20 July 2024

Writing Skills July 2024.


Section III
 (Writing Skills)

Complete the activities as per the instructions given below:

Q.4 A Atempt 'Any One' of the folowing activities :

 Drafting a virtual message:

Imagine, Sunny has been selected to appear in the final round of the singing competition. Sunny's father has moved out of the city for some official work. Sunny tried to call his father several times. But, due to the connectivity issues, he is unable to contact his father. Draft a virtual message in about 50 words to convey

Answer (i)

16th July, 2024 

9:20 am

Dear Dad,

Good morning dad. I am exited to inform you that I've been selected for the final round of the singing competition. I tried calling several times since morning but couldn't reach you due to connectivity issues. I'm excited and hope you'll be proud of me.



Statement of Purpose:

(ii)Imagine you wish to pursue a Bachelor's degree in 'Communication Skills,' at a reputed university in India or abroad to enhance your career in corporate correspondence.

Prepare a statement of purpose in about 150 words. which will help you to get admission in your dream university.


I am excited to introduce myself as a prospective candidate for the Bachelor's degree in Communication Skills at your esteemed university. I am a dedicated and enthusiastic individual with a strong passion for communication and its impact on society.

My interest in communication stems from my belief in its transformative power. As a high school student, I actively participated in debate clubs and public speaking events, where I honed my skills in articulation and persuasion. I am particularly drawn to your program because of its emphasis on practical communication skills, which I believe are essential for success in today's world.

My qualities, hobbies, and extracurricular activities have also shaped my communication abilities. I am an avid reader, which has helped me develop a strong vocabulary and a nuanced understanding of language. Additionally, my involvement in community service has taught me the importance of empathy and active listening in effective communication.

I have also gained valuable experience through internships and projects related to communication. For example, I interned at a local NGO, where I developed communication strategies to raise awareness about environmental issues. These experiences have not only enhanced my skills but have also deepened my commitment to using communication for positive change.

I am confident that your university's comprehensive curriculum and experienced faculty will provide me with the tools and knowledge I need to excel in the field of communication. I am eager to contribute to and learn from the diverse academic community at your institution.

I believe that admission to your program will not only help me achieve my long-term career goals but will also allow me to make a positive impact on society through effective communication. I am excited about the prospect of joining your university and am committed to making the most of this opportunity.

(III) Group Discussion :

 Imagine the XII class students attended a presentation on "writing skill" conducted by a distinguished personality. Write a group discussion in the form of dialogues associated with this presentation among 3/4 student participants.(4)


Raj: Hi friends, today's  presentation on writing skills was really enlightening. I never realised how crucial these skills are, not just for exams but for real life as well.

Priya: Absolutely! The speaker, being a member of the Board of Studies, had such deep insights. He explained how writing skills we learn in XII standard can be applied to various aspects of life, like writing SOP, reports, interview, and even emails.

Sameer: I found it particularly interesting when he talked about the marking schemes. Knowing what examiners look for can really help us focus our efforts. For instance, I didn't know that coherence and proper structure can significantly boost our scores.

Aisha: Yes, and he also emphasized the importance of clarity and conciseness. In real life, whether we are writing a job application or a business proposal, being clear and to the point is crucial. It can make a huge difference in how our message is perceived.

Raj: The part about life-oriented writing skills was very eye-opening too. He mentioned that skills like writing a resume, a statement of purpose for college applications, and even social media posts are all grounded in the basics we learn now.

Priya: That’s so true. Effective communication is key in any profession. Even in fields that aren’t traditionally considered “writing-heavy,” being able to articulate ideas clearly can set us apart.

Sameer: I agree. And it’s not just about professional life. Good writing skills help in personal life too. Think about how important it is to write a good complaint letter if you receive poor service or need to dispute a charge.

Aisha: Another thing I appreciated was his advice on practicing writing regularly. He suggested keeping a journal or even blogging as ways to improve our writing. Practice really does make perfect.

Raj: Yes, and he also recommended reading extensively. The more we read, the better our vocabulary and understanding of different writing styles become. It’s all interconnected.

Priya: I’m really glad we attended this presentation. It’s made me more motivated to work on my writing skills. I now understand their value far beyond just scoring well in exams.

Sameer: Me too. It was a great session, and I think we should all start incorporating his tips into our daily routines. It’ll surely pay off in the long run.

Aisha: Definitely. Let’s encourage each other to practice and maybe even share our writings for feedback. That way, we can all improve together.

(B) Atempt 'Any One' of the folowing activities :

I) E-mail:

Draft an E-mail to the manager ofa company to request him/her to give you an opportunity as an apprentice to serve you as an experience for your career development.


(II) Report Writing:

Imagine your college recently organised a programme on 'Personality Development.' As a student incharge, write a report of the same in about 150 words for your college magazine.


AFAC Host Development Programme.

Chembur, Mumbai, July 15, 2024

AFAC Junior College, Chembur, Mumbai, recently hosted an enlightening programme on 'Personality Development.' The event aimed to equip students with essential life skills, enhancing their confidence and interpersonal abilities.

The session was inaugurated by the Principal of the College, Mr. Shashikant Deshmukh, with a garland offering to Goddess Ma Saraswati. He also welcomed and felicitated the key speakers, including Dr. Priya Sharma, a renowned psychologist, and Mr. Rajesh Gupta, a corporate trainer. They conducted interactive sessions on self-awareness, effective communication, and time management. The speakers emphasized the importance of a positive mindset, goal setting, and continuous self-improvement.

Workshops included group activities and role-playing exercises, fostering teamwork and leadership qualities among participants. The event concluded with a Q&A session, allowing students to seek personalized advice from the experts.

At the end of the program, the Vice Principal, Dr. Suhani Shaha, presented the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the program's success. The programme was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from students and faculty alike. It provided invaluable insights and practical tools for personal and professional growth, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees.


(III) Interview:

Imagine you wish to conduct an interview of a 'social worker. With the help of the format given below, draft questions on the given fields. (Do not change the sequence of the questions.

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

1. Name of the interviewee.
2. Field/Reputation
3. Date/Venue/Time.
4. Duration of Interview


 Questions based on 

(1) Early interests

(2) Challenges faced

(3) Role model/s


(5) Feedback

(6) Family support

(7) Government support

(8) Future plans.

Expected Answer:- 

Interview Questions

Interview Question

1. interview Quest name of the interviewee.

Area of interest/ Specialisation.

3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.

4. Duration of an interview.

Prakash Amate

A doctor and Social workers.

16th May 2024, 11:30 am, 
Anand van Hemalkasa.

25 minutes 

     Interview  Questions

1. Everyone has an early experience that sparks their interest. What moment or experience in your early life inspired you to pursue social work?

2. Facing challenges is a part of any journey. What are some major obstacles you’ve faced in your social work career?

3. Having a role model can guide and inspire us. Who has been your role model in social work, and how have they influenced you?

4. Achievements and awards often reflect our hard work. What are some significant achievements or awards you’ve received, and what do they mean to you?

5. Feedback from those we help can be very valuable. What is a memorable piece of feedback you’ve received from people you’ve assisted?

6. Support from family can be crucial. Who has been your biggest supporter in your journey through social work?

7. Government support can impact the work we do. What has been your experience with government assistance in your social work, and how has it affected you?

Looking ahead, planning is important. What are your future plans or goals for your work in social service, and are there any new projects you’re excited about?

Thank you very much for sparing precious time for us, this Interview will be an encouragement and a great motivation for all of us. 

 Q 4 C Attempt 'Any One' of the following activities: (4)

(1) Speech:

Imagine you wish to participate in an intercollegiate elocution competition. You have selected 'Should we keep pets?' as your topic for your speech.

Draft a speech in about 150 words on this topic.

Answer (1)

Speech: Should We Keep Pets

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam rightly stated, "Kindness and compassion towards all living beings is a mark of a civilized society."A

 very fenetic morning to our honorable Chief Guests, respected dignitaries on the dais, my dear friends, and everyone present here. I am Miss Sakshi Naik, and I stand before you to discuss the topic, "Should we keep pets?"

Pets have been cherished companions throughout human history. They offer us unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship. When we have pets, we learn important values like responsibility, empathy, and patience. Having a pet around can reduce stress, provide emotional support, and even improve our physical health. For many people, pets become part of the family, bringing joy and comfort into our lives.

However, keeping pets comes with great responsibility. It requires time, money, and commitment. We must consider if we can provide the care and environment our pets need to thrive. This means regular feeding, exercise, and medical care. We also need to think about the ethical side, especially when it comes to exotic pets and their welfare. Are we able to give them a life that is good and natural for them?

In conclusion, keeping pets can deeply enrich our lives, but it is a decision that requires careful thought and dedication. 

I would like to end my say with Mahatma Gandhi's quotes, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." We must treat our pets with love and respect, ensuring we are ready for the responsibility they bring.

I am very thankful to the organizing committee for giving me an opportunity to express my views, I am thankful to for listening me patiently.

Thank you Jay hind Jay Maharashtra.


(II) Compering:

Imagine your college is organising a programme to celebrate 'Teacher's Day. You are given the responsibility to compere at the programme. Prepare the programme script deciding the flow of the whole programme. You may take help of the given points.

[prayer, welcome, introduction, felicitation, speeches, vote of thanks]


Teacher's Day Programme Script


Good morning and welcome to our Teacher's Day celebration at B.K. Birla College, Kalyan. I am Sanju Pardeshi, and it’s my pleasure to be your compere today. Let’s start with a heartfelt prayer to seek blessings for our teachers and the academic community. I invite Jamil to lead us.

Prayer Song Performance


Thank you, Jamil. We extend a warm welcome to our respected faculty, esteemed guests, and dear students. To officially welcome everyone, please join me in welcoming Sachin.

Welcome by Sachin 
Good morning, everyone. On behalf of B.K. Birla College, I warmly welcome all our guests, teachers, and students. Today, we honor our teachers for their dedication and hard work. Thank you for joining us.


Thank you, Sachin. Teacher’s Day, celebrated on September 5th, honors the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a revered teacher and the first Vice President of independent India. It’s a day to appreciate the impact of our teachers. Now, let’s move to the felicitation ceremony.


We are now ready to honor our exceptional teachers. I invite our principal, Dr. Shashikant Deshmukh, to come forward and felicitate Mr. S.D. Mahajan, Mr. Vilas Salunkhe, and Mrs. Kelkar.

Felicitation Ceremony:

We are now ready to honor our exceptional teachers. I invite our principal, Dr. Shashikant Deshmukh, to come forward and felicitate Mr. S.D. Mahajan, Mr. Vilas Salunkhe, and Mrs. Kelkar.

Felicitation Ceremony


Thank you, Dr. Deshmukh. Next, we have speeches from students about their teachers. First, Jamil will speak about Mr. S.D. Mahajan, Then Sachin about Salunkhe sir, and finally Jenifer about Kelkar Madam,

Vote of Thanks:

 As we conclude, I invite Sachin to deliver the vote of thanks.

Thank you, Sanju. I extend heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Shashikant Deshmukh, our honoured teachers, and all attendees. Your presence made this event memorable. Thank you.


Thank you, Sachin. With that, we conclude our Teacher’s Day celebration. Let’s continue to value and appreciate the crucial role of teachers in our lives. Have a wonderful day ahead!


(III) Expansion of Idea:

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below (100 to 150 words):

'The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.'

  • One should be a good listener
  • Speaking to the point catches attention
  • Listening adds to your knowledge

Expansion of an idea 

"The wise man has long ears and a short tongue" 

It is said that wisdom often involves listening more and speaking less. Wisdom often involves listening more and speaking less. If you are truly wise, you don’t need to prove it; instead, you listen to gain more knowledge. By doing so, you naturally find that there is less need to speak.

Consider the story of a young student in a classroom who, despite being eager to share his thoughts, listens intently to his teacher and classmates. His patience and attentive listening earn him respect and deeper understanding, setting him apart as a thoughtful individual. 

Similarly, imagine a manager in a meeting who absorbs every detail shared by his team before offering concise, targeted feedback. His effectiveness as a leader is heightened by his strategic listening and focused communication.

Finally, think of an elderly advisor who, by listening to the concerns of his community, provides well-considered advice that truly addresses their needs. These anecdotes highlight that listening enriches one's knowledge and enhances the impact of one's words.

The importance of this saying lies in its promotion of effective communication and personal growth. By prioritising listening, one gains a deeper understanding of others and accumulates valuable knowledge, which is crucial for informed decision-making and empathy. Speaking concisely ensures that communication is clear and impactful, preventing misunderstandings and demonstrating respect for others' time. This balance enhances relationships, fosters learning, and leads to more thoughtful and effective interactions. 

Thus, the practice of listening more and speaking less is a key to wisdom and effective communication.

Q 4 D:(D) Attempt Any One' of the following activities: in around (100-150) (4)

(I) Review:

You have recently read a 'Book'/ 'Magazine.' Write a 'Review' on the same with the help of the following points:

  • Title/Contents
  • Objectives/Features/Characteristics
  • Presentation/Creativity/Novelty
  • Personal views/Opinion/Evaluation


Magazine Review: "Career 360

Title/Contents:- "Career 360"

"Career 360" is a comprehensive magazine offering insights into career guidance, educational trends, college rankings, and professional development. Each issue features expert opinions, success stories, and practical tips for students and professionals, covering higher education, competitive exams, skill development, and industry-specific advice.

  • Empower readers to make informed career choices.
  • Bridge the gap between education and employment.
  • Keep readers updated with the latest trends in education and the job market.
  1. College Rankings and Reviews: Evaluations of colleges and universities.
  2. Exam Preparation Tips: Strategies for competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and CAT.
  3. Career Guidance: Advice on career paths, resume building, and interview preparation.
  4. Industry Insights: Analysis of trends and opportunities in various industries.
  5. Skill Development: Articles on essential workplace skills.

  • Authoritative, well-researched content.
  • Clear, engaging writing style.
  • Organized sections for different aspects of career planning.
  • High-quality graphics and infographics.
  • Up-to-date information on exam patterns and industry demands.

"Career 360" excels in presentation with its appealing layout and design. The use of high-quality graphics and infographics makes the content engaging and easy to understand. The magazine’s blend of practical advice and inspirational stories adds novelty and motivation.

Personal Views/Opinion/Evaluation
"Career 360" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their career prospects. Its comprehensive coverage, expert insights, and practical advice make it a go-to guide for navigating education and employment. It provides the information and inspiration needed to succeed, making it a standout publication in career guidance.


(II) Blog:
Write a 'Blog' in a proper format on 'Leisure and Entertainment' with the help of the following points (100 to 150 words):

  • Contextual meaning
  • Why the need?
  • What changes can be noticed?
  • Do's and don'ts

16th July, 2024 

9:20 am

Dear Dad,

Good morning dad. I am exited to inform you that I've been selected for the final round of the singing competition. I tried calling several times since morning but couldn't reach you due to connectivity issues. I'm excited and hope you'll be proud of me.




(III) Appeal:

Prepare an 'Appeal' on the topic "Avoid Unauthorised Hoardings and Banners" with the help of the following points (100 to 150 words):

Reduces the beauty of the area

Distractions on the road

Causes accidents

Stay connected for the rest of the Writing Skills.

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