14 August 2022

Modal Auxiliaries in English

 Examples of Modal Auxiliary Verbs. 

Most of the time there had been questions in Board I'm an.

Modal Auxiliaries 


(a) Can/Could 


(b) May/Might 


(c) Should 


(d) Must 


(e) Dare 


(f) Ought to 

Moral Obligation.

(g) need 


(h) Would 

Past habitual action, polite request, wish, refusal, determination, invitation.

(i) have to 

Compulsory Obligation 

Modal Auxiliary Verb
Ability, I can sing a song. 
Informal permission, Can I take your notebook. 
possibility, Smoking can cause cancer 
Ability, Informal permission, possibility
Formal permission, May I come in sir possibility, It may be rain tomorrow. expression of wish May God bless you. 
Formal permission, Might I suggest an idea? 
A remote possibility, We might complete the task by next month. 
Future action, command, compulsion, a formal request
Future action, determination, threat, promise intention, wish, invitation.
Duty/ obligation, advice, condition approval.
Habitual action, polite request, wish, refusal, determination, invitation.
Compulsion, determination, duty/obligation.
Moral obligation, advice
Have to
Compulsory obligation

Some Examples from HSC Board Exam. 
0.2014. 49. Moreover, human population will stabilize at about 11.5 billion, (Make it 'less definite')

  Ans:  Moreover, human population may stabilize at about 11.5 billion. 

M.2015, 50. My little girl can get tasty fruits from some other garden too!  (Rewrite the sentence using modal auxiliary expressing certainty)

Ans: My little girl will get tasty fruits from some other garden too!

0 2015.51. He had to stay after school .(use the modal auxiliary showing compulsion )

Ans-he must stay after school. 

M 2016. 52. The earth could withstand upto 200,000 times the current population. (Rewrite the sentence using the modal auxiliary showing 'certainty'.)

Ans- The earth will withstand upto 200,000 times the current population.

0.2016.53. "I will try." (Rewrite the sentence using another modal auxiliary showing 'obligation')

Also  I must try.       
M 2017.54. You can sell waste to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation.
(Replace the modal auxiliary with another showing 'obligation'.)

Ans- You must sell waste to the rabbi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation.

Sept. 2021. A child spends a major portion of his life in taking formal education: (Choose the correct alternative that indicates modal auxiliary showing 'obligation.')

Ans- A child must spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education. 

More examples. 

Can/Could • 

. She can read the Spanish language.

• Can you return my books

• Could you bring me a glass of water? • Could you open the door, please?

May Might

She may have caught a fever in the night. May I come into the classroom?

• It might have done damage inside. Either situation might be the case.

• You will remember our whole life. John will play football tomorrow.

Will Would

• Would you like to have coffee? • Would you open the door, please?

Shall Should

• Next year, I Shall buy a new car. Today, I shall watch a movie.

• You should attend the class more regularly. • We should drink a lot of water.

• We must attend his marriage.

Must Ought

• You must not spit in this zone.

• We ought to love our younger.

• You ought to clean up your room.

Modal Auxiliary from Board Exam Since 1996.

M1996. I have to work as hard as I can. (Replace the modal auxiliary showing Obligation)
Ans:I must work as hard as I can.

 0.1996.  You should do what your teacher tells you to do. (Use modal showing obligation)
Ans: You must do what your teacher tells you to do.

 M.1997. They need to be protected. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans:They must be protected.

0.1997. The remaining journey has to be undertaken on foot.
(Rewrite using the appropriate form of modal auxiliary)
Ans: The remaining journey must be undertaken on foot.

M.1998.  You can go to bed early so that you are fresh in the morning.
(Change the modal auxiliary to make it a piece of advice)
Ans- You should go to bed early so that you are fresh in the morning.

0.1998. Be prepared always to pay the price. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing suggestion)
Ans: You should be prepared always to pay the price.

M.1999.  Dead plants and animals may lie rotting at the bottom.
 (Rewrite using modal auxiliary
showing certainty)
Ans:Dead plants and animals will lie rotting at the bottom.

0.1999. An animal may alter surrounding. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing ability)
 Ans -An animal can alter surrounding.

M.2000. Your young brother is careless about his study.
(Frame a sentence using modal auxiliary giving him advice)
Ans- You should be careful about your study.

0.2000.  We can see certainly that they are not placed in other employments, (Use modal auxiliary showing obligation)
  Ans-We must see certainly that they are not placed in other employments.

0.2001. 11. You have to study regularly to get success in the examination. (Use modal auxiliary showing advice)
Ans: You should study regularly to get success in the examination.

M.2002. 12. The time might come. (Replace modalaux.showing certainty)
Ans: The time will come.

 0.2002. 13. The labelling of human beings in terms of their interest should not be overdone.
(Use modal aux.showing obligation)
Ans: The labelling of human beings in terms of their interest must not be overdone.

0.2003. 14. I will teach you this lesson next week.
(Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing less certainty)
Ans: I may teach you this lesson next week.

0.2003, You may do just as you like. (Use mod. aux. showing obligation)
Ans: You must do just as you like.

M.2004. One should insist on whole meal flour and whole meal bread.
 (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans: One must insist on whole meal flour and whole meal bread.

M,2004. You can understand it. (Use modal aux. showing obligation)
Ans: You must understand it.

0.2004. People with intellectual interest will do well in occupation dealing with ideas, rul regulations, facts and figures. (Use modal auxiliary showing less certainty)
Ans: People with intellectual interest may do well in occupation dealing with ideas, regulations, facts and figures.

M.2005.  You can halt at Uttarkashi. (Make less definite)
 Ans: You may halt at Utterkashi.

0.2005. We should protect and develop our forests. (Use modal auxiliary showing obligations)
 Ans: We must protect and develop our forests.

0.2005. They may again be free. (Make it more definite)
Ans: They Will Again be free..

M.2006. Deficiencies can be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied.
  (Use modal auxiliary showing certainty)
Ans: Deficiencies may be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied.

 M.2006. Their interest may be literary. (Use m. aux. showing certainty)
Ans: Their interest will be literary.

M.2006. 24. A skillful advertiser may be able to create a monopoly.
(Rewrite the sentence using a modal auxiliary can)
 Ans- A skillful advertiser can create a monopoly.

0.2006. 25, I must go to jail. (Make it less definite)
 Ans: I may go to jail.

0.2006. 26. Do realise your responsibility as educated women.
(Use modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans: You must realise your responsibility as educated women.

M.20996. 1. I have to work as hard as I can. (Replace the modal auxiliary showing Obligation)
Ans:I must work as hard as I can.

 0.1996. 2. You should do what your teacher tells you to do. (Use modal  showing obligation)
Ans:  You must do what your teacher tells you to do.

 M.1997. They need to be protected. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans:They must be protected.

0.1997. The remaining journey has to be undertaken on foot.
(Rewrite using the appropriate form of modal auxiliary)
Ans: The remaining journey must be undertaken on foot.

M.1998. 5. You can go to bed early so that you are fresh in the morning.
(Change the modal auxiliary to make it a piece of advice)
Ans- You should go to bed early so that you are fresh in the morning.

0.1998. Be prepared always to pay the price. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing suggestion)
Ans: You should be prepared always to pay the price.

M.1999.  7. Dead plants and animals may lie rotting at the bottom.
 (Rewrite using modal auxiliary
showing certainty)
Ans:Dead plants and animals will lie rotting at the bottom.

0.1999. 8' An animal may alter surrounding. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing ability)
 Ans -An animal can alter surrounding.

M.2000. 9. Your young brother is careless about his study.
(Frame a sentence using modal auxiliary giving him advice)
Ans-   You should be careful about your study.

0.2000. 10. We can see certainly that they are not placed in other employments, (Use modal auxiliary showing obligation)
  Ans-We must  see certainly that they are not placed in other employments.

0.2001. 11. You have to study regularly to get success in the examination. (Use modal auxiliary showing advice)
Ans: You should study regularly to get success in the examination.

M.2002. 12. The time might come. (Replace modalaux.showing certainty)
Ans:  The time will come.

 0.2002. 13. The labelling of human beings in terms of their interest should not be overdone.
(Use modal aux.showing obligation)
Ans: The labelling of human beings in terms of their interest must not be overdone.

0.2003.  14. I will teach you this lesson next week.
(Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing less certainty)
Ans:  I may teach you this lesson next week.

0.2003,  15. You may do just as you like. (Use mod. aux. showing obligation)
Ans: You must do just as you like.

M.2004. 16. One should insist on whole meal flour and whole meal bread.
 (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans: One must insist on whole meal flour and whole meal bread.

M,2004. 17. You can understand it. (Use modal aux. showing obligation)
Ans: You must understand it.

0.2004. 18. People with intellectual interest will do well in occupation dealing with ideas, rul regulations, facts and figures. (Use modal auxiliary showing less certainty)
Ans:   People with intellectual interest may do well in occupation dealing with ideas, regulations, facts and figures.
M.2005. 19. You can halt at Uttarkashi. (Make less definite)

 Ans:  You may halt at Utterkashi.
0.2005. 20. We should protect and develop our forests. (Use modal auxiliary showing obligations)
 Ans: We must protect and develop our forests.

0.2005. 21. They may again be free. (Make it more definite)
Ans: They Willagain be free.

M.2006. 22. Deficiencies   can be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied.
  (Use modal auxiliary showing certainty)
Ans: Deficiencies  be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied.

 M.2006. 23. Their interest may be literary. (Use m. aux. showing certainty)
Ans:  Their interest  be literary.

M.2006. 24. A skillful advertiser may be able to create a monopoly.
(Rewrite the sentence using a modal auxiliary can)
 Ans- A skillful advertiser can create a monopoly.

0.2006. 25, I must go to jail. (Make it less definite)
 Ans: I may go to jail.
0.2006. 26. Do realise your responsibility as educated women.

(Use modal auxiliary showing obligation)
Ans: You must  realise your responsibility as educated women.

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