01 December 2021

4.2 To Sir With Love part 2 Brainstorming.


                  ✴️ Characters✴️ 

A 1 Character sketch of Denham.

Denham is one of the most senior  students from Braithwaite's class. He leads the session with his fellow student Miss Philips. He has professional approach while allocating tasks to other students. He sits confidently beside the Headmaster for the function. He  addresses courteously to the students with respect the girls as "Miss and boys as Sir. While discussing P.T. and Games, he tries to influence the audience with his views. He is a trained boxer and considers the P.T. exercise as useless. His tone is initially blunt, critical and argumentative. However when, Miss Phillips gently replies to his arguments and outwits him, he politely and sportingly accepts his defeat.

A 2 Character sketch of Miss Joseph :- 

She is one of most senior students like Denham who anchor the session of half yearly students council. Being an important officials of the event she explained the purpose of the council and it's activities. She was the cool personality and has the presence of mind. When the teachers are difficult to find the answer it's Miss Joseph who intervene and answer confidently which shows her presence of mind. She is also the students who represent the subject of Democratic Science. 

A 3 Character Sketch of the Narrator/Mr. Braithwaite:- 

The narrator E. R. Braithwaite was an engineer by profession and serve the British Royal Air force during the world War the I. Despite of being the loyal Britishers he has to face the injustice  due to his black skin. When he finds it difficult to get the job, he accepted the job of teacher. In the Greenslade school too he was the victim of racial discrimination as the students bullied him over his skin, but he didn't give up he changed his approach and with the unorthodox method of teaching he was proved to be not only the best teacher but also won the heart of every one in the school. Hence his respectful approach towords the students makes the positive And significant changes in the behavior of the students. Even though there had been many difficulties and obstacles in his way he overcome all the obstacles and difficulties successfully. Thus the story of his success is told by his students in the half yearly students council. 

The character sketch of Miss Dare

Miss Dare of the the students representatives who represent various subjects at the half yearly students council. She represents the subject physiology along with another student Fernman. While presenting her subject she spoke about the problem of  humanity in terms of sickness and disease. Her presentation works as an anticlimax after the comic performance of Fernman. She also emphasize on the advantages of Interchange of the knowledge, assistance and advice. 

Character Sketch of Miss Phillips:-

Miss Phillips was one of the teachers chosen for the random question answer after the student's presentation. She considered as hesitant and brainless. But she proved herself while dealing with Denham in question answer session. When she finds that other teachers were not able to answer the tricky question of Denham,it's Miss Phillips who answered appropriately. She defend the school time table is definitely for the betterment of the students. Thus she shows the presence of mind and reply to the query of the students. 


 Novel Section 

The Sign of Four 

                     ✴️ Plot✴️

(A2) (i) Arrange the incidents in correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract.

(a) Denham was outwitted by Miss Phillips.

(b) The head of the school closed the proceedings.

(c) Denham asserted that P.T. periods were a waste of time.

(d) The slips were folded and placed in a hat.

(e) Fernman was as usual a trump card.

(f) Denham called out the names of the representatives.

(g) Students’ Council was held every year on November 15th

                        ✴️Answer ✴️

(1) Denham called out the names of the representatives.

(2) Students’ Council was held every year on November 15th

(3) The slips were folded and placed in a hat

(4) Fernman was as usual a trump card.

(5) Denham asserted that P.T. periods were a waste of time.

(6) The head of the school closed the proceedings.

(7) Denham was outwitted by Miss Phillips.

2A (ii) Describe in brief the purpose of organising the half yearly report programme of Students’ Council.

The Greenslade School London had been organizing the half yearly students council. Students representatives from the each class will present the progress report of every subjects. The main purpose behind the students council was to understand the progress of the students in first half of the academic year. As soon as the presentation by the representative for each subject, the panel of the teachers was invited to answer the question and doubts of the all classes. The ultimate purpose of the half yearly students council is to check what the students understood rather than what they are expected to learn. 

(iii) Write in your words the entire half yearly report programme of Students’ Council.

Every year the half yearly council of the students was organized in Greenslade school aimed at to see the academic progress of the students. It was a unique type of program as the students representatives from each class for different subjects will come and present the report of the specific subject. It's not important what they are expected to learn but it's important to see what they have understood. Once the presentation get over, the the panel of the teachers was choosen to answer the question of the students. It's really very nice function where the students as well as the teachers are eger to check the progress of their subjects and class. 

(iv) Describe the question-answer session that took place at the end of thee extract.

The concluding session of the half yearly students council is the the question answer session where the students can ask the questions to the panel of the teachers. Mr. Weston, Mrs. Dale-Evans, and Miss Phillips are chosen at random to answer students’ questions arising from the senior presentations. There had been many spontaneous questions asked by the students. All the queries were satisfactory answered by the panel of the teachers. The teachers like Dale Evan and Mr. Watson find it difficult to answer the questions of the students like Denham, but it was Miss Phillips who answer the question relevantly. It was an egar session for the students as well as for the teachers too. 

(v) Describe the discussion that took place between Miss Joseph and Denham.

When Denham pursues his inquiry on the necessity of requiring all students to take P.T. The two teachers like Mr. Weston, Mrs. Dale Evans find it difficult to answer so they ridicule it and gave ridiculous answer but it was Miss Phillips who taken the responsibility. She defend the query raised by Denham by supporting her answer with the justification that the time table of the school is good and created with the foresight of their future. Thus she successfully defend the school time table. 

             ✴️ SETTING✴️

(A3) (i) Which event took place in the extract? Choose the correct one. Give reason/s to support your answer.

(a) Annual Sports Day on November 15th

(b) Annual Social and Cultural Gathering on November 15th

(c) Half yearly report of Students’ Council on November 15th

(d) Farewell Programme on November 15th

Answer :-(c) Half yearly report of Students’ Council on November 15th

(ii) The event in the extract was held at the ______________ . Choose thec correct alternative. Give reason/s to support your answer.

(a) author’s house

(b) auditorium of the school

(c) market

(d) garden

Answer :- (b) auditorium of the school. 

(iii) The incidents in the extract occured at a particular place. Explain the significance of that place in your own words.

The whole incidents in the extract are at the auditorium of the Greenslade School. This is the perfect location and setting for the story as the major theme of the novel is teachers students relationship. The representative students from each present their report and clear their queries by questioning to the panel of the teachers. The novel also deals with the development of the students and the stage of the auditorium, presentations of the students on the stage, asking the queries are the sign of the significant changes among the students. Thus the place of the incident in the novel is an auditorium of the school seems apt and perfect location. 

(iv) Explain how the setting of the extract contributes to the theme of then ovel.

The setting of the extract is in the auditorium of the Greenslade School located at the east end of London. The setting of the school is around 1940. The main theme of the novel is the racial discrimination based on caste and creed. The similar situation was seen there in England after the world II. Another theme of novel is students teachers relationships. The school auditoriums is the perfect setting to deal with the both themes simultaneously. This is how the settings of the extract contributes the main themes of the novel. 


(A4) (i) ‘When the turn of my class came I sat up anxiously’.Why was the narrator anxious? Explain the statement by citing suitable references from the extract.

The half yearly students council has started after Ester aims at to measure an academic development of the students. The Greenslade School was known for the mischievous students. At the beginning of the year the students were very rude, impolite, ill-mannered and have no interest in the course they had been learning. Mr. Braithwaite was able to develop an interest among them with the innovative teaching techniques and respecting them. His genuine care and respect for the students brings the significant transformation in the attitude of the students. As a result two senior students were leading the session. Other students are going to present the different subjects. Mr. Braithwaite was seated among the audience and waiting for the students report as it's going to be the text of his teaching. It was like the result of his exam that's why he was looking anxious when the turn of his class comes. 

(ii) Select two statements that describe the theme of the extract:

(a) Half yearly report of the Students’ Council was not an important event for the students and teachers of school.

(b) The writer was immensely pleased to notice the progress of his students.

(c) The students showed a remarkable change in their behaviour and were progressing in all the subjects.

(d) The head of the institution was against conducting such activities in the school. 


(b) The writer was immensely pleased to notice the progress of his students.

(c) The students showed a remarkable change in their behaviour and were progressing in all the subjects.

(iii) The relationship between the teacher and the students is highlighted in the extract. Illustrate with suitable examples from the extract. 

One of the major themes of the novel the relationship between the teacher and students. The setting of the novel is in Greenslade school which deals with the relationship between the teachers and the students. When the narrator join the school the students were ill mannered, impolite and rude but it was Mr. Braithwaite who deals very politely and respectfully which enable the students to change their behavior. The innovative ideas and the unorthodox way of teaching of the develop an interest among the students and bring the significant change in their approach. Which helped them to be responsible in the life. 

Thus the whole extract highlights the relationship between the teachers and the students. 

(iv) Explain in brief the theme of the extract.

The theme of the extract is teacher - students relationship. The teachers of the school are able to develop the ability of the students as they show their improvement during the half yearly students council. The significant changes can be clearly seen the among the students as they took responsibility and successfully organized and complete the half yearly students council. They show the courtesy towords the students and gratitude to the teachers. 

(v) Describe the atmosphere of the school described in the extract.

The half yearly report by the students council was scheduled to be held on 15th November. Since it was one of the most important events in the Greenslade school. The whole event was planned, organized and successfully controlled and conducted by the students. The students representative present the report of the different subjects. It was very crucial for the students as well as the teachers. It was business like life time experience for the students as they learn to take responsibility and successfully complete it. It was the exam for the students as well as for the teachers as the teachers are eagerly waiting for the performance and the report of the students. Both of them were equally anxious about it. 


(A4) (i) Explain the following statements that enrich the language and create a powerful impact.

(a) Miss Phillips is transformed into a very convincing personality.

The question answers solution the three teachers are called for answering the question of students. When with two teachers Mr. Watson and Mrs. Dale Evans failed to answer satisfactorily it was Miss Phillips who intervene and answered the questions confidently. She proved herself to be the "coolest" and "well informed" among the three teachers.It surprised everyone as she was considered to be hesitant and brainless at the beginning. Is transformation began when the senior most students ask the question and she answered them confidently. 

Thus the language used by the narrator to describe Miss Phillips' transformation is enriched and enhanced the reader. 

(b) There are many features of language that contribute the smooth sailing of the plot.

Describe the picture of the school in such a way that creates the image before the mind of the reader. B. R. Braithwaite use long complex sentences with suggest that he has a very good educational background. The language used by the narrator is so vivid and full of figures of speech which really create the actual picture before the mind of the reader. The narrator so you the symbolism which moves the plot ahead thus we come to the conclusion that the various factors of the language helps to move the plot ahead smoothly. 

(ii) Following are some dialogues of the major characters in the extract. Find out who the speaker is, his/her tone, the style, significance etc. of the dialogues.