09 February 2022

Writing Skill (Interview Questions)

📌Interview Questions📌

While dealing with the interview questions the students must follow the following instructions. 

1) Draw the same table as given in the question paper. 

2) It's necessary to cover all the points. 

3) Don't Fram only 'wh' Questions, 'wh' must come after the proper background. 

4) Frame the meaningful Questions which cover all the points given for the questions. 

5) All the points must be in chronological order, please keep in mind that Don't change the order of the points Wise questions. 
Example of an interview Questions.

Imagine, you have to interview a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

1. Name of the interviewee.
2. Area of interest/ Specialisation.
3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.
4. Duration of an interview.


Points for Interview Framing Interview Questions. 

🔹Reaction after the achievement. 
🔸Role model in life. 
🔹The challenge came in the way. 
🔸Solutions to the challenge. 
🔹Memorable moments. 
🔸Great supporter 
🔹 plan 


 Book Review 

Book Review of "Man Mai hai Vishwas"

Expected Answer 

Interview Questions

Interview Question

1. interview Quest name of the interviewee.

Area of interest/ Specialisation.

3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.

4. Duration of an interview.

Miss Harnaaz Sandhu.

Modeling, Winner of Beauty Contest.

19th December 2021, 11:30 am, 

25 minutes 

     Interview  Questions

1) Getting the Miss Universe award is a dream achievement. How did you react when you heard the result of Miss Universe? 

2) Evey one has someone who acts as an ideal and plays a vital role, in your case Who is your role model? 

3) Before getting to the top every person has to face many challenges, What are the major challenges in your life

4) Challenges have to be faced before conquering the best How did you deal with the challenges that come in your life? 

5) Life is a bundle of happy and sad memories, happy incidents can be never forgotten, 
What is a memorable event in your life? 

6) It's needed that we must get the support of our loved ones, Who is your strong supporter in your difficult time?

7) Most of the beauty contest winners are likely to turn to film city, What is your plan? 

8) As a successful person, 
you are a role model for many and they are eager to listen, What is your message to our young generation? 

Thank you very much for sparing precious time for us, this 
Interview will be an encouragement and a great motivation for all of us. 

More practice examples. 

Imagine, you have to interview a distinguished personality in the field of sports. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

1. Name of the interviewee.
2. Area of interest/ Specialisation.
3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.
4. Duration of an interview.


Points for Interview Framing Interview Questions. 
🔹 Students' Life. 

🔸Early Interest. 

🔹The idol in life. 

🔸Primary Training. 



🔹Target /goal. 


1) How did your early education shape your views on sports and fitness?
2) How did you nurture this interest in your formative years?
3) Can you tell us about a sports figure who inspired you and why?
4) What were the key lessons you learned from your primary training experiences?
5) What was your first significant opportunity in your sporting career?
6) What did this accomplishment mean for your personal and professional growth?
7) How do you approach setting and achieving these goals?
8) What advice would you give to young athletes starting their careers today?

More practice examples. 

Imagine, you have to interview an interview shed personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)
Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

1. Name of the interviewee.
2. Area of interest/ Specialisation.
3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.
4. Duration of an interview.


Points for Interview Framing Interview Questions. 

🔹Early life,/struggle. 

🔸Huddles in Education.


🔸Family Support.


🔸 Success plan.

🔹Dream unfulfilled.


More Examples From HSC Maharashtra's State BOARDS 

Sept. 2021

Imagine, you have to interview a teacher who recently received the Ideal Teacher Award from the state government. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequence of the questions.)

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

Name of the interviewee

Area of success/reputation

Date/Venue/Time Duration of Interview.


Points for Interview Framing Interview Questions. 

(1) decision
(2) idols
(3) support
(4) education
(5) training
(6) success
 (7) dream
(8) goals/destination

March 2022

Imagine that you have met with the topper in M.P.S.C. Examination. You wish to interview him/her to know his/her journey of success. Prepare a set of 8 to 10 questions to be asked.

1. How was your early childhood and about your struggles?

2. What about your education? do you face any hurdles in your education?
Who is your role model or inspiring unfulfilled dream in your family?
What was your first achievement or success?
What is your further success plan?
Is there anything that you want to achieve in the future? or any unfulfilled dream?
What message would you like to give to the citizens of our country?

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

Name of the (distinguished

interviewee /personality)

Area of Success/Reputation


Duration of Interview


 Questions Based on

1 Interest Develop. 

2. Idols in life

3. Early learning/training

4. Support

5. Schedule/timetable

6. Recent achievements

7. Goals in life

8. Destination

July 2022.

Interview Questions:

Imagine, you have to interview a famous personality from the field of sports. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions on the given fields associated with the sports personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions).

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

Name of the interviewee (distinguished personality)
Area of success/Reputation -
Date/Venue/Time -
Duration of Interview -


 Questions Based on

1. Interest development
2. Idols in life
3. Early learning/training
4. Support
5. Schedule/timetable
6. Recent achievements
7. Goals in life
8. Destination

March 2023

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