08 February 2022

History of Novel. Brainstorming.

Brainstorming. History of Novel 

1. Match the columns 





Murasaki Shikibu



Don Quixote       

Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya 



 Tale of Genji


Rajmohan’s Wife 



Expected Answers 





Murasaki Shikibu

 The Tale of Genji 


Don Quixote 






Rajmohan’s Wife 

Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya 

Q 2. Brainstorming

2 Pick out the odd element from the group.

2.1 Arun Joshi, Vikram Seth, Graham Greene, Kiran Nagarkar

Answers : Graham Greene.

(Only Graham Green is not Indian origin author, rest of the are authors of Indian origin.) 

2.2 Place, Period, Theme, Climate, Lifestyle

Answer: Theme

Except Theme all the others are details related to the setting of the novel. 

2.3 Theme, Plot, Character, Novella

Answers: Novella

Except Novella all the others are elements of the novel/novella.


 Novel Section 

The Sign of Four 

3. Brainstorming. 

Complete the following statement:

3.1 The two types of conflicts that the plot may have are _______.

Answer: The two types of conflicts that the plot may have are internal (inside the mind of the character) and external (with other characters or entities)

3.2 The word ‘picaresque’ originated from _______.

Answer: The word ‘picaresque’ originated from the Spanish word, ‘picaro’ which means ‘rogue’.

3.3 The epistolary novel presents the narrative through _______.

Answer: The epistolary novel presents the narrative through series of correspondence or other documents

3.4 In the eighteenth century, the middle class could get time for reading and discussing novels because _______.

Answer: In the eighteenth century, the middle class could get time for reading and discussing novels because of the spread of machines.


 Novel Section 

Around The World In Eighty Days

4 Write a short note on:

4.1 Style of the novel

Answer: The style of novel is the  language and techniques used by the author to describe the series of events in the story. The author uses either a wide range of sophisticated words or he may choose to be concise and to the point. This depends upon which better suits the purpose of the story and is decided by the author. The author may also make use of linguistic devices to make his story more effective and powerful.

4.2 Stream of consciousness novel

The term ‘Stream of consciousness’ is  coined by William James in his treatise ‘Principles of Psychology.’ (1890). It is an expression of the character’s flow of thoughts in the form of words. The incidents in the plot are in the sequence of their occurrences. The plot is presented through the thought process of the character and thus, the details of the story appear as they enter the mind of the character. 

4.3 Novella

‘Novella’, is the word derived from the Italian word ‘novelle’ which means ‘new’. The Novella is a type of prose fiction which is shorter than a full length novel and longer than a short story. It is a short, well-structured story, whose tone is usually satirical (of mocking nature) or realistic (depicting reality). It usually focuses on one incident or issue with one or two main characters and takes place in a single tradition.


 Novel Section 

To Sir With love

4.4 Indian tradition of novels. 

The Indian tradition of novels in English began with the novel titled, ‘Rajmohan’s Wife’ is to be considered as the first novel in English Written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya, the novel was first serialized in ‘The Indian Field’. The period that followed saw a few m[5ore novels written by Indian writers that focused on nationalistic ideas or social issues. The period after that was ruled by the works of Mulkraj Anand, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao. Novelists like Anita Desai, Nayantara Sahgal, Arun Joshi, and Manohar Malgonkar shaped the face of the Indian English novel through their works. Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth, and Upamanyu Chatterjee further uplifted the Indian English novel by making important additions to its form. Among the recent Indian novelists, noteworthy contributions have been made by Salman Rushdie, Arvind Adiga, Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, and Kiran Nagarkar. The Indian English novel has undergone a vital change since its origin and its future appears bright.



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