03 October 2022

History of Drama Std 11th



🎭History Of Drama🎭

Elements of Drama.


  • Plot is the series of events occurring in a play.
  • It means plan, scheme or pattern.
  • It has a beginning, a middle and the end.


  • The imaginary persons shown in drama.
  •  The protagonist is the main character in a play.
  • Other characters are major, minor, static and dynamic, flat and round.
  • It means to reveal peculiarities of the characters.
  • To gain insight into their personalities, establish connections with them.
  • It involves at least two speakers.
  •  Monologue-to speak to oneself.
  •  Soliloquy- character's thought process expressed aloud.
  • It reveals the nature of character and gives us information about his relation

Stage Directions:

  • Perfomance of the actors during the course of the development of the story along with the use of set lighting, music and costumes.
  • Stage directions are guidelines, suggestions, given by the dramatists.
  • It is the essence of drama.
  • It enlightens life, grants dignity and worth to human life.
  • The main idea or point of a play stated as a generalization.

1 The four closely related areas of focus are......

  • Plot, theme, charact, and actor
  • Scene, audience, character, and actor.
  • Conflict, Settings, languages, and narration 
  • Languages, costume, setting and character 
2) There is an involvement of minimum........ Persons in dialogue..........
  • Four 
  • One  
  • Ten
  • Two
3) conflict is the .......... of drama’.

  • Spirit 
  • Heart
  • Soul
  • None of the above 

4) The types of Drama are .....(Choose any three types) 
  • Comedy 
  • Bildungsroman 
  • Tragedy 
  • Romanc 
  • Tragi- Comedy 
  • Modern play
  • Miracle Play 
5) When the character's thought process expressed aloud it's called.....

  • Soliloquy. 
  • Monologue 
  • Trilogies 
  • Dialogues 

6)  ......Experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.
  • T. S. Eliot 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • G. B Show 
7) The term 'willing suspension of disbelief was coined by.....
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Ben Johnson 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • Christopher Marlowe.
8) The drama is a medium of .....
  • Face
  • Language 
  • Exposure 
  • Performance
9)The three types of Unity drama are.....
  • Plot, Theme, action 
  • Manners, Behavioral, acting 
  • Time, Place,  and  action. 
  • None of the above. 
10) The elements of Drama are .....(Choose any four Elements) 
  • Plot 
  • Stage 
  • Story 
  • Setting 
  • Theme 
  • Characters 
  • Language 
  • Setting 
  • Conflict 
11) When any character speaks to oneself it's called.....
  • Soliloquy. 
  • Monologue 
  • Trilogies 
  • Dialogues 
12)  ......Experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.
  • T. S. Eliot 
  • S. T. Coleridge 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • G. B Show 
13) The............ is the main character in the play. 
  • Villain 
  • Static 
  • Protagonist 
  • Round 
14).............. is the essence of the drama. 
  • Plot 
  • Theme 
  • Conflict 
  • Character
15) Shakespearean era comes into existence in.........century
  • 16th
  • 20th 
  • 19th 
  • 17th 
16) The imaginary person shown in the drama is.........
  • Actor 
  • Director 
  • Painter 
  • Character 
17) William Shakespeare wrote
  • Jew of Malta
  • Murder In The Cathedral
  • Duchess of Malfi
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
18) Stream of consciousness, Absurd plays, Poetic drama, Radio drama
are belongs to which of the following periods.
  • Elizabethan
  • Restoration
  • Modern
  • Victorian
19)..........is the central idea around which the plot revolves
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Character
  • Setting
20)............was written by Patanjali
  • Mahabhasya
  • NatyaShastra
  • Meghdoot
  • Natsamrat
21)---------is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on the stage
  • Poem
  • Novel
  • Drama
  • Essay
22) The Non-verbal communication was used by..........
  • John Osborne
  • Samuel Beckett
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Ben Johnson 
 23)  Round and Flat are types of ----
  • Theme
  • Setting
  • Character
  • Dialogues
24) ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒says 'conflict is the soul * of drama'.
  • John Dryden
  • Aristotle
  • Plato
  • T.S.Eloit
25) Due to Civil wars no theatre existed between
  • 11857 to 1890
  • 1642 to 1660.
  • 1450 to 1600
  • 1901 to 1945
26)A Book 'A Treatise on Theatre (NatyaShastra) was written by
  • Patanjali
  • Bharat Muni
  • O Kalidas
  • Shakespeare
27)Kitchen sink drama developed in----era.
  • Elizabethan
  • Victorian
  • Post Modern
  • Restoration
 28) T.S. Eliot belonged to ---theatre.
  • Modern
  • Elizabethan
  • Restoration
  • Ancient

Question 2. State Whether the following statements are True or False. 
  • 1)The drama has its origin in folklore
  • 2) The plot must have a beginning, middle, and end.
  • 3) The protagonist is the subordinate character in the drama. 
  • 4) The use of set lighting, music, and costume plays a very important role in the stage direction. 
  • 5) Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on stage.
  • 6) Drama is written in a narrative form.
  • 7) Drama has its origins in folk theatre.
  • 8) Dialogue involves one speaker only. 
  • 9) Lady Gregory is the originator of Irish Revival.
  • 10) The Comedy "Way Of The World" is written by Thomas Middleton.
  • 11) One Act Play has unity of time, place, and action.
  • 12) Stage directions are guidelines, suggestions, given by the dramatists. 
 ✒️Match the opposites of Column "A" with the opposite in column "B"

1) Flat Character a) Dynamic Character 
2) Major Characters b) Round  Character 
3) Static Characters c) Minor Character



(1) Plot. 

(2) Soliloquy 

(3) G. B. Shaw. 

(4) Samuel Beckett 

(a) Character's thought process express aloud. 
(b)Waiting for Godot 
(d) Serise of Events 

🎭History Of Drama🎭

              Expected Answers 

1 The four closely related areas of focus are Plot, theme, character, and actor.

2) There is an involvement of minimum Two
Persons in dialogue.

3) 3) conflict is the Soul of drama’.

4) The types of Drama are Comedy, Tragedy and Tragi-comedy.

5) When the character's thought process expressed aloud it's called Soliloquy

6) T. S. Eliot  experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.

7) The term 'willing suspension of disbelief was coined by S. T. Coleridge.

8) The drama is a medium of Performance

9)The three types of Unity drama are Time, Place and  action.

10) The elements of Drama are plot, theme, Language,and Setting.

(11) When any character speaks to oneself it's called Monologue.

12)  T. S. Eliot experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.

13) The Protagonist is the main character in the play. 

14) Conflict is the essence of the drama. 

15) Shakespearean era comes into existence in 16th century.
16) The imaginary person shown in the drama is Characters.

17) William Shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream.

18) Stream of consciousness, Absurd plays, Poetic drama, Radio drama are belongs to which of the following periods. Modern.

19) Theme is the central idea around which the plot revolves

20) Mahabhasya was written by Patanjali.

21) Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on the stage.

22) The Non-verbal communication was used by Charlie Chaplin

 23)  Round and Flat are types of Character

24) Aristotle says 'conflict is the soul of drama'.

25) Due to Civil wars no theatre existed between 1642 to 1660

26)A Book 'A Treatise on Theatre (NatyaShastra) was written by Bharat Muni.

27)Kitchen sink drama developed in Post Modern era.

 28) T.S. Eliot belonged to Modern theatre.

Question 2. State Whether the following statements are True or False.
  • 1)The drama has its origin in folklore
  • 📌True 
  • 2) The plot must have a beginning, middle, and end.
  • 📌True
  • 3) The protagonist is the subordinate character in the drama. 
  • 📌False 
  • 4) The use of set lighting, music, and costume plays a very important role in the stage direction. 
  • 📌True
  • 5) Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on stage.
  • 📌True
  • 6) Drama is written in a narrative form.
  • 📌False
  • 7) Drama has its origins in folk theatre.
  • 📌True
  • 8) Dialogue involves one speaker only. 
  • 📌False
  • 9) Lady Gregory is the originator of Irish Revival.
  • 📌True
  • 10) The Comedy "Way Of The World" is written by Thomas Middleton.
  • 📌False.
  • 11) One Act Play has unity of time, place, and action.
  • 📌True.
  • 12) Stage directions are guidelines, suggestions, given by the dramatists
  • 📌True.
 ✒️Match the opposites of Column "A" with the opposite in column "B"

1) Flat Character a) Round Character 
2) Major Characters b) Minor Character 
3) Static Characters c) Dynamic Character

  Match the following.



(1) Plot. 

(2) Soliloquy 

(3) G. B. Shaw. 

(4) Samuel Beckett 

(a) Serise of Events

(b) Character's thought process express aloud. 


(d) Waiting for Godot 


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