24 September 2024

1st Sem Exam 2024. Std 12th.


Section wise weightage for 1st Sem Exam for Std 12th



Prose Section 

(16 Marks) 

Seen Extract 12
Unseen Grammar 4

Poetry Section

(14 Marks)

Comprehension of seen poem (10 M)
Appreciation of seen poem (4 M)

 Writing Skills (12.Marks)

Expansion of an idea/Speech, Blog, E-mail.

Literary Genre Novel (8Marks)

4.2 To Sir With Love (4)
4.3 Around The World in 80 Days.(4) 

Portion for Ist Sem Exam. 2024



Prose Section 

(16 Marks) 

1.1 to 1.5

Poetry Section

(14 Marks)

 2.1 to 2.6

 Writing Skills (12.Marks)

Expansion of idea/Speech, Blog, Email.

Literary Genre

 Novel (8Mark

4.2 To Sir With Love (4)
4.3 Around The World in 80 Days.(4) 


Ist Sem Exam Oct 2024 Sample Activity Sheet

Important instructions.

(1) Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/sentences. Answers written in only one word will not be given complete credit. Only the correct activity number written in case of options will not be given any credit.

(2) Web diagrams, flow charts, tables etc. are to be presented exactly as they are with answers.

(3) In point 2 above, only the words written without the presence of activity format/design, will not be given credit. Use of colour pens/pencils etc. is not allowed. (Only blue/black pens are allowed.)

(4) Multiple answers to the same activity will be treated as wrong and will not be given any credit.

(5) Maintain the sequence of the Sections/Question Nos./Activities throughout the activity sheet.


Section I Prose Lesson.

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary and Mind Mapping)

Q 1 (A)Read the extract and complete the activities given below (12) 

1. Location Tracking : Big Data has been useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of a place. Your GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data. With geographic positioning and radio frequency identification sensors we get the real-time data about traffic, congestion on a particular route, information if the route is closed or if it is a one-way route, understanding accident prone areas etc. You can plan your own route according to the travel time and the transportation of goods. If you have ordered something online you can track the location of your goods in transit, you can also track the condition of the goods. This has immensely helped the logistics companies to reduce risks in transport, improve speed and reliability in delivery.

2. Understanding the Weather Patterns : There are weather sensors and satellites set-up all around the globe. Huge amount of data is continuously being received from them. They help us to understand the weather and help in weather forecasting. Weather patterns give us warnings of the impending natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, Tsunami etc. Necessary preparations to combat them can be made well in advance. We can study global warming, predict availability of natural resources like water.

3. Health Care Industry : Today, we see that people have become health conscious. The smart watches, other wearable, health apps in our phone keep on collecting data. We can say that they are our own mini biomedical research devices. They detect our heart rate, monitor the patient’s sleep pattern, keep a record of his exercise, the distance walked etc. The analysis of this data collected can give new insights and provide a personalized, individual feedback to each and every person. Nowadays we have gadgets to monitor blood sugar, blood pressure etc. at home; 24 x 7 monitoring can be provided to patients in hospitals too. With the help of Big Data the doctors can now have better diagnosis of any ailment, the effect of any drug etc. Unnecessary guesswork can be significantly reduced. Past records of the patients can be maintained and better analysis of the health can be obtained. Big Data helps in monitoring the outbreaks of epidemics and diseases. Just when you post your message, ‘I’m down with flu’ on WhatsApp or Facebook it will be monitored and the areas affected by ‘flu’ can be easily located and

necessary precautions can be taken.

A1 Global Understanding (2)

(1) Match The Following  Column A And Column B about Big data and it’s use.


Sr. No

Column A

Column B


Location Tracking

Better diagnosis of ailments


Logistics Company

Reduced risks in transport


24 x 7 health monitoring

GPS and Google Maps.


Understanding weather patterns

Data from satellites and weather sensors

A2.. Complex Factual:- (2)

Complete the following statements with the suitable words or phrases with the help of the extract.

1)     Big Data reduces medical ___________ by providing better analysis of patient data.

2)     Social media helps monitor disease outbreaks by tracking ___________ mentions and taking precautions.

A3. Interpretation. (2)

Explain the role of Big Data analysis in reducing medical guesswork, as mentioned in the passage, and how it benefits both healthcare providers and patients.

A4. Personal Response .(2)

Write your own opinion on modern development is boon or curse for humans.

A5.Langaguge Study.(2)

Do as directed.

1) They help us to understand the weather

 (Choose the correct alternative for change the voice from given options)

A) We are helped to understand the weather by them.

B) We are understood to help the weather.

C) We have been helped to understand the weather.

D) They have been helped us to understand the weather.

2) There are weather sensors and satellites set-up all around the globe.

(Choose the correct alternative for not only.…but also  from given options)

A.    There are weather sensors not only set up but also satellite sensors.

B.    There are not only weather sensors but also satellite set-up all around the globe

C.    Not only there are weather sensors but also satellite set-up all around the globe.

D.    There are not only weather sensors and  satellite but also set-up all around the globe.

 A6. Vocabulary. (2)

Match the following Column A words and Column B Antonyms.



(1) Natural Calamities 

(2) Epidemics 

(3) Reduce Risk 

(4) Big data. 


Mitigate Dangers 

Extensive Information


Q 1 B Language Study. (2)

A1 Do as Directed

1) "It's easier said than done."(Choose the correct alternative  from the following options for the "change the degree" of the above statement)

  1. It is as easy to said as to done.
  2. To do it is not as easy as to say.
  3. Saying is good than doing
  4. Easiest to do than to said.

2) If you don't run fast you will lose the race. (Choose the correct alternative  from the following options for the "Use Unless" of the above statement)

  1. Unless you run fast you will not lose the race.
  2. Unless you don't run fast you will lose the race.
  3. Unless you run fast you will lose the race.
  4. Unless you run not fast you will lose the race.
3) Please pass me the salt," John said. (Choose the correct alternative  from the following options for the "indirect speech" of the above statement)
  1. Please pass him the salt, John said.
  2. Johan requested to please pass him the salt.
  3. John requested to paas him the salt.
  4. John ordered him to pass him the salt.
A2 spot the error in the following statement and rewrite the correct sentence.
  1. She love her mother and her mother love her too. 

Section II Poetry.

Q 3A Read the following lines and complete the activities given below it. 

My father travels on the late evening train

Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light

Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes

His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat

Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books

Is falling apart. His eyes dimmed by age

Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.

Now I can see him getting off the train

Like a word dropped from a long sentence.

He hurries across the length of the grey platform,

Crosses the railway line, enters the lane,

His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.

A1 Global Understanding (2)

Complete the following statements with the help of the poem.

A1 The central theme of the poem.

a) The beauty of nature

b) The challenges of commuting

c) The joy of reading books

d) The thrill of traveling by train



A2 The season described in the poem is.,…....,… support your answer with the proof from the poem.(02)

A3 ‘The elders are unwanted in the family, express your views on this statement. (2)

A4  Find out an example of an Simile from the above poem and explain what is Simile. (1)

A5 Compose four lines on “My Father”  (2)

Q 3 (B) Write the poetic Appreciation of the poem with the help of the following points. Poet, theme, poetic style, Language, special features, moral of the poem, and your own opinions.            4 Marks


Rectangle: Rounded Corners:



A1 Global Understanding (2)

State whether the following statements are True or false 

  1. The poet initially planted the cherry seed with care.
  2. The cherry tree did not face challenges during its growth.
  3. The cherry tree's growth symbolizes the cycle of life and rebirth.
  4. The poet was not fully aware of the cherry tree's progress over the years.

A2. Interpretation.

The poet has described the rainy season in the poem. (2)

Give proof of the above sentence with the help of the above lines. 

A3. Personal Response.

Write the feeling you get after getting the fruits of the tree you have planted long back? (2)

A4. Poetic Devices.

Which figure of speech is used in the line "It was very small, five months child" Explain How? (2)

  • A) Alliteration 
  • B) Simile 
  • C) Metaphor 
  • D) Onomatopoeia

A5. Poetic Creativity.

Compose the poem of four lines on Nature. (2)

Q3B.Read the following lines and write an appreciation of the poem which contains the main details of the poem.(4)

There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair,
And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; 
Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields--
Here is a little forest,
Whose leaf is ever green; 

Here is a brighter garden,
Where not a frost has been;
In its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum: 
Prithee, my brother, 
Into my garden come!

Section III Writing Skills 

Q. 4 A Attempt any one of the following. 4. 

Expansion of an idea.

"Actions speak louder than words"
With the help of the following points.

Actions can build trust, convey intentions, and lead to tangible results. Share examples of how actions have a more significant impact than empty words.


Speech Writing. 

You are the one of the active students in your college, Prepare a speech to be delivered on the occasion of "Global importance of India" 
Rising economy in recession, Importance of India's opinion globally, Indian youths. etc.


Q. 4 B Attempt the following writing Skil. 4

E-mail Writing:

You are the class representative, you are planing to have awareness about cyber crime program for the students. Write a mail to the police commissioner inviting him as a special speaker for the program.

Q. 4 C Attempt the following writing skill. 4

Blog Writing.

Write a blog on the topic.

"Health and Wellness"

Importance of good health, life style  healthy food balance diet.


Section IV Literary Genre Drama

Q.5 A Complete the following activities as instructed.4

 A1. Match the following. 2



(1) Plot. 

(2) Soliloquy 

(3) G. B. Shaw. 

(4) Samuel Beckett 

(a) Character's thought process express aloud. 

(b)Waiting for Godot 


(d) Serise of Events 

A2. Complete the following statements with the correct option given below. 2.

1.William Shakespeare wrote
  • Jew of Malta
  • Murder In The Cathedral
  • Duchess of Malfi
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
2.Stream of consciousness, Absurd plays, Poetic drama, Radio drama are belongs to which of the following periods.

  • Elizabethan
  • Restoration
  • Modern
  • Victorian

3)..........is the central idea around which the plot revolves
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Character
  • Setting
4)............was written by Patanjali
  • Mahabhasya
  • NatyaShastra
  • Meghdut
  • Natsamrat

Q.5 B Complete the following activities as instructed.4 

  1. How does the play explore the idea of 'national identity' and patriotism? 2.
  1. What conflicts or dilemmas do the characters face in their pursuit of justice or freedom? 2.


All The Best.👍


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