05 February 2022

Topics to be prepared for English Oral.

 English Oral Exam 2023-24

The Oral Exam has two Skills, Listening Skill and speaking skill. The students are expected to speak fluently, confidently with coherent and cohesion. Speaking skill will be tested based on following Criteria. 

1. Understanding of the topic/Comprehension. (2)

2. Presentation/Participation. (2)

3.Vocabulary/grammar/body language.(2)

4. Content/Novelty of ideas/Fluency. (2)

5. Communication/Inference. (2)

So prepare the following Topics for Speaking Skills by keeping the above Criteria in mind. 

Topics to be prepared for Speaking Skills.

1) Online teaching course or boon.

Discussion on the above Topic with the partner.

Express own opinion and support your answer.

2) Impact of Pandemic on life in general and Education in details.

3) Section of the career is the biggest challenge for the young generation. 

4) The Role model of your life. Who inspired and shaped you.. 

5) Smart mobile and young Generation. 

Prepare and present your own views on the topic.

        All the best. 👍👍

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