🕑Time Management for English Paper 2024🕜

             Section. I Language Study 

Q 1 A1  Do As Directed     08 Minutes.

Q  1 A2  Do As Directed     08 Minutes.

Q 1. B  Do as Directed      04 Minutes

                          Total =  20 Minutes


         Section. Il Textual Passage 

Q. 2. A  Seen Extract.       20 Minutes.

Q 2. B   Seen Extract.       20 Minutes

                                    Total =  40 Minutes


             Section III. Poetry 

Q 3. A Seen Poem.      15 Minutes.    

Q. 3. B Appreciation.   15 Minutes.

                      Total =  30 Minutes


           Section. lV Non-Textual Passage 

Q 4. A  Unseen Extract.     20 Minutes.

Q 4. B   Summary Writing   10 Minutes

                                    Total =  30 Minutes.


Section V Writing Skill 

Q 5 A.                                12  Minutes

Q 6 A                                  12 Minutes 

Q 6 B.                                 12  Minutes

Q 7 A.                        12 Minutes

Q 8 B.                        12  Minutes.

                        Total =  60 Minutes 


                       Total =  180 Minutes.

              Cross checking 10 Minutes. 

               Total time     190 Minutes

                   (3 hrs 10 Minutes Extra)

This year 2024 the Exam will start at 11:00 am and ends at 2:10 pm. So the students are given 10 extra Minutes, which they can use for cross checking.


📌Please note that the above time management is just a guidelines for the students to manage the time during exam. 

📌Every individual person has different ability and speed of writing.

📌 This is not the final time management, every student can plan their own, based on their strong and weak areas. 

📌Take care that you have cover all the questions within time. 

📌 Don't forget the cross check the answers you have written before you submit the answer sheet.


Important Instructions for Students. 

📌(1) Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/sentences. Answers written in only one word will not be given complete credit. Only the correct activity number written in case of options will not be given any credit.

📌(2) Web diagrams, flow charts, tables etc. are to be presented exactly as they are with answers.

📌(3) In point 2 above, only the words written without the presentation of activity format/design, will not be given credit. Use of colour pens/pencils etc. is not allowed. (Only blue/black pens are allowed.)

📌(4) Multiple answers to the same activity will be treated as wrong and will not be given any credit.

📌(5) Maintain the sequence of the Sections/Question Nos./Activities throughout the activity sheet.


