Syllabus Reduction for Academic Year 2021-2022 due to Covid 19 for XIth and XII
(वैश्विक मारामारी के चालते शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२१-२२ के लिये कक्षा XI और XII के पाठ्यक्रम मे की गई २५% कटैती)
Reduction of Std-XIth English Textbook topics.
(Prose Section)
1.1 Being Neighborly
(Poetry Section)
2.6 The Planners
Reduction of Std-XIIth English Textbook topics.
(Prose Section)
1.5 The New Dress-Virginia Wolf
1.7 Why We Travel- Siddharth Iyer
(Poetry Section)
2.7 She Walks in Beauty
2.8 Small towns and Rivers
For Other subjects please refer the following Link
Jayesh Pawara