08 March 2022

2nd Semester Exam Std. 11th.


2nd Semester Exam Std 11th

STD: XI        2nd Semester Exam2022

Time:3:00Hrs.                            Marks: 80

Important Instructions :

1)Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/sentences. Answers written in only one word will not be given complete credit. Only the correct activity number written in case of options will not be given any credit.

2)Web diagrams flow charts, tables, etc. are to be presented exactly as they are with answers.

3)In point 2 above, only the words written without the presence of activity format /design, will not be given credit. Use of colocoloreds/pencils etc. is not allowed (Only blue/black pens are allowed)

4)Multiple answers to the same activity will be treated as wrong and will not be given any credit.

5)Maintain the sequence of the Section/Question Nos./Activities throughout the activity sheet.



Reading for Comprehension / Language Study/ Summarizing

Q.I (A) Read the following extract and complete all the activities given after it:    (12 Marks)  

The First Crop
It was April 2004. I stood in the middle of the lush green field of moong (green gram) and looked around me. It was just before sunrise and the sky was turning a bright orange. The ground was damp and the leaves were shining with dew. My bare feet were muddy as I walked around gingerly, inspecting the plants. Around me were rows of chikoo trees and below a dense foliage of moong. At that point, I could not have asked for anything more. The moong plants, not more than two feet tall, had green pods hanging out. The pods were not yet ripe and there was a light fuzz growing on them. There was still some time before the harvest. I felt exhilarated. I stood watching the sun rise above the towering trees across the fence and slowly made my way back to the house, a white structure in the middle of this greenery. I could not believe that I was the owner of this land and that I was looking at my first crop as a farmer. After I had paid the advance money for the Land, I thought I would have some time to get familiar with farming. But Moru Dada, the broker who got us the land, had other ideas. He was keen that we plant moong at once. I was not prepared for this. I was still reading books and trying to figure out what we could sow and how we should go about it. More Dada was quite firm. He said the season was right for sowing moong and the best seeds were available in Surat in the adjacent state of Gujarat. 


A1. State if the given statements are True or False. (2)

I. The best variety of moong seeds were available in Palghar. 

II. It was an unbelievable fact for the author that he owns the land. 

III. The moong was grown under the mango tree. 

IV. The author was trying to understand agriculture by reading books. 

A2. Complete the following sentences with the help of the options given below. 

1. The best season to sow moong was the.........month according to Moru Dada. 

2. The two qualities of the moong plant are............................ and........................... 

3. Moru Dada was............................................. 

4. The author walked in the muddy land barefooted because......................... 

A3. The author didn't have in-depth knowledge about farming, Explain with some details from the extract. (2)

A4. We need to understand even the smallest details of the business to succeed. Write your views. (2)

A5. Do as directed. (2)

1) I was looking after my first crop as a farmer. (Choose the correct alternative to rewriting the given sentence to change the voice)

I. My first crop was looked after by me as a farmer. 

II. My first crop has been looked after as a farmer by me.

III. My first crop was being looked after as a farmer by me. 

IV. I was being looked after for my crop as a farmer. 

2) I felt exhilarated.

(Choose the correct alternative to rewriting the given sentence as a rhetorical question.) 

 I. Didn't I feel exhilarated? 

II. Did I feel exhilarated? 

III. I did not exhilarate. 

IV. Why was I feel exhilarated? 

A6. Find the synonyms for the following words from the passage. (2)

a. Observing. 

b. Carefully. 

c. Neighbouring. 

d. Excited. 

(B) Language Study (Non-Textual Grammar)

A. Do as directed.

I. Use the correct articles and rewrite the sentence.

Covid-19 is……. most dangerous disease the human race has ever witnessed

in….. world.

II. Use the correct prepositions and rewrite the sentence.

They enter……… the class…….. maks and sanitizer.

III. Rewrite the following sentence into indirect speech.

She told him, “You should work hard to get good marks”

B. Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence.

I am liking to see movies at the theatre.

Q 2 Read the extract and complete the activities given below it.

Ritualistic importance

Mehendi enjoys special attention during weddings. In India, the day before the wedding is devoted exclusively to the elaborate ritual of applying mehendi on the hands and feet of the bride. This practice is followed in Arab countries as well, except that it is held a few days before the wedding day. Songs woven around the healing properties and lucky omens associated with mehendi are sung by the bride's family and friends. An age-old belief handed down to generations lays great emphasis on the color of the bride's mehendi- a darker color suggests bountiful love and affection from the future in-laws and husband, and for this reason, brides take pains to ensure that only the best quality henna is used for her wedding day.

The ritual of adorning the bride with henna is a sacred one and in some communities requires the initiation by the mother-in-law, A popular game during marriage function is the search for the names, of the bride and groom hidden within the elaborate pattern of the bride's hands. In certain parts of India, the bridegroom to has his hands decorated with henna. The mehendi function during marriages has evolved from simple family affairs of yesteryears to elaborate events of today. A lavish spread of food and entertainment in the form of song and dance performances has transformed it from a small function to a gala prelude. In earlier days, the task of applying mehendi on the bride was the sole prerogative of creative family members. The demand for intricate and different styles now, sees this job outsourced to beauticians skilled in this art. Beauty salons charge according to the style and complexity of patterns desired by the clients.


A1 Complete the following web diagram with the help of the above extract. 

A2 Complete the following sentences with the correct alternatives given below it. 

(a) In India Mehandi is applied on the hands of the bride on............

1. wedding day 

2. two days before the wedding 

3. One day after the wedding 

4. the day before the wedding. 

(b) The Mehandi is applied to ………………….body parts of the bride. 

1. head and legs 

2. back and neck. 

3. hands and feet. 

4. whole body. 

(c) The darker color of Mehandi suggests…………………….

1. deep love of-laws

2. care from parents. 

3. love and affection from in-laws and husband. 

4. dark future with problems 

(d) The application of Mehandi is initiated by.............. 

1. Mother 

2. Husband 

3. Sister 

4. Mother in - law.

A3. Write the difference between the olden day's Mehandi function and the modern mehendi function.

A4. Do you like traditional rituals?  Yes/No, Give the reason for that.

A5. Do as Directed.

1. Mehendi enjoys special attention during weddings.

(Convert it into a present perfect continuous tense and rewrite it. Choose the correct option)

a) Mehendi has been enjoying special attention during weddings.

b) Mehendi is enjoying special attention during the wedding.

c) Mehendi had been enjoying special attention during the wedding

d) Mehendi is enjoying special attention during the wedding.

2. Beauty salons charge according to the style and complexity of the pattern. 

(Select the correct option for not only.... but also.)

a) Beauty salons charge according to not only the style but also the complexity of the pattern.

b) Beauty salons charge not only according to the style but also the complexity of the pattern.

c) Not only do beauty salons charge according to the style but also the complexity of the pattern.

d) Beauty salons not only charge according to the style but also the complexity of the pattern.

A6 Vocabulary.

Write the adjective form of the following.





(B) Summary Writing.

Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title. Take the help of the following points.
Mehandi ……. ritualistic importance ……. Beliefs associated........ Functions.................. Modification ……… 

(C) Note Making. 

Here are some tips about hair care. Read and write in the form of Dos and Don't (table): 

We must take proper care of our hair. Healthy hair looks beautiful and makes us look good. It is important to keep our hair clean by washing it regularly with soap or shampoo. At the same time, washing our hair too often can spoil our hair, and it can make it dry and brittle. To have healthy hair, we must eat a balanced diet, which provides nourishment to our hair and skin. We should eat lots of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and cereals. Consumption of amla juice, ash gourd juice, pumpkin, and coconut water enhances hair growth. We should avoid hard chemicals and dyes. We should also avoid the intake of maida (fine flour) anddeep-friedd dishes, sweets made of white sugar, soft drinks, tea, and coffee. We should not expose our hair to the sun during the hottest time of the day. We should cover it up and wear a hat instead. If we follow a healthy regime of yoga and breathing exercises, we can enjoy healthy hair for a long time as it slows down the process of greying and aging.

Q.3 (A) Read the given lines and complete the activities given below: (10)

There is another sky,

Ever serene and fair,

And there is another sunshine,

Though it is darkness there;

Never mind faded forests, Austin,

Never mind silent fields—

Here is a little forest,

Whose leaf is ever green;

Here is a brighter garden,

Where not a frost has been;

In its unfading flowers

I hear the bright bee hum:

Prithee, my brother,

Into my garden come!


A1 Categorise the following words into two columns (A Happiness) (B Sadness) (02)

Sunshine, darkness, unfading flowers, brighter garden, faded forest, frost, silent fields. 

Sr. No. 

Happiness 'A' 

Sadness 'B' 











A2 Complete the sentences. (02)

1) The poet's brother's name is....................

2) The speaker of the poem is …………… 

A3 ‘The best relationship in the world is Sister and brother relationship' write your view’s about this statement. (2)

A4  Find out an example of an Alliteration from the above poem and explain what is Alliteration. (2)

A5 Compose four lines on Siblings(brother/sister) (2)


Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem

Earth has not done anything to show fairer:

Dull would he be of soul who could pass by

A sight so touching in its majesty:

This city now doth, like a garment, wear

The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,

Ships, towers, domes, theatres,& temples lie

Open unto the fields, and to the sky;

All bright & glittering in the smokeless air.

Never did the sun more beautifully steep

In his first splendor, valley, rock, or hill;

Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm, so deep!

The river glideth at his own sweet will:

Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;

And all that mighty heart is lying still!


                       Section III 

                    Writing Skills 

Q. 4 Complete the activities and apepaperse instructions given below.

A1. Attempt any one of the followings. (4)

1. Letter Writing. 

You are Sunil/Sonali Rajput, Yavatmal Maharashtra. Your father has lost his job due to covid-19, which forced the family to shift to your village. You are in Std 11th but due to financial and family problems, you were not able to attend college. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to allow you to appear for the final exam of Std 11.


2. Email Writing. 

You are Manoj/Monika Deshmukh from Devgaon pada of Thane district. You have been studying 11th Sci at B. N. N. College Bhiwandi. The college has started offline but due to the strict ST BUS, you find it difficult to commute to your College. Being a college student in a remote area and a representative of the students write an email to the Home minister of Maharashtra (homeministemaha. in)and request to solve your problem. 

 B. Attempt anyone from the given activities.              (4)

1. Expansion of idea. 

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words) ‘Friends – a real treasure ’

 Need and spice of life.

 Real share and care.

 Commitment and inspiration.

 Need of very moment.


2. Film Review 


Write a review of the film that you remember you’ve watched and can’t forget easily. Give details about the movie using the following supporting points.

 Title of the film.

 The star cast and production house (if you remember).

 The gist of the plot.

 The reason you like the film.

 Your favorite scene from the movie.

 Your opinion and recommendation.



Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Safety Measures’, with the help of the following

points. (100-150 words)

 Need and Purpose

 Safety equipment and use

 Safety action plan

 Management and Implementation

 Advice / Suggestion / Guidance

C. Attempt anyone from the given activities. (4)

1. Appeal

student councilncil of your college has organized a 'Blood Donation Camp' to mark national youth day. Prepare an appeal with the help of the following points.

 An effective slogan

 Use a logo or a picture

 Blood donation – Noble cause

 No loss of strength

 Time, venue, and date

 Signature line

2. Leaflet. 

AFAC  Jr. College Chembur Mumbai 71 is going to start the professional courses for the students of Commerce after the 12th. All the courses are affiliated with Mumbai University. Prepare the leaflet about it by using catchy and attractive lines. 


3. Report Writing

Imagine you have recently witnessed a demonstration on “Health and Fitness” organized at your college campus. Write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall happenings of this event.


4. Counter view. 

Prepare a paragraph to be used for the Counter view section of the following topic: Examinations are essential for the development of students."

You can take the help of the following points in the View section:


  • Examinations make students study.
  • Examinations are a good tool to check the progress of a child.
  • Examinations help in the admission process to different. courses.
  • Examinations develop healthy competition.

D. Complete any one of the following activities.     (4)

1 Speech

Imagine that as a part of the Republic Day celebrations, your college has organized an elocution competition. Prepare a speech in about 120 words on My Idea of India as a Developed Country.


2.  Comparing

Imagine, you are allowed to compare a program organized at your college concerning ‘Yoga Day’. As a compere, draft the whole program script deciding the flow of the overall program. You may take the help of the given hints:

🔹Prayer/welcome song, introduction

🔹elicitation, yoga demonstration

🔹Presidential address

🔹Vote of thanks

🔹Any other important point? 


3. Dialogue Writing. 

Write the dialogue between you and your friends about the 'World is on the verge of world war the third' due to Russia and Ukraine dispute. 

4. Interview

Imagine, you have to interview a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Name of the interviewee.

Distinguish Personality.


Area of success/Reputation


Date/Time /Venue


Duration of Interview



Questions based on.










Memorable moment


Skills required


Do’s and Don’ts



                       Section IV 

             Literary Genre Drama 

Q5 Complete the activities given below as instructed. (16)

1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative. (4)

1)....... is the soul of Drama. (theme/plot/conflict/Character)

2) The well-known dialogue "To be or not to be" is from the play.... …….(Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo, and Juliet)

3) The person who is known for his nonverbal communication through his body is........ (Hamlet, Charlie Chaplin, William Shakespeare, Michael Jackson 

4) This unity has to be taken into consideration. ‘unity of Time, unity place and ’unity of action, all of 3three unities) …

2.  Answer about 50 of the questions given below. (4)

1. The description of the character is given below. Identify the character from the play. 'The Rising of the Moon (2)

(a) He is a brave but irresponsible person.


(b)He is a major character. He dominates the story.

Ans- ............. 

(c) He is smart as well as brave.

Ans- ..............

(d) He is the center of the play.

Ans- ............... 

2. The Sergeant’s reaction surprises the audience. Write your opinion. (2)

3. Answer in about 50 words the questions given below. (4)

1. The theme of the Drama 'Midsummer Night'Dreamm' is short. (2)

2. Match the columns :(2)

Match the following 

Column A 

 Column B

(1) Theseus

 (1) Robin Goodfellow

(2) Titania

 (2) Queen of the Amazons

(3) Puck

 (3) Duke of Athens

(4) Hippolyta

 (4) Queen of the Fairies  

3Answer in about 50 words the questions given below. (4)

1. Describe in your own words the incident when Hovstad’s real intention to help Dr. Stockman is exposed. (2)

2. Write the character sketch of Dr. Stockman. (2)

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