09 December 2021

Poetic Appreciation of the poem "The Sower"

 The poem "The Sower" is originally composed in French by the well known French poet Victor Hugo. It was  translated into English by the Indian Bengoli poetess Torulata Dutta. She is known for her as a pioneer of the Indo Anglian literature. She had written composed the poems in English at very early age.

The poem "The Sower" is about the poet's observation of the sower and his dedication, selfless nature and determination. The theme of the poem is determination, dedication and committed nature of the sower towards his duty. The poem is full of symbolisms and figurative language.The prominant figures of speech in the poem are Personification, alliteration, antithesis etc. The poem has the regular rhyme scheme the first line rhymes with the third and second line with the fourth thus the rhyme scheme is abab  cdcd. The special feature of the poem is, The poem is full of imagery and and symbols.The poem is narrative in style as the poet is narrating the story of the hard working and dedicated Sower that is the farmer.

The poem is in opatimic tone, as the sower which is referred to the farmer is very optimistic dispite of facing many bad harvests.The sower is always hopeful of a good harvest whenever he sowed the seeds. The poet has created the vivid and beautiful picture of the farming activities which creates the live image before the eyes of the readers.

The poem imparts the clear message among the people that that last like the sower we too keep doing our work without keeping any expectations. Even though our efforts failed we must not give up and continue putting efforts. In short we should keep in mind that "efforts may fail but we should not fail to put the efforts" 

I like the poem very much for it's message that is ultimate truth of life. Also for it's vivid imagery and pictorial imagery.

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