Syllabus for Final Exam of Std 11th 2023 

Prose Section

1.2 On to the Summit. 

1.3 The Call of The Soil. 

1.4 The pillars Of Democracy

Poetry Section

1.1 The Cherry Tree 

1.2 The Sower 
1.3 There is Another Sky. 
1.4 Upon The Westminster Bridge. 

Writing Skills 

1 Email, Letter 

2. Expansion Of An Idea, Blog,  Film Revie, and Report Writing. 

3. Appeal Writing., Report Writing, Leaflet Writing, Counter-View 
Speech Writing. 

4. Speech WritingCompering,  Dialogue Writing. Interview Questions. 

The Literary Genre Drama

1 History of Drama 

2. The Rising Of The moon. 
3. A Mid-Summer Night's Dream.
4. An Enemy Of The People.


Activity Sheet Pattern for the 11th Exam 

Activity Seet Pattern for Std. 11th 

Section I Prose 34 Mark

 (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Note-Making/Mind Mapping)

Q.1 (A) Read the extract and complete the activities that follow. (12) 

A Textual (Seen) Extract from Prose Units. (About 275-300 words) 

A1. Global understanding.               (2)

A2. Complex factual                          (2)

A3. Interpretation / Inference / Analysis(2) 

A4. Personal Response.                  (2) 

A5. Language Study (2 sentences on textual Grammar) (2)

A6. Vocabulary                                (2) 

(B) Language Study (Non Textual grammar)       (4)

B1) Do as directed / Transformation of sentence  (3)

B2) Spot the error (1)

Q.2 (A) Read the extract and complete the activities that follow. (12) 

A Non-Textual (Unseen) Extract from Prose (About 275-300 words) 

A1. Global understanding                (2)

A2. Complex factual.                       (2)

A3. Interpretation / Inference / Analysis(2) 

A4. Personal Response                  (2) 

A5. Language Study (Two sentences on Grammar) (2)

A6. Vocabulary.                              (2) 

(B) Summary Writing.                     (3) 

Write a summary of the above extract { with the help of the points given below} Suggest a suitable title for it. 

(C) Note-Making / Mind Mapping (Completion task) (3)


Poetry and Poetic Appreciation (14) 

Q.3. Read the given extract and do the activities that follow. (10) 

(A textual (Seen) extract of about 10 – 15 lines) 
A1) Global understanding           (02)
A2) Inference/Interpretative/Analysis (02)
A3) Personal Response.             (02)
A4) Poetic Device                      (02)
A5) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines). (02)

Q.3. Appreciation of the poem (Any four Points)      (4)
a) About the poem / Title / Poet
b) Theme / Gist
c) Poetic style/language/ Figures of speech
d) Special features
e) Message/values/Morals in the poem
f) Your opinion about the poem.


For Std 11th 

Poetic Appreciation of all Poems Together
Writing Skills (16 Marks)

A) E-Mail Writing OR Letter Writing (Formal) (04
B) Expansion of an Idea. (04)
OR Blog Writing.
OR Film Review
OR Report Writing. (4)

C) Appeal Writing. (4)
OR Report Writing. 
OR Leaflet Writing. 
OR Counter-View 
D) Speech Writing (4). 
OR Compering. (4)
OR Dialogue Writing. 
OR Interview Questions. 

Literary Genre (Drama) (16Marks)

Q.5. A) Objective Questions     (4)
 (Objective Test on 4.1 History of English Drama)

A1. (MCQ, Fill in the blanks, True or False).     (2)

A2. (Match the columns, Elements of Drama, Chronological order).    (2)
(Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below Play                                  (04)
Questions: All Questions will be based on Plot/Theme/Characters/Language/setting
B1)Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)
B2)Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (02)
Please Note:Activities in this section should be framed on Unit 4.2
(C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions 
given below.                                    (04)
C1.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)
C2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (02)
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on Unit 4.3 A)

(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below (04)

D1)Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)
D2)Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (02)
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on Unit 4.3 B)
