23 March 2022

Poetic Appreciation of all Poems of Std. 11 important points.


Poetic Appreciation of 'The Cherry Tree

Poem No 1

 1.'The Cherry Tree' 


 'The Cherry Tree

Name of the Poet 

 Ruskin Bond.

Rhyme Scheme 

 No Rhyme scheme as it's free verse. 

The figure of Speech 

 Alliteration, Repetition Antithesis, Personification, Climax, Consonance, and metaphor.

The Theme/Central idea 

 The poem the cherry tree is about the ecstasy of the poet over the plant that he has seeded eight years ago. The poet is emphasise the inner instinct of the cherry tree to survive and grow. The poet is overwhelmed with instinct and feelings of surprise at the wonder of nature.  


The message of the poem. 

The poem has figurative language but is easy to understand.

The poem gives the message to the readers that like humans trees also have to go through difficulties and obstacles but with strong determination, they can be overcome

Poetic Appreciation of 'The Sower

Poem No 2

 2.'The Sower' 


''The Sower' is  Translated from The French Poem "Saison des Semailles" by the Poet Victor Hugo. 

Name of the Poet 

 Translators the Bengali  Poetess 'Torulata Dutta' (Original French poet "Victor Hugo")

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 abab, cdcd, efef, though, and Kijiji

The figure of Speech 

 Alliteration, Inversions, and Imagery. 

The Theme/Central idea 

The poem has a universal theme which is the optimistic approach of the farmers. Even though the sower has seen so many bad harvests still he didn't lose hope and believes that the next harvest will be his, with the same optimistic approach he sows the seeds and waits for a good yield. 


The message of the poem. 

The poem is in narrative style as the poet is narrating the story of the optimistic farmer. The language is simple to understand.

The poem gives a very nice message to the readers that efforts are important in life even though one faces many obstacles we should not forget to put in the effort.

Poetic Appreciation there is Another Sky' 

Poem No 3

 3.'There is Another Sky' 

Title/Type of the Poem 

 'There is Another Sky' (Sonnet) 

Name of the Poet 

 Emily Dickinson

Rhyme Scheme 

 No regular Rhyme scheme. abcb, codec, fight, ih. 

The figure of Speech 

 Alliteration, Hyperbole, inversion 

The Theme/Central idea 

The theme of the poem is never to say die. The sister encouraged her brother to keep moving ahead. The poem deals with the theme that one must go ahead irrespective of thinking about failure or success. Never surrender to the difficulties and frustration of life. 


The message of the poem. 

The language of the poem is difficult to understand as it has unconventional Rhyme and punctuation. But it has the optimistic Tone. 

The poem gives us the strong message that one must not bother about the instructions in life and keep moving ahead. We should never give up. 

Poetic Appreciation of 'Upon Westminister Bridge 

Poem No 4

 4.'Upon Westminister Bridge 


'Upon Westminister Bridge'. 

Name of the Poet 

 William Wordsworth 

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is abba, abba, cdcd, cd 

The figure of Speech 

simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, and hyperbole.  

The Theme/Central idea 

The present poem is a beautiful and vivid description of the city of London experienced by the poet when he had been crossing the bridge early in the morning. He had been highly fascinated by the gorgeous beauty of the city of London enabled him to take pause and enjoy the beauty from the Westminister bridge located on the River Thames. 


The message of the poem. 

The poem is figurative but easy to Understand. 

The poem gives us the message that nature has the power to impact humans. 

Poetic Appreciation of 'Nose Versus Eyes' 

Poem No 4

 5.'Nose Versus Eyes


'Nose Versus Eyes'. 

Name of the Poet 

 William Cowper

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 A regular rhyme scheme that is abab 

The figure of Speech 

personification, imagery, inversion. Almost all human sense organs are personified. 

The Theme/Central idea 

The theme of the poem is about the general human tendencies and attributes of greediness. people generally grab the things which do not belong to them and keep the real needy depriving those who deserve them. The present poem is a satire on the judiciary system. It also humorously mocks the stone blind justice emphasizing the lack of empathy and common sense. 


The message of the poem. 

The poem is figurative but easy to Understand. The poem has many words and phrases associated with the field of law and judiciary like 'Your lordship'

The poem is humorous but it deals with the most serious issues of human life.   

Poetic Appreciation of 'The Planners

Poem No 4

 6.'The Planners'


'The Planners''. 

Name of the Poet 

 Boey Kim Cheng

Rhyme Scheme:- 

 The poem is in Free verse hence there is no rhyme scheme. 

The figure of Speech 

Alliteration, Paradox, Oxymoron, metaphor, personification, etc.

The Theme/Central idea 

The theme of the poem is modernization, by the need for modernization humans are exploiting nature. The poet describes the unstoppable greed for modernization. The natural environment is replaced by the concrete jungle. The poet portrays the bureaucrats who plan the construction, at the cost of the loss of biodiversity. He held them responsible for the loss of originality. 


The message of the poem. 

The poem has appealing language. The poet uses repetition to evoke feelings among readers.
The language is also figurative but easy to Understand. 
The poem is a criticism of modernism which we archive at the cost of loss of the heritage. 

Marking Scheme of Poetic Appreciation as per the Board Pattern

Title, Name of the Poet:- 1 Mark. 

The theme of the poem:- 1/2 Mark 

Poetic Device:-              1/2 Mark

Language:-                    1 Mark. 

Other Points:-                1 Mark.

📌Important Instructions:- You have to write the Poetic Appreciation in the paragraph which covers the above points. Sometimes the points may be given with the poem or points may not be given but the students are expected to cover the key points like the Title, the Poet's name, The theme of the poem, Poetic devices (like Rhyme scheme/figures of speech), Style, Language of the poem, Tone of the poem, special features, Message/moral value, and your opinion.

Instead of being reproductive students are expected to be creative while writing an appreciation of the poem.

The following points will be helpful for the students to write poetic Appreciation. 





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