28 September 2020

Activity Sheet Pattern for XIIth


Activity Seet Pattern for Std. 12th board Exam 2024-25

Section I Prose 34 Mark.

 (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study,Summary, Mind-Mapping)

Q.1 (A) Read the extract and complete the activities that follow. (12) 

A Textual (Seen) Extract from Prose Units. (About 275-300 words) 

A1. Global understanding.(2)

A2. Complex factual.     (2)

A3. Interpretation / Inference / Analysis.(2) 

A4. Personal Response.(2) 

A5. Language Study (2 sentences on textual Grammar) (2)

A6. Vocabulary (2) 

(B) Language Study (Non textual grammar)(4)

B1) Do as directed / Transformation of sentence  (3)

B2) Spot the error (1)

Q.2 (A) Read the extract and complete the activities that follow.(12) 

A Non Textual (Unseen) Extract from Prose (About 275-300 words) 

A1. Global understanding. (2)

A2. Complex factual.  (2)

A3. Interpretation / Inference / Analysis(2) 

A4. Personal Response.(2) 

A5. Language Study (Two sentences on Grammar) (2)

A6. Vocabulary.(2) 

(B) Summary Writing.(3) 

Write a brief summary of the above extract { with the help of the points given bellow} Suggest a suitable title for it. 

(C) Note-Making / Mind Mapping (Completion task) (3)


Section II Poetry 14 Mark.

Poetry and Poetic Appreciation (14) 

Q.3. Read the given extract and do the activities that follow. (10) 

(A textual (Seen) extract of about of 10 – 15 lines) 
A1) Global understanding. (2)

A2) Inference/Interpretative/Analysis.(2)

A3) Personal Response.(2)

A4) Poetic Device.(2)

A5) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines).(02)

Q.3. Appreciation of the poem (Any four Points) (4)
a) About the poem / Title / Poet
b) Theme / Gist
c) Poetic style / language/ Figures of speech
d) Special features
e) Message / values /Morals in the poem
f) Your opinion about the poem.
Section lII Writing Skills 16 Marks
Writing Skills (16 Marks)

A) Drafting Virtual Message. 
Statement of Purpose 
Group Discussion (04)
Marking Scheme. 
Content.             2
Flow of Ideas.     1
Appropriateness. 1
B) Email Writing. (04)
Marking Scheme. 
Content.                     2
Use of proper format . 1
Overall Presentation.   1

OR Report Writing.(4)
Marking Scheme. 
Content.                     2
Acuracy of Language . 1
Appropriateness.         1

OR Interview Questions.(04)
Marking Scheme. 
Appropriate Framing of Questions. 2
Language and Style.                      1
Overall Impression.                        1
C) Speech Writing (4). 
Marking Scheme. 
Logical Sequence of ideas.  2
Introduction.                       1
Conclusion.                         1

OR Compering. (4)
Marking Scheme. 
Connecting events.             2
Impressive Introduction.      1
Summing up.                       1

OR Expansion of an Idea. (04)
Marking Scheme. 
Expansion of the of ideas.  2
Proper Introduction.           1
Conclusion.                        1
D) Book/Film Review
Marking Scheme. 
Presentation of theme/storyline.  2
Technical(Novel Aspects.             1
Overall Presentation .                  1

OR Blog Writing.
 Marking Scheme. 
Content.                               2
Header/Menu/Navigation bar.1
Footer.                                 1

OR Appeal Writing (04)
Marking Scheme. 
Presentation of content.                 2
Convincing Language.                     1
Inspiring and motivational Message.1
Section IV Literary Genre Novel 16 Mark
Literary Genre (Novel) (16Marks)

Q.5. A) Objective Questions.(4)
 (Objective Test on 4.1 History of English Novel)

A1.(MCQ, Fill in the blanks, True or False).(2)

A2. (Match the columns, Elements of Drama, Chronological order).(2)
(Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below Play.(4)

B1).Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)

B2).Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (02)

Please Note:Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.2

(C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (4)


C1.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (2)

C2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (2)
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.3 A)

(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below (04)
Questions. (Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

D1)Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (2)

D2)Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (2)
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.3 B)

Activity Sheet Pattern by HSC Board.


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