01 January 2023

Appeal Writing.

What is appeal Writing?

It is a serious, urgent, heartfelt request. It is an earnest plea, an organized request for donation, which has the power of arousing a sympathetic response

Purpose of an Appeals Writing. 

✒️The main purpose of an Appeal is to create social awareness.

✒️The appeal is made to involve people in general social activities. 

✒️It is done to make people aware of social problems, encourage them in trying to solve the problem and motivate them to take an active part in movements, missions or rallies, etc.


Marking Scheme for Appeal Writing in HSC Board Exam
Presentation of content 
Convincing Language
Inspiring and motivational message

🙏🗣️📝Points to remember while Writing an Appeal.

✒️1. Draw a box with an attractive design to write an appeal. 

✒️2. Make an attractive headline/ Slogan line based on the topic given for the appeal. 

✒️3. Use short sentences and interesting Phrases. 

✒️4. Use proper quotations and catchy slogans. 

✒️5. .If possible draw pictures and symbols. 

✒️6. The appeal should be heartfelt and persuasive. 

✒️7. The Appeal must be addressed directly to the readers. 

✒️8. Mention Venue & Contact details. 

✒️9. Be brief.

✒️10. Seek reader's participation.

✒️11. Appeal to heart.


Questions from the Board Exam. 

July 2024.

Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points: (100 150 words)


  • Effects
  • Action plan
  • Planning and Implementation

February 2024

Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points: (100 150 words)


  • Effects
  • Action plan
  • Planning and Implementation

July 2023.

Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points: (100 150 words)


  • Effects
  • Action plan
  • Planning and Implementation

February 2022

Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points: (100 150 words)


  • Effects
  • Action plan
  • Planning and Implementation

July 2022. 

Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points: (100 150 words)


  • Effects
  • Action plan
  • Planning and Implementation

March 2022 

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Stop Child Labour’ with the help of the following points. (100-150 words)

  • Basic Education
  • Lack of knowledge, behavior, and social thinking
  • Effect of education
  • Social behavior and requirements
  • Appeal to society

Stay Connected to get the answer to the above question.

Sept 2021 

Your college has organized a motorcycle rally to make people aware to save paper and save trees. Prepare an 'Appeal' on the topic 'Save, Paper, Save Trees' with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:

  • Convincing appeal 
  • Need
  • Information/Facts
  • Famous personality/Guest
  • Venue, date, and time.

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