06 March 2024

A thing of beauty is Joy Forever

John Keats
has composed the masterpiece of his life a poem 
"A Thing of Beauty Is A Joy Forever"

The revolves around the central idea that it celebrates the everlasting nature of beauty and its ability to bring joy and comfort to our lives, even in difficult times.  

The poem follows the regular rhymes scheme where first line rhymes with the second and third with the fourth, hence it has the rhythm scheme a,a b,b rhyme scheme, with each stanza consisting of four lines.

The poem employs various figures of speech, such as personification e.g., "Some shape of beauty moves away the pall", metaphor, simile, Antithesis etc.

The special features of the poem is that it  highlights the beauty found in nature, literature, and imagination, emphasizing their ability to uplift and inspire us.

I like this the very first line of the poem "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever" which is also the title of the poem because it gives me the pleasure to enjoy the beauty.  I find solace and inspiration in the enduring beauty of the world around them, even in times of darkness and despair.


Points of Appreciation In Tabular Form 

Poetic Appreciation of 'A Thing of Beauty Is A Joy Forever'

Poem No 7

 7.  'A Thing of Beauty Is A Joy Forever'


 'A Thing of Beauty Is A Joy Forever'

Name of the Poet 

 John Keats.

Rhyme Scheme 

The poem has   regular rhyme scheme where first line rhymes with second and third with fourth. a,a b,b.

The figure of Speech 

Personification, Metaphor, Simile, Antithesis.

Central idea 

The revolves around the central idea that it celebrates the everlasting nature of beauty and its ability to bring joy and comfort to our lives, even in difficult times. 

Favorite Line

The very first line, "A Thing of Beauty Is A Joy Forever" as it states the truth of life.

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