30 November 2021

4.2 To Sir with love with Board Question Answer

 To  Sir  With Love


        Part - I Important points 

About The Author :- E. R. Braithwaite is an engineer by profession, who served the Royal British Air force during the war the II. He had a respectable position in it yet once war was get over he finds it difficult to get the new job only because dark complexion. He considered himself a Britishers but they didn't consider him as one of them. As he was jobless he had to do something to earn his living so he applied for the post of teacher in Green Slade School. He was appointed by the school but he found the students were notorious and bullied him. Ultimately he changed the approach towards them and they responded him well too. 

✴️ Theme of Novel.✴️

Racial Discrimination/ black and white discrimination. Students Teachers relationships. 

The novel deals with the two most important themes. The protagonist of the novel is the victim of the racial discrimination. He was of dark skin which enable him to face the humiliation at every point of the time, while getting the job, at school, in the restaurant everywhere he was neglected only because of his dark complexion, irrespective of his talent and ability. 

The another theme of the novel focuses on the relationship between the narrator as a teacher and his students from the Green slade school. In spite of having the very contrasting views about each other with the initiatives of the protagonist the strong and respectful relationships was developed between the students and the teacher that is the writer. 

✴️ Background of the novel :- There had been the racial discrimination in all over the world. Though most of the countries got freedom but they were unable to free themselves from the racial prejudices. Many back people suffer a lot due to this discrimination. 

✴️ Setting :-  Post war England, the colonialism ends but it left the unremovable marks on the humanity. One of the consequences was long practiced racial discrimination. 

As the novels deals with the teacher student relationship. The most of the locations from the novel are in Green slade school in London. So all the chapters in the novel are in Post world war II, and it's in the Green slade school London. 

The classroom is always dominated by the teacher and troublesome for the children. Here the stereotype was broken by the the writer by honouring and respecting the students. Which help him to develop good rapport. His unorthodox method of teaching helps him to be very close to his students and it also changes the approach of the students towords him


 Novel Section 

Around The World In Eighty Days

✴️ Plot:-

To elaborate the theme of racial discrimination and students teachers relationship the novelist presents the real happening in his life. It's a subjective and autobiographical novels as it deals with the life of the novelist E. R. Braithwaite. It deals with the life story of the novelist, his experience in the School, the change of approach towards the students and the responce of the students to him. 

🔵Structure :- The novel To Sir With Love is in Dramatic structure. The novelist applied drama like three act conventional structure to the novel. While reading the novel the readers get the feeling as if they are watching the drama enacted on the stage. Thus the novel is in conventional three act dramatic structure. 


The language used in the novel is figurative language with long and complicated sentences, which is the indication of the high qualification of the author. 

Synopsis of The Chapter No 17. Half Yearly Council at Greenslade School 

The half-yearly report day at Greenslade School was a highly anticipated event, showcasing the students' capabilities. The excitement leading up to the day was palpable, with tasks efficiently allocated and a meticulous program in place. The entire day was orchestrated by the students themselves, highlighting their sense of responsibility.

The absence of the usual assembly on that day created a unique atmosphere as students arrived smartly dressed and prepared. Miss Joseph and Denham, the key figures for the occasion, ensured that everyone was ready for the event. Mr. Florian, the head of the school, addressed the students, emphasizing the school's aims and the significant role each student played in achieving them.

The student reports, starting with the youngest class, showcased a development in their ability to express themselves. The emphasis was on what they understood rather than what they were expected to learn. When it was the Braithwaite's class's turn, Denham called out representatives for various subjects. The students, particularly proud and polite, took their seats on the stage.

Miss Joseph explained the school's focus on the brotherhood of mankind, emphasizing interdependence despite geographical and cultural differences. Each representative then presented their report. Potter discussed weights and measures, highlighting their universal significance. Sapiano delved into the study of pests and how international collaboration was reducing threats to vital crops.

Geography was divided between Jackson and Miss Pegg. Jackson explored the distribution of mineral deposits and vegetable produce globally, highlighting the interconnectedness of nations. Miss Pegg focused on human relationships, addressing post-war challenges and the plight of refugees. Fernman brought a touch of humor with a skeleton, but his message was profound—showing the fundamental similarities among all people.

Miss Dare spoke about the challenges of sickness and disease, emphasizing the advantages of sharing knowledge. Miss Dodd covered the Reformation in England, tracing the evolution of tolerance for diverse beliefs and cultures. Denham's unexpected critique of P.T. and games, resonating with the boys, led to a spirited response from the students.

The students then selected teachers at random for a question-and-answer session. Miss Phillips, often underestimated, turned out to be the most composed and informed, effectively handling questions and assisting her colleagues. Mr. Weston struggled, particularly regarding the P.T. program, which Denham criticized.

Miss Phillips adeptly defended the school's program, portraying P.T. as an exercise for both the body and mind. Denham, momentarily stumped, couldn't counter her argument. The chapter concluded with the Head expressing pride in the students and their collective efforts, marking the end of a memorable day at Greenslade School.

Key points of the chapter no 17 

1. The half-yearly report day is a significant event at Greenslade School.

2. Students take charge of organizing the day, demonstrating responsibility and teamwork.

3. Mr. Florian, the head of the school, addresses students, emphasizing individual contributions to school goals.

4. Student reports reflect a progression in their ability to express themselves, with an emphasis on understanding rather than rote learning.

5. Denham, a senior student, criticizes the P.T. and games program, receiving cheers from the boys.

6. Miss Joseph and Denham play crucial roles in organizing the day's events.

7. Miss Phillips, initially underestimated, emerges as the most composed and informed teacher during the Q&A session.

8. The Q&A session involves teachers chosen at random, with Mr. Weston struggling to defend the P.T. program.

9. Miss Phillips skillfully defends the school's program, portraying P.T. as beneficial for both the body and mind.

10. The chapter ends with the Head expressing pride in the students and their efforts.

Major Characters.

1. Mr. Florian: Head of Greenslade School, addresses students during the half-yearly report day, emphasizing the school's aims and the crucial role each student plays.

2. Denham: A senior student who plays a significant role in organizing the day's events. Criticizes the P.T. and games program, earning cheers from fellow students.

3. Miss Joseph: Another senior student involved in organizing the half-yearly report day. Takes part in addressing the school and ensures the smooth flow of events.

4. Potter, Sapiano, Miss Pegg, Jackson, Fernman, Miss Dare, Miss Dodd: Students from various classes who serve as representatives for different subjects during the report presentations.

5. Mr. Weston: A teacher at Greenslade School, faces questioning during the Q&A session. Struggles, particularly in defending the P.T. program.

6. Miss Phillips: Initially underestimated, she surprises everyone during the Q&A session by being the most composed and informed teacher. Effectively handles questions and supports her colleagues.

The students representing different subjects in Braithwaite's class during the report presentations are:

1. Potter: Represents Arithmetic.

2. Sapiano: Represents Nature Study.

3. Miss Pegg and Jackson: Represent Geography.

4. Miss Dare: Represents Physiology.

5. Miss Dodd: Represents History.

6. Denham: Represents P.T. and Games.

7. Miss Joseph: Represents Domestic Science.


 Novel Section 

The Sign of Four 


The novel has four major characters, they are. 

1. The authors E. R. Braithwaite. 

2. Denham 

3. Miss. Joseph. 

4. Miss. Dare. 

5. Miss. Philips 

____________________________________*********************************   Activities From the textbook


(A1) (i) Which one among the following is a teacher in the extract? Select the correct one. Also cite a couple of lines from the extract in support of your answer.

(a) Denham

(c) Sapiano

(b) Miss Joseph

(d) Dale-Evans

Answer :- Dale-Evans. 

(ii) Complete the table highlighting the various traits of the major characters in the extract.


  • Dominant/Dashing Leader, 
  • Critical 
  • Confident 
  • Courthouse 
  • Argumentative 
  • Rebellious 
  • Short Tempered. 

Miss Phillips:-

  • Wise 
  • Honest 
  • Responsible 
  • Cool
  • Supportive
  • Wit full


  • Sense of humor
  • Dramatic
  • Precise
  • Clear voice 
  • Clever 


  • Knowledgeable 
  • Concise
  • Clever 
  • Precise 

(iii) The narrator played a crucial role in bringing a significant change in the students. Explain the statement by citing some references from the extract.

At the beginning the narrator and the students from the Green slade school do not have good opinion about each other. The classroom is always dominated by the teacher and troublesome for the children. Here the stereotype was broken by the the writer by honouring and respecting the students. He started new way respecting each other all the girls will be called Miss. All the boys will be called Sir. It proved very successful and also help him to develop good rapport. His unorthodox method of teaching helps him to be very close to his students and it also changes the approach of the students towords him

(iv) Fernman brought a comic relief in the Students’ Council programme.


Fernman is the students representative who represents the physiology in the half yearly session. When the whole students seems quite serious, he provides them the comic relief by the way of presenting his topics in a funny way. There was a skeleton hanging from the hook screw off into the top of Skull gentle a revolving at the ends of its chord. This create the laughter among all. 

Questions from HSC Board Exam

Sept 2021

(B) Answer in about 50 words the questions given below.

(i) Explain in brief the theme of the extract from 'To Sir with Love'.

Expected Answer:- 

(i) Theme of extract from 'To Sir, With Love' is Student-teacher relationship-proceedings of half yearly report-improvement in students' conduct, increase in confidence level and courtesy-freedom and openness in student-teacher interaction.

There is another theme that is racial discrimination as there is discrimination between balck and white.

(ii) Give the character-sketch of Denham in the extract 'To Sir, With Love'

Expected Answer:- 

Character-sketch of Denham

Senior student-presides over the meeting - represent/ participates in P.T. games, courteous-confident-impact and influence-trained boxer - aggressive straight forward and frank.


March 2022

(B) Answer in about 50 words the questions given below.

(I) Describe how Ricky Braithwaite manage to bring about a change in the behaviour of his students.

Expected Answer:- 

Initially Rickey used to scold the students but he discovers that scolding or outburst of no use. So he changes his methods of teaching and handling, he believes that they must be respected so after a few weeks students start using expressions like 'Miss', 'Sir'-learn to respect each other. Hence they develop good habits, manners and altitude.

(ii) How does Mr. Braithwaite manage to increase the cultural exposure of the class?

Expected Answer:- 

To increase the cultural exposure Ricky goes out of the way of traditional teaching and focus on practical knowledge so he takes them on field trips/excursions-visits to museums, theatres they have never been to these places a white- female teacher accompanies them. 


July 2022

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: 

(i) Describe Denham's views on P.T. and games.

Expected Answer:- 

Criticism on P.T. and games - series limitations of space-effect on their game activities ill-conceived pointless -monotonous routine no advantage voicing for all boys only-advantageous if practiced daily for more sustained periods -waste of time- PT periods for needy kids only-games like football for others.

(ii) Justify, 'To sir, With Love', is an autobiographical novel.

Expected Answer:- 

The writer's personal experience his job in the school the social condition / scenario of that period are very much similer to Ricky. That's why he used first person narration. The writer has minute observation of characters  detailed depiction involvement in comments on character. The writer shows his personal reflection of feelings, emotions, thoughts, and ideas his achievement is reflected while criticizing the characters.


February 2023.

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: 

(i) Give the character-sketch of E.R. Braithwaite (the narrator).

Expected Answer:- 

E.R. Braithwaite, the narrator of the novel "To Sir, with Love" He is a black educated man. Being black he had to face diversity at great extend. He exhibits resilience and compassion when faced with racial prejudice in 1960s London. As a teacher in an East End school, he uses unconventional methods to build character and self-esteem in his students, emphasizing their personal development. Braithwaite's character evolves through the story, making him an inspirational figure who triumphs over adversity and discrimination through the power of education and humanity.

(ii) Describe how Miss Philips justifies the importance of P.T. to Denham.

Expected Answer:- 

Miss Phillips justifies the importance of Physical Training (P.T.) to Denham by explaining that it promotes discipline, physical health, teamwork, and self-confidence among the students. She emphasizes that these qualities are essential for their overall development and success in life.


July 2023

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: 

(I) Explain How the setting of the extract "To Sir with Love'" contributes to the theme of the novel.

✒️ Expected Answer:- The settings of the extract is in the Green Slade School, whereas one of the themes of the novel is teacher students relationship. It's shows that the students were naughty and ill-mannered but with the narrator deals with them in respectful manner which changed their behaviour. The settings of the novel is in the auditorium of the school which contributes to the theme of the novel.

(II) Describe in brief the plot of the extract from "To Sir with Love"

✒️ Expected Answer:- The narrator of the novel was an engineer by profession by accepted the job of the teacher to earn his bread. He wasn't getting the good job due to his black skin. Here also he was rejected by the students only because of his colour, later he changed the approach of students with his innovative techniques and won the heart of the students.


February 2024

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: 

(I) (i) Write a character-sketch of the narrator E.R. Braithwaite in 'To Sir With Love'

✒️ Expected Answer:- E.R. Braithwaite, the narrator of the novel "To Sir, with Love" He is the protagonist of the of the novell. Being black educated man, he had to face diversity at great extend. He shows his strength and compassion when faced with racial prejudice in 1960s London. As a teacher in an East End school, he uses unconventional methods to build character and self-esteem in his students, emphasizing their personal development. Braithwaite's character evolves through the story, making him an inspirational figure who triumphs over adversity and discrimination through the power of education and humanity.

(II) Consider 'student-teacher relationship' as one of the themes of 'To Sir With Love'.

✒️ Expected Answer:- One of the prominent themes of the novel To Sir With Love is The relationship between teachers and students. The very important part of the novel highlights the proceedings of half yearly report. This was lead by the students of the author who were not fit for learning but the narrator E.R. Braithwaite not only teach them but also make them capable of handling the situation. This shows an improvement in students' conduct, it also increase in confidence level and courtesy-freedom and openness in student-teacher interaction. The author taught his students passionately and bring the desired changes among them. Hence the students teachers relationship is the prominent them of the extract.

There are other themes like racial discrimination as there is discrimination between balck and white, prejudice.

More Questions for Practice.

đź“Ś Theme

1. How does the council meeting demonstrate the main theme of the novel?

2. How is personal growth shown in the given extract of the novel "To Sir With Love"?

3. Describe the atmosphere of the school described in the extract of the novel "To Sir With Love"?

4. How does the students and teachers highlighted in the extract of the novel "To Sir With Love"?

5. Explain in detail the racial discrimination" theme  of the novel, "To Sir With Love"? 


1. How does Braithwaite change during the meeting?

2. How do students reveal Braithwaite's teaching impact?

3Give the brief Character-sketch of Miss. Joseph.

4. Compare the characters of Miss. Joseph and Denham.


1. How does the setting of the extract helps the growth of the characters from the novel "To Sir With Love"?

2. What classroom details are highlighted?

3. The incidents in the extract of the novel "To Sir With Love" took place at an auditorium of the school, explain the significance of the place in your own words.

4. Explain how the setting of the novel "To Sir With Love" contribute to the themes of the novel.


1. How is the council meeting a turning point?

2. What key events advance the story?

3. Give the brief account of half yearly report of  Students' Council?

4. Write in brief about the question answer session of the half yearly report of Students' Council in the novel "To Sir With Love".

đź“ŚLanguage and Style

1. Explain the importance of the half yearly report of Students' Council ?

2. What makes the student-teacher interactions engaging?

3. Explain and impact of  the question answer session of Denham and Miss. Philips?

4. "The language used by Miss. Joseph and Denham shows the growth in their personality" Explain.

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