We must read the book in English for pleasure. The author believes that the spoken and written languages are not quite different things. Extensive reading helps us to develop the interests in reading. Some people believe that spoken language can not be learned with the help of a book.

A.4 What, do you think, you should do to improve your English? (2)


The benefits of reading from the above extract include improving English skills, enhancing vocabulary, and developing a love for reading.

A5 Rewrite as instructed.
Choose the correct alternative for the change the voice of the following statement.(1)
1) Do not choose the most difficult books.
  • a) Let the most difficult books not to be choosen.
  • b) Let the most difficult books to be choosen.
  • c) You are requested to choose the most difficult books.
  • d) You are ordered to choose the most difficult books.


a) Let the most difficult books not to be choosen.

2) Read as many books in English as you can, (Select the correct option for the model auxiliary of advice)
  • a) You can read as many books as you can.
  • b) You must read as many books as you can.
  • c) You should read as many books as you can.
  • d) You may read as many books as you can.


a) Let the most difficult books not to be choosen.

A.6 Vocabulary

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word of the following sentence from the given options: (2)

a) You should enjoy the feeling that extensive reading gives.

  • Covering a large area
  • Supplementary
  • Explanatory


➡️➡️ Covering a large area.

b) Intensive reading that normally helps you to get interested in extra reading.
  • Less focused.
  • without focused.
  • Purpose to understand in depth.
  • Covering a large areas.


➡️➡️ Purpose to understand in depth.

(B) Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the following points and suggest a suitable title for it: (3 Marks)

Read a lot - outside the textbooks - pleasure - avoid difficult books - choose interesting ones - avoid dictionary - guess meanings - extensive reading differs from intensive reading.

Title: The Importance of Reading in English Summary: Reading extensively in English, outside of textbooks, for pleasure is essential for language learning. It's important to choose books that interest you and not be discouraged by difficult texts. Avoiding constant dictionary use and focusing on understanding words from context helps foster a love for reading and improves language skills. Extensive reading differs from intensive reading, which is more focused and less beneficial for long-term language acquisition.


 The Importance of Reading in English                                                                               Reading extensively in English, outside of textbooks, for pleasure is essential for language learning. It's important to choose books that interest you and not be discouraged by difficult texts. Avoiding constant dictionary use and focusing on understanding words from context helps foster a love for reading and improves language skills. Extensive reading differs from intensive reading, which is more focused and less beneficial for long-term language acquisition.   Purpose to understand in depth.

(C) Write the Mind-Mapping of the topic "Time Management" which contains main and sub points. (3)

Section II Poetry.

Q 3 A Read the following lines and complete the activities given below it. 

Eight years have passed

Since I placed my cherry seed in the grass.

“Must have a tree of my own,” I said, And watered it once and went to bed And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Though no one's caring very much or knowing.

And suddenly that summer near the end of May,

I found a tree had come to stay. 

It was very small, five months child, Lost in the tall grass running wild. Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scythe

Split it apart and a monsoon blight Shrivelled the slender stem...... Even so,

Next spring I watched three new shoots grow,

The young tree struggle, upward thrust

Its arms in a fresh fierce lust 

A1. State whether the following statements are True or False. 2 

  1. The poet has the strong desire to have his own tree.
  2. The saplings of cherry has to go through lots dangers at its growing stage.
  3. The Poet is talking about the an apple fruit.
  4. The poem highlights the worshiping of the god.
1) The poet has the strong desire to have his own tree.
➡️➡️ True.
2) The saplings of cherry has to go through lots dangers at its growing stage.
➡️➡️ True. 
3) The Poet is talking about the an apple fruit.
➡️➡️ False.
4) The poem highlights the worshiping of the god.
➡️➡️ False.

A2. The poet has described the rainy season in the poem. Give proof of the above sentence with the help of the above lines. (2)


 Split it apart and a monsoon blight Shrivelled the slender stem." This line from the poem describes the rainy season (monsoon) and its impact on the small cherry tree.

A3. Complete the following sentences with the help of the above poem. (2) 

I) ......... caused the initial damage to the small cherry tree. 

  • A) Lack of water 
  • B) Goats eating the leaves 
  • C) Monsoon blight 
  • D) Grass cutter scythe.

➡️➡️ Goats eating the caused the initial damage to the small cherry tree. Goats eating the leaves.

II) The poet has place the seed ...........years ago.
  • Five 
  • Seven 
  • Three
  • Eight.

➡️➡️ The poet has place the seed eight years ago..

A4. Answer the following. (2)

I) Which poetic device is used in the line "Its arms in a fresh fierce lust"? 

Answer: Personification, Alliteration.


➡️➡️ Personification, Alliteration.

II) Write the two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.


➡️➡️ Passed-grass, said-bed.

A5. Compose the poem of four lines on "Father". 2


Father, you are my guiding light,        Your love, a beacon, shining bright.      You teach me patience, courage,           and grace, In your embrace, I find my place. 

Q3B.Read the following lines and write an appreciation of the poem which contains the main details of the poem.

There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair,
And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; 
Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields--
Here is a little forest,
Whose leaf is ever green; 

Here is a brighter garden,
Where not a frost has been;
In its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum: 
Prithee, my brother, 
Into my garden come.

Section III Writing Skills 

Q. 4 A Attempt any one of the following. 4. 

Letter Writing.

"Write a letter to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra expressing your views on the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation in the context of recent climate change challenges."



E-mail Writing.

You the graduate student, you have been finding it difficult to pay the big amount of fees, "Write e-mail to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra requesting him to weave off the fees of the economical weaker students"


Q. 4 B Attempt anyone of the following Activities.

Expansion of an Idea.

 Expand the following Idea with the help of the points given below in 100 to 150 words.

"Actions speak louder than words."

  • Work is more important than words.
  • Show your quality by your deed.
  • Act must represent you.

Film Review 

 Write a review of the film that you remember you ’ve watched and can’t forget easily. 

Give details about the movie using following supporting points.

 ✓ Title of the film. 

✓ The star cast and production house (if you remember). 

✓ The gist of the plot. 

✓ The reason you like the film.

 ✓ Your favourite scene from the movie. 

✓ Your opinion and recommendation. 

Blog Writing.

Write a ‘Blog ’in a proper format on ‘The Future of Education: ’,with the help of the following points. (100- 150 words) 

  • Personalized Learning
  • Online and Blended Learning
  • Edtech Integration
  • Lifelong Learning


Q. 4 C Attempt anyone of the following Activities.

Appeal Writing.

 Your college has organised the rally to create awareness on 'Save tree save plannet'. Prepare an appeal with the help of the following points.

  • An effective slogan.
  • Use a logo or a picture.
  • Important of saving tree.


Counter View. 

 Write the counter view on the topic "Social Media,an inseparable part of the life of youth".


Leaflet Writing 

 AFAC  Jr. College Chembur Mumbai 71 is going to start the professional courses for the students of Commerce after the 12th. All the courses are affiliated with Mumbai University. Prepare the leaflet about it by using catchy and attractive lines. 


➡️ Visit my post for an appreciation.⬅️


Report Writing.

Imagine you have recently attended the function on importance of "Healthy Food Habits" organized at your college campus. Write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall happenings of this event. 

Imagine, you have to interview a student who recently cleared UPSC  Exam without any tuition only with the help of youtube Educational videos. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequence of the questions.)

Q. 4  D Attempt anyone of the following Activities.

Speech Writing.

 Your college has organised the elocution competition, as a participant Prepare a speech on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Automation the need of time" 



 Imagine, you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organized at your  college with reference to  ‘Yoga Day ’.As  a compere,  draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme. You may take help of the given hints:

  •  Prayer/welcome song,
  • introduction elicitation,
  • yoga demonstration
  • Presidential address
  • Vote of thanks
  • Any other important point. 


Dialogue Writing 

 Write the dialogue among the three participants on the topic of Spirituality, an inseparable part of our life. It save us from wrong deeds, illegal practice, 

It's the only thing to save the humanity


Interview Questions.

Imagine, you have to interview a student who recently cleared UPSC  Exam without any tuition only with the help of youtube Educational videos. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequence of the questions.)

Name of the interviewee:



Duration of interview


Questions based on :

1 Personal reaction. 

2. Feelings of family members. 

3. Change after success.

4. Preparation for study.

5. Reson to do this. 

6. Challenges in the task. 

7. Requirement for success. 

8. Bad phases in life 

9. Message. 

Section IV Literary Genre Drama

Q.5 A Complete the following activities as instructed.4

 1. State Whether the following statements are True or False. 

  1. The drama has its origin in folklore. 
  2. The plot must have a beginning, middle, and end. 
  3. The protagonist is the subordinate character in the drama.
  4. The use of set lighting, music, and costume does not play any  important role in the stage direction.
1) The dram 
 has its origin in folklore.
 ➡️➡️ True
2) The plot must have a beginning, middle, and end. 
 ➡️➡️ True.

3) The protagonist is the subordinate character in the drama.
➡️➡️ False.

4) The use of set lighting, music, and costume does not play any important role in the stage direction.
➡️➡️ False 

2. Complete the following statements with the correct option given below.
1.William Shakespeare wrote
  • Jew of Malta
  • Murder In The Cathedral
  • Duchess of Malfi
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream.


➡️ 1.William Shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream.

2.Stream of consciousness, Absurd plays, Poetic drama, Radio drama are belongs to ................... periods.

  • Elizabethan
  • Restoration
  • Modern
  • Victorian.


➡️ 2.Stream of consciousness, Absurd plays, Poetic drama, Radio drama are belongs to Modern  periods.⬅️

3)..........is the central idea around which the plot revolves
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Character
  • Setting.


➡️ Theme is the central idea around which the plot revolves.⬅️

4)............was written by Patanjali
  • Mahabhasya
  • NatyaShastra
  • Meghdut
  • Natsamrat.


➡️ NatyaShastra was written by Patanjali.⬅️

Q.5 B Complete the following activities as instructed.4 

  1. How does the play explore the idea of national identity and patriotism? 2.
✒️ Answer:- 
In the play "The Rising of the Moon" by Lady Gregory, there are characters who care a lot about their country, Ireland. They sing songs that show their love for Ireland and want it to be free from British control. But there is also a British officer in the story, and this creates a conflict because he represents the British government's power over Ireland. So, the play is about the struggle between wanting Ireland to be independent and the British rule. It shows how people in Ireland felt about their country and how they showed their love for it.
  1. What conflicts or dilemmas do the characters face in their pursuit of justice or freedom? 2.
✒️ Answer:- 
In "The Rising of the Moon" by Lady Gregory, the characters face conflicts and dilemmas while seeking justice and freedom for Ireland. The Ballad Singer wants to sing patriotic songs and spread the message of Irish freedom, but he must hide from the British authorities who want to stop him. The British Sergeant faces a dilemma because he begins to sympathize with the Irish cause, which goes against his duty to enforce British rule. This creates an inner conflict for him. Overall, the characters deal with the tension between their desire for justice and freedom for Ireland and the challenges posed by British rule and authority, leading to complex dilemmas.

Q 5 C Complete the following activities as instructed.4 

1) Write the character sketch of Hermia. 

Hermia is portrayed as a determined and courageous young woman in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Despite facing opposition from her father, Egeus, who insists she marry Demetrius, Hermia remains steadfast in her love for Lysander. Her unwavering commitment to her own desires demonstrates her independence and strength of character.

Hermia finds herself in a challenging situation when she learns of her father's ultimatum through the Duck Thesus who gave her the option to marry Demetrius or face death or life in a convent. Despite the threat of severe consequences, Hermia refuses to compromise her feelings for Lysander. Her defiance against societal expectations and patriarchal authority showcases her resilience and inner conviction.

2) What is the theme of the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Answer:- The play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has following dominant themes.
  • 1. Love and its complexities
  • 2. The power of imagination
  • 3. Reality versus illusion.
 In the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Shakespeare deepens the exploration of love's complexities and the whims of the human heart. The entangled relationships of Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius, combined with the mischievous interventions of Oberon and Puck, highlight the irrationality of desire and the blurred lines between reality and fantasy. Through humor and wit, Shakespeare underscores the transformative power of imagination, set against the backdrop of a dreamlike forest. The play celebrates the joy and folly of love, revealing its ability to transcend societal norms and evoke both laughter and introspection in equal measure.

Q 5 D Complete the following activities as instructed.4 

1) Write the character sketch of Doctor Thomas Stockman.

Dr. Stockmann is a courageous and determined individual who bravely confronts the problem with the baths, even when faced with opposition. He strongly believes in doing what is right and is not afraid to speak out, using evidence and facts to support his ideas. Despite facing criticism and hostility from others, he remains steadfast in his commitment to truth and justice. Dr. Stockmann's resilience and unwavering resolve serve as a powerful example of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of adversity.

2) Mayor Peter Stockman is a contrast to Doctor Thomas Stockman – justify.

The Character of the Mayor Peter Stockmann is completely in contrast with the character of Dr. Thomas Stockmann. The following comparison between Mayor Peter Stockmann and Dr. Thomas Stockmann will prove the statement.

Mayor Peter Stockmann:
  • Prioritizes town's reputation and personal interests over community welfare.
  • Lacks moral courage and integrity, often manipulates townspeople to maintain control.
  • Avoids conflict and uses his influence to control public opinion.
  •  Respected figure of authority among townspeople.
  • Uses his position to suppress truth and further his own agenda.
Dr. Thomas Stockmann:
  • Driven by a desire to help people and reveal the truth about the contaminated baths.
  • Demonstrates integrity by standing up for his beliefs, even in the face of opposition.
  • Stays true to his principles despite facing backlash from townspeople.
  • Perceived as a troublemaker by the townspeople for his outspokenness.
  • Believes in truth and does not compromise his principles for personal gain.
From the above comparison it's clear that both of the characters are totally opposite to each other.

The model answers are just guidelines, any other correct answer with the similar sense can be also accepted.

