21 July 2023

Activity Sheet July 2023. Poetry Section.

Activity Sheet July 2023.

Poetry Section.

 Q 3 Raed the following lines and complete the Activities given m below it.

No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,

The ship was as still as she could be,

Her sails from heaven received no motion,

Her keel was steady in the ocean.

Without either sign or sound of their shock

The waves flow'd over Inchcape Rock; 

So little they rose, so little they fell,

They did not move the Inchcape Bell.

The Abbot of Aberbrothok

Had placed that bell on the Inchcape Rock;

On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung.

And over the waves its warning rung.

When the Rock was hid by the surge's swell,

The mariners heard the warning bell;

And then they knew the perilous Rock,

And blest the Abbot of Aberbrothok.

A1. Describe the scene in the beginning of the poem.(2)

✒️Answer:-The sea was quit silent and the wind was not blowing. The waves didn't move at sea and the sea is clear and calm

A2. Give reasons:(2)

(I)The ship was still at sea because.
✒️Answer:- (I)The ship was still at sea because, there was no wind to move the sail of the ship as the sea was calm, the ship didn't get the motion from the sky.

(II) The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock so.
✒️Answer:- (II) The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock so that the Mariners should get an alert about the dangerous rock, whenever the water level increased and hide the rock the weaves will hit the bell and warn the sailors about the fact that the rock is nearby.

A3. Write two incidents/ occasions on which you helped other people.
I have helped people many times, once I saw an accident where the passengers were injured, I called 108 for Ambulance to take them to hospital. I have also helped many poor students by giving them my old books and note books.
(This is an open ended question, hence  multiple answers are acceptable)

A4. Give the rhyming pairs and rhyme scheme from stanza 2 from the extract.(2)
✒️Answer:- Rhyming Pairs, shock-Rock, Bell-fell.
Rhymes schemes:- aabb.

A5. Compose four lines of your own on 'Sea".(2)
Thou are the preserver a feeder 
Thou are the destroyer too a demolisher
Taken care of us in need
Thou are the to love and feed.
(This is an open ended question, hence  multiple answers are acceptable)

(B) Appreciation: Read the extract and write the appreciation of the poem:(4)

When I had money, money, O!
I knew no joy till I went poor,
For many a false man as a friend
Came knocking all day at my door.

Then felt I like a child that holds
A trumpet that he must not blow
Because a man is dead: I dared
Not speak to let this false world know.

Much have I thought of life, and seen How poor men's hearts are ever light, And how their wives do hum like bees About their work from mom till night.

So, when I hear these poor ones laugh, And see the rich ones coldly frown Poor men, think I, need not go up So much as rich men should come down.

Poetic Appreciation of the poem Money

The poem "Money" is the poem taken from the famous poetic volume of W. H. Davies "The Collected Poem" published in the year 1916. The poet has an identity as Welsh Poet and writer as he was born and brought up there. The poem deals with the theme that "the real happiness is not in being rich but the real happiness one must become poor" because the poet has an experience that whenever he had money he had many friends but they were interested in his wealth but after becoming poor he had very few friends but all of them are true. The poet realized that real happiness we can feel only when we become poor. 

 The poem has five stanzas of 4 lines each with a regular rhyme scheme where only the second and fourth line rhyme with each other, thus the rhythm scheme is abcb. The poet enriches the poem with many figures of speech like Simile, Repetition, Inversion, Antithesis Onomatopoeia, etc. The language used by the poet is very simple and easy to understand. The special feature of the poem is that the poet used the used interjection... O!" in the very first and last stanzas to show the intensity of his feelings. The moral of the poem is money may be very important but the most important thing in life is real friends which we can get only in poverty. So we must value people and not money. I like the poem very much because this poem tells the harsh reality of life.


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