27 April 2023

The Song Of The Open Road.

The poem 'Song of the open road' is an Ode. An ode is a poem that is written for a special occasion or that speaks to a particular person or thing. An ode is a traditional, beautiful poem of praise that is dedicated to something meaningful. Usually, this “something” is ephemeral, such as love, beauty, or music. The present poem is dedicated to the speaker himself as he describes the trip, which he has undertaken to enjoy the journey to the unknown destination. Thus the theme of the poem is freedom, the self, and nature. The present poem is in free verse as there is neither rhyme nor rhythm. As Whitman popularise this form of poem that's why he is known as the father of free verse.

The poet added the last stanza of the poem in brackets. This is called "Parenthesis" It is remark that is added to a sentence, often to provide an explanation or extra information that is separated from the main part of the sentence by commas, brackets, or dashes.

Stanza-wise Explanation of the poem.

In the very first stanza, the poet begins his journey with a light heart. The road seems free and full of possibilities to him. He has complete freedom to choose his path and destination. The destination is not planned and fixed. This makes the road more liberating. He announced that the road is free to lead him wherever he chooses.

In The second stanza, the speaker of the poem declares that he does not believe in destiny or fortune, he does not need it, because he believes that he is the creator of his fortune. He isn't contented within four walls, he is strong and happy to explore the open world. Thus the speaker intends to tell his readers that they should not waste time complaining about difficulties in their life. Rather, they should continue the journey of life. The speaker wants to convey the message that man should abandon all grudges, bitter feelings, expectations, and criticisms during the journey of life. The man should be satisfied with what he has. 

In the third stanza, the speaker says that he doesn't want any privilege, the Earth is enough for him to fulfill his requirements, and he doesn't want stars as a sign of luck. He does not need powerful and influential people to help him, to go near any star. He is not over-ambitious, he is happy and contented with whatever he has.

The fourth and last stanza is added in the brackets after the completion of the poem as it's called Parenthesis, in this stanza the speaker says that life is full of happiness and sorrow the speaker himself had an experience of it. He is not free from the burden of grief and loss of life. It's an inseparable part of human life which he has to carry. He called it 'an old delicious burden which he carries happily. He believes that it's impossible to get rid of such old memories. 

"कवितेविषयी थोडक्यात"
'मोकळ्या रस्त्याचे गाणे' ही कविता   एक Ode आहे. Ode म्हणजे अशी कविता जी एखाद्या विशिष्ट प्रसंगासाठी लिहिली जाते किंवा एखाद्या विशिष्ट व्यक्तीविषयी किंवा वस्थुविषयी बोलते. Ode ही एक पारंपारिक, सुंदर स्तुतीपर कविता आहे जी अर्थपूर्ण काहीतरी समर्पित आहे. सहसा, हे "काहीतरी" क्षणभंगुर असते, जसे की प्रेम, सौंदर्य किंवा संगीत. अज्ञात स्थळी प्रवासाचा आनंद लुटण्यासाठी त्यांनी केलेल्या प्रवासाचे वर्णन करताना प्रस्थुत कविता स्वतः वक्त्याला समर्पित आहे. अशा प्रकारे कवितेची विषय हा स्वातंत्र्य, स्वत्व आणि निसर्ग असा आहे. प्रस्थुत कविता मुक्त छंदात आहे कारण त्यात यमक किंवा लय नाही. व्हिटमनने मुक्तछंद कवितेचा हा प्रकार लोकप्रिय केला म्हणून त्याला मुक्तछंद प्रकारचे जनक म्हणून ओळखले जाते.
कवीने कवितेचा शेवटचे कडवे कंसात जोडला. याला "Parenthesis" म्हणतात. ही एक टिप्पणी आहे जी बहुतेक वेळा स्पष्टीकरण किंवा अतिरिक्त माहिती प्रदान करण्यासाठी कवितेच्या शेवटी कंस, स्वल्पविराम, किंवा डॅशने जोडली जाते.

Appreciation of the poem

The poem ‘Song of the Open Road’ is taken from the well-known poetic volume ‘Leaves of Grass’ by Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman is the pioneer of the poetic form of Free verse that's why he is called the father of free verse. The title of the poem is significant and apt because the road signifies mobility. It also symbolizes freedom or opportunity. Even though life is full of burdens yet the Poet encourages the readers throughout the poem. 

The Theme of the poem is Freedom, joy of free life and optimism are the major themes of this poem. Throughout the poem, the poet encourages the readers to be true to themselves and live a free and enjoy the freedom of life.

The poet is renowned for his poetic work including "O Captain My Captain", The "Song Of The Open Road", "The Leaves of Grass" etc. 

The present poem is a beautiful fusion of human feelings like the softness of the heart, self-awareness, and liberty. The Poet used simple language to elaborate on the dom. As the poem is in the free verse there are neither rhyming pairs nor rhythm.
But the poet used figurative language and the prominent figures of speech are Alliteration, Metaphor, Repetition and Paradox as well as personification as many words are repeated, and the poet personifies the nonhuman objects. It enlightens us with the poet’s self-realization about the journey of life. It's our choice which way we should go because the road never leads us, we have to decide. That's why good fortune or luck is not required as we are good fortune or luck. 
The poem is about self-realization and consistency in life. the poet is against staying in one place for too long.

The special features of the poem are its pictorial quality and imagery which appeals to our sense organs. The Poet can create pictorial quality through his beautiful descriptions of nature and various elements of nature. 
People should take the road as a point to start over towards something new. The journey of life should be mobile and always on the road to moving on.

The poem gives us the moral of life we should keep moving ahead despite any obstacles and difficulties in life. I love this poem because it's a self-motivational poem that helps to bring good discipline into our life. 

Translation of the poem.

मुक्त रस्त्याचे गाणे.

एक पाऊल आंनदी मनाने मी निवडले मुक्त रस्त्याचे जिने निरोगी, मुक्त रस्त्याची धरून वाट जिकडे जाईन मी तीच नवी पहाट तपकिरी (लाल) रस्ता, मी एक फिरस्ता.

आता, चांगल्या नशिबाची मागणी नको, नशीबवान आहे मीच आता विनवणी नको, आता, जीवनातून दुःख झाले बेदखल आजचे काम आजच, नाही उद्याची चालढकल. गुंडळल्या घरच्या तक्रारी, वाद विवाद धीटाने, आनंदाने, गाणार मुक्त रस्त्याचा संवाद

पुरेशी आहे ही वाट आणि वसुंधरा नको दडपण, नको प्रभाव आणि खोटा पसारा असू दे त्यांना तिथेच त्यांच्याच अंमलात मी आहे स्वांत्र्याचे गाणे गात.

( प्रवास मुक्त रस्त्याचा जरी केला एकला सुख दुःखाच्या त्या आठवणीने नाही थकाला त्या सुंदर आठवणी आहेत पाठीवरी

सुटका नसे त्यातून माझी, जपल्या त्या अंतरी परिपूर्ण करतील मला, देतील नव्या प्रवासाची उभारी... देतील नव्या प्रवासाची उभारी....)

Courtesy for translation Dr. Uday Shirgave.
March 2022 Boards Activity Sheet.

A1. Complete the web diagram about the qualities needed on the journey of life: (Any four) (2)


A2. Analyse the line- I asked not good fortune, I myself am good fortune. (2)

The poet belive that fortune can be created by oneself with his own efforts. Good fortune can not be created by asking to others. He is confident enough to create the good fortune. That's why he said that "I asked not good fortune, I myself am good fortune."

A3 Explain the importance of Long path/Road in Man's Life.

When the man travel on the long path it make him travel for long time which enables him to be more responsible and focused on the goals of life. Travelling on the road for longer period enable them to understand their strong points, weak points, and mistakes and they try to rectify the mistake to go ahead.

A4 identify and explain the figure of speech in the following line.

"Still here I carry old delicious burden."
The figure of speech in the above line is hyperbole because it is an exaggerated statement 

A5 Complete the given line using your imagination.
There is no way leading back 
I move forward.....

There is no way leading back
I move forward accepting setback.
There is no way leading back
I have to face problems full of sack

Figures of Speech in the poem.

The poem has the following Figures of speech Alliteration, Metaphor, Repetition, inversion, personification, Tautology, and Paradox

1) Alliteration: Whenever the sound of the initial letter of a word is repeated for better poetic effect, it is called alliteration.

I) "The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose."
The sound of the letter ‘l’ is repeated.

II) Querulous Criticism Alliteration: The sound ‘k’ is repeated.

2) Repetition: Whenever a specific word is repeated for better poetic effect, it is called repetition.

I) "Henceforth I ask not good fortune, I myself am good fortune."
Repetition: The phrase ‘good fortune’ is repeated.

II) "I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go….." Repetition: The phrase ‘carry them’ is repeated.

III) "I am fill' d with them, and I will fill them in return."
Repetition: The word ‘fill’ is repeated.

3) Paradox: Whenever a contradictory or absurd statement is made, it's called a paradox.

I) "Still here I carry my old delicious burdens….." Paradox: "Delicious" and "burden" express contradictory statements.

4) Tautology: Whenever two or more words express similar meanings, it's called tautology.

I) "Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticism….." Tautology: "Complaint" and "querulous" express similar meanings.

5) Metaphor: Whenever two unlike objects, things, or persons with similar qualities are indirectly compared without using words like "like" or "as," it's called a metaphor.

I) "Still here I carry my old delicious burdens." Metaphor: "Burdens" are indirectly compared to something delicious.

6) Inversion: Whenever words are not arranged in the proper prose order, it's called inversion.

I) "Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road." Inversion: The words are not in the correct prose order. The correct order is "I take to the open road afoot and light-hearted."

II) "Strong and content I travel the open road." Inversion: The words are not in the correct prose order. The correct order is "I travel the open road strong and content."

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