20 October 2023

Group Discussion

 What is Group Discussion?

 A group discussion (GD) is a structured communication process where a group of individuals, around  6 to 12 participants, come together to discuss a specific topic or issue. Here are some key details about group discussions.

In simple way a group discussion is like a talk with a bunch of people. You all sit in a circle and chat about a particular topic. It's like a friendly debate where you take turns talking and listening to each other. It's used to see how well you can talk, listen, and work with others to share ideas and reach agreements.

Format of Group Discussion.

1) Topic Introduction: The moderator/evaluator introduces the discussion topic and invite the participants to take the discussion ahead. 

2) Opening Statements: One of the participants give brief opening statements or viewpoints.

3) Discussion Phase: Participants discuss the topic, sharing their perspectives and ideas. There may be.

  • Expression of opinion.
  • Expression of agreement or disagreement.
  • Giving suggestions, opinion.
  • Interruption.
  • Conclusion.

4) Moderator's Role: The moderator ensures everyone gets a chance to speak and keeps the discussion on track.

5) Rebuttals and Counterarguments: Participants can respond to each other's points.

6) Conclusion: Summarize the key points and reach a consensus or conclusion if necessary.

7) Closing Statements: Participants give closing statements.


Marking Scheme for Group Discussion in HSC Board Exam
The content 
Appropriateness of Language
Secquence of idea, thoughts.


July 2023

Imagine, you have a great concern for environmental issues. 'Water' is one of the necessities of life. 'No water, No life.'

You have recently witnessed a group discussion on 'Save Water' participated by three members of water conservationists on TV. Write the same group discussion in the form of dialogues for three participants. Add an evaluator also

Expected Answer:- 

Moderator: Welcome to our group discussion on the critical topic of water conservation. We have three water conservationists with us today. Let's begin with your opening statements.

Participant 1: Thank you. Water is indeed a lifeline, and we must all take responsibility for conserving it. Every drop counts, and our actions can make a significant difference.

Participant 2: I couldn't agree more. We're facing water scarcity issues worldwide. It's not just about reducing our consumption but also about using water efficiently in agriculture and industry.

Participant 3: True, and we must also consider water quality. Pollution affects the water we have left. So, it's crucial to address both quantity and quality in our conservation efforts.

Moderator: Great opening statements. Let's discuss solutions and strategies for water conservation.

Evaluator: I'll be evaluating your discussion based on clarity, relevance, and supporting facts. Please provide data or examples to strengthen your points.

Participant 1: To conserve water, we can start at home by fixing leaks and using low-flow appliances. Simple changes like shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing can save gallons.

Participant 2: Agriculture consumes a vast amount of water. We can promote drip irrigation and efficient farming practices. Industries can recycle and treat water to reduce consumption and pollution.

Participant 3: Alongside conservation, raising awareness is essential. We need to educate communities about water pollution and the impact of chemicals on water sources.

Moderator: Excellent suggestions. How can governments and policymakers contribute?

Participant 1: Governments can implement stricter regulations on industrial water usage and pollution control. They should invest in modern infrastructure for water treatment and distribution.

Participant 2: Developing rainwater harvesting systems and reservoirs can help store and manage water more effectively, especially in regions facing water scarcity.

Participant 3: Furthermore, policymakers should encourage research into innovative water-saving technologies and fund water conservation programs.

Evaluator: Thank you all for your contributions. Your ideas are well-reasoned and backed by data. It's clear that saving water is a shared responsibility that requires individual actions, government support, and community awareness.

Moderator: In conclusion, we've highlighted the importance of water conservation and shared practical solutions. Let's make a commitment to save water and protect this invaluable resource.

 Feburary 2023

Imagine yourself as a participant in a group discussion arranged by an NGO working to promote swadeshi. The topic is 'Traditional food provide more nutrition to the children as compared to the junk food'. There are two more participants and evaluator to share their views. Prepare a set of dialogues.

Myself"Namaste everyone. I believe that traditional foods have a significant advantage over junk food when it comes to providing nutrition to our children. These foods are often packed with natural nutrients, and they have been a part of our culture for generations. It's essential to reintroduce our kids to these wholesome, locally sourced options."

Participant 2: "I agree. Traditional foods provide a holistic range of nutrients. We should educate parents and schools about their benefits and encourage their inclusion in children's diets."

Participant 3: "While I appreciate traditional foods, we can't ignore the allure of junk food. How can we make traditional foods more appealing and convenient for busy parents?"

Myself: "True,

Participant 3. We can work on simple, quick recipes using traditional ingredients and share them through social media or workshops to make it easier for parents."

Participant 2: "Additionally, we could collaborate with local farmers and markets to ensure a steady supply of fresh, traditional ingredients, making them more accessible to families."

Participant 3: "Thank you for those practical ideas. It's clear that traditional foods offer superior nutrition, and by addressing convenience and accessibility, we can encourage their adoption."

Evaluator: "Great suggestions from all participants. Traditional foods are indeed nutritionally rich, and by addressing the challenges, we can promote them effectively for children's well-being."

July 2022

Imagine, you have a great concern for environmental issues. 'Water' is one of the necessities of life. 'No water, No life.'

You have recently witnessed a group discussion on 'Save Water' participated by three members of water conservationists on TV. Write the same group discussion in the form of dialogues for three participants. Add an evaluator also

Expected Answer:- 

Exam Oriented Lecture Series for Std 12th March 2022.

Prof. Nadeem Khan. 

(Nutan Kanya Junior College, Bhandara)

(Member of BoS Maharashtra State Board) 

Today's Topic:- Summary, Virtual Message, Statement of Purpose, Group Discussion, Email, Report and Interview Questions. 


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