Online Test No I on History of Drama .

By. Prof. Sanju S Pardeshi. 

Contact number 9766987798.

History Of Drama Online Test No I

Online Test No III on History Drama 

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 Online Test I on History of  Drama 

1) The term 'willing suspension of disbelief’ was coined by.....
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Ben Johnson 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • Christopher Marlowe.
2) The drama is a medium of .....
  • Face
  • Language 
  • Exposure 
  • Performance
3) The three types of Unity drama are.....
  • Plot, Theme, action 
  • Manners, Behavioral, acting 
  • Time, Palce action. 
  • Non of above. 
4) The elements of Drama are .....(Choose any four Elements) 
  • Plot 
  • Stage 
  • Story 
  • Setting 
  • Theme 
  • Characters 
  • Language 
  • Setting 
  • Conflict 
5) When any character speaks to oneself it's called.....
  • Soliloquy. 
  • Monologue 
  • Trilogues 
  • Dialogues 
6)  ......Experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.
  • T. S. Eliot 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • G. B Show 
7) The term 'willing suspension of disbelief’ was coined by.....
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Ben Johnson 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • Christopher Marlowe.
8) The drama is a medium of .....
  • Face
  • Language 
  • Exposure 
  • Performance
9)The three types of Unity drama are.....
  • Plot, Theme, action 
  • Manners, Behavioral, acting 
  • Time, Palce action. 
  • Non of above. 
10) The elements of Drama are .....(Choose any four Elements) 
  • Plot 
  • Stage 
  • Story 
  • Setting 
  • Theme 
  • Characters 
  • Language 
  • Setting 
  • Conflict 
11) When any character speaks to oneself it's called.....
  • Soliloquy. 
  • Monologue 
  • Trilogues 
  • Dialogues 
12)  ......Experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.
  • T. S. Eliot 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • G. B Show 
13) The............ is the main character in the paly. 
  • Villain 
  • Static 
  • Protagonist 
  • Round 
14).............. is the essence of the drama. 
  • Plot 
  • Theme 
  • Conflict 
  • Character
15) Shakespearin era comes to existitsnce in.........century
  • 16th
  • 20th 
  • 19th 
  • 17th 
16) The imaginary person shown in the drama is.........
  • Actor 
  • Director 
  • Painter 
  • Character 
Question 2.State Whether the following statements are True or False. 
  • 1)The drama has its origin in folklore
  • 2) The plot must have the beginning, middle and end.
  • 3) The protagonist is the subordinate character in the drama. 
  • 4) The use of set lighting, music and costume plays very important role in the stage direction. 
  • 5) Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on stage.
  • 6) Drama is written in a narrative form.
  • 7) Drama has its origins in folk theatre.
  • 8) Dialogue involves one speaker only. 
 ✒️Match the opposites of Column "A" with opposite in column "B"

Column A 

Column  B

1) Flat Character a) Real Character 
2) Major Characters b) Round  Character 
3) Static Characters c) Minor Character

D) Dynamic Characters 


Complete the following sentences with the correct options given below it

The drama has its origin in folklore. 

