Aims And Objectives of Learning English Language at Jr College Level. 

πŸ“Œ To make the students competent is the basic skills like L. S. R. W. (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) 

πŸ“Œ 1 Listening Skill. 

  • Listen carefully and attentively. 
  • Enjoy, comprehend and appreciate variety of poems. 
  • Get an exposure to the wide range of vocabulary. 
  • Acquired global understanding of literary and non-literary text. 
  • Develop ability to listen for specific purpose. 
  • Develop the skill of Note taking while listening. 
  • Understand general Oral instructions. 
  • Expose the students to variety of accent like British English, American English, Indian English. 
  • Understand different intention like irony, sarcasm, wit, humor through the tone of speaker. 
  • Comprehend and enjoy live as well as recorded presentation like songs, skits etc. 
  • Understand and communicate without face to face interaction. 
  • Liten and Comprehend news, debate, talks, lectures ect. 
  • Understand the genre and register of the Text after litening it. 
πŸ“Œ Speaking Skills. 
  • Use spoken language fluently in day-to-day Communication
  • Speak with acceptable pronunciation.
  • Speak coherently, logically, fluently, confidently and intelligibly on a given topic for a reasonable Period of time with appropriate body language. 
  • Answer questions orally.
  • Make oral presentations on a given topics. 
  • Narrate stories, describe events and experiences, read news loudly and compere programmes.
  • Use formal and informal language according to the context, role and relationships, topics and situations.
  • Express effectively in group discussions, interviews, debates, elocution and extempore speeches.
  • Communicate through digital media (live chats, interviews, Zoom meetings, video conferences, webinars, skype)
  • Give instructions, make complaints, give suggestions, make enquiries, give compliments orally or through IVRS.
  • Comment on the writer’s point of view.
  • Recite poems, deliver speeches with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress. 

πŸ“Œ Reading Skill. 
  • Adopt different reading strategies including silent reading such as skimming, scanning, prediction, inferences etc depending on the type of texts and the purpose of reading.
  • Read aloud and appreciate the rhyme scheme of the poem.
  • Read patiently till the end of the literary piece for better comprehension.
  • Read in order to find the intention and attitude of the write Identify verbosity, ambiguity, inconsistency, disparity in texts.
  • Understand and appreciate use of literary devices, figures of speech, etc.
  • Relate and evaluate the information with one’s previous knowledge and develop further insights. 
  • Appreciate precision, clarity and transparency in the given text.
  • Learn about other cultures and develop humanistic and liberal Mindset. 
  • Understand the literal as well as the suggested/implied meaning.
  • •Understand the imaginative, informative/narrative/argumentative persuasive and reflective nature of texts.
  • Develop the habit of reading the newspapers,magazines, periodicals, journals, reference books and web-graphs for authentic information.
  • Read brochures, reviews and reports on various events, situations, programmes to get information.
  • Distinguish the main ideas from the subsidiary information.
  • Read so as to make notes, summarise and 
  • classify for oral and written communication.
  • Read to prepare for competitive exams and understanding different career options.
  • Read to develop wide variety of diction, syntax and semantics
  • Read and respond analytically as a well-versed reader.
  • Read and understand the situations in modern society and respond in an appropriate manner.
  • Read to distinguish between facts, opinions, important ideas and supporting details.
  • Read extensively so as to develop interest in different forms of literature and writings.
πŸ“Œ Writing Skills:-
  • Report an event by using an appropriate format such as news drafting and journal writing.
  • Write formal letters, applications and emails.
  •  Attempt using different styles of writing and literary devices.
  • Attempt creative writing in different forms-stories poems, dialogues, lgraphics, jokes, advertisements, fliers etc.
  • Write correctly, coherently, concisely, clearly
  • and completely while responding to Questions, queries, doubts etc. 
  • Review and correct his/her own work regularly.
  • Write a conversation and dialogue independently.
  • Express and expand one’s own thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas in appropriate language.
  • Compare and contrast one’s own experiences with those of others.
  • Review a book, film,a TV programme, play etc.
  • Attempt using different techniques for writing more effectively
  • Use quotations, idiomatic expressions, phrases and proverbs appropriately in writing.
  • Write short reports on news, interviews, visits and functions.
  • Create advertisements with the help of given clues.
  • Summarise the given text.
  • Prepare a script on various situations such as introducing the speaker, giving vote of thanks, expressing condolences, bidding farewell etc.
  • Write blogs to reach out to the maximum number of people.
  • Write an appreciation of a poem
πŸ“ŒStudy skills :-
  • To develop self motivation and concentration. 
  • To develop critical approach. 
  • To enable to participate in Activity based learning. 
πŸ“ŒLanguage Study :-
  • To improve the grammatical skills of  of students. 
  • Enable them to use grammar in their day Toady life. 
  • Enable them to use the functional grammar like (Editing, omission, finding errors, common gaffes) 

