13 February 2022

Sept 2021 Board Activity Sheet

September 2021 Board Activity Sheet. 

Q. 2 B, Q. 3, Q. 4. Q. 5

(B) Summary Writing: (3)

Write a summary of the above extract with a suitable title. Take help from the given points/hints. [Child's interaction with people in school - his experiences in school - adjustment problems - peer group influence]

(C) Mind Mapping :

Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame/design using your ideas/ thoughts concepts to illustrate development on the topic: "Best Sources of Entertainment'.




                   (Poetry and Appreciation)

Q. 3. (A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (10) 

A1. Rewrite the following sentences as per their occurrence in the extract: (2)
(1) Sir Ralph cut the Inchcape Bell.
(2) Sir Ralph asked his men to row him to the Inchcape Rock. 
(3) The Inchcape Bell sank.
(4) Sir Ralph kept his eye on the Inchcape float.

A2. But the Rover's mirth was wickedness":

Explain the line in your own words.
A3. "Those men who do wrong things, meet with due punishment':
Express your point of view on the above statement.

A4. Pick out and write the rhyming words from the first stanza and also write its rhyme scheme.

A5. Compose four poetic lines of your own on
A memorable evening on a beautiful beach.

(B) Appreciation:

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem given below: (4)

"Poem Money"



Q. 4. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below: [16]

(A) Attempt 'Ane from the given activities:(4)

(1) Drafting a virtual message :

Imagine, you are Rahul/Jyoti studying in 12th standard. You are going to attend an International Awareness Programme in New Delhi the next week.

Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the same to your classmate. Give your reasons to support your message.


(2) Statement of Purpose

You wish to pursue your graduation /diploma at a reputed university in any of the streams of your own choice, either arts, commerce, science, management, medicine, agriculture, engineering, law, or any other degree you have in your mind. You have fixed your career goals and also have a similar background to achieve your dreams. Taking help of the above points/information write a Statement of purpose in about 100/150 words as a part of your application process to get admission at a university of your choice


(3) Group Discussion:

You and your three friends (John, Irfand, and Ravina) are selected as a team for group discussion for a reputed T.V. channel. The topic of discussion is 'Importance of English literature. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

(B) Attempt 'One from the given activities:(4)


(1) You purchased a 42 inches Smart T.V. four months ago from M.G. Electronics and Appliances. It is not working properly and also it doesn't have good sound and picture quality. The warranty period of the T.V. is still valid. Write an E-mail in about 100/150 words to the shop owner complaining about the problem.


Report Writing:

(2) Your junior college recently organized a 'Book Reading Competition'. You are the students' representative. Write a report on the competition in about 100/150


(3) Imagine, you have to interview a teacher who recently received the Ideal Teacher Award from the state government. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequence of the questions.)

Interview Questions
Interview Questions 

1. Name of the interviewee.
2. Area of interest/ Specialisation.
3. Date, Time, and Venue of Interview.
4. Duration of an interview.


Points for Interview framing Interview Questions. 

๐Ÿ”นReaction after the achievement. 
๐Ÿ”ธRole model in life. 
๐Ÿ”นThe challenge came in the way. 
๐Ÿ”ธSolutions to the challenge. 
๐Ÿ”นMemorable moments. 
๐Ÿ”ธGreat supporter 
๐Ÿ”น plan 

(C) Attempt 'Any One from the given activities:

Speech :(4)

(1) Imagine you have to deliver a speech on the topic 'Save Earth Save Life on World Environment Day in your junior college. Draft a speech in about 100/150 words that you wish to deliver before the audience.


(2) Comparing:
Suppose, you are going to compete in a felicitation program for meritorious students in the H.S.C. Board Examination of your junior college. As a compere, prepare the whole program script considering the sequence and details of the overall program. You may take the help of the given hints:

[Welcome song, Introductory speech, Presentation of the result, Felicitation of meritorious students, Representative talks/Speeches by meritorious students and their parents, Small interview session, Chairperson's address, Vote of thanks.]

Expansion of Ideas:

(3) Expand the following idea in about 100/150 words with the help of the points given below:

All is well that Ends well".

  • Well begun is just half done
  • It's all about the finishing touch
  • Patience and perseverance are always counted
  • A happy ending leads to satisfaction
(D) Attempt 'One from the given activities:(4)


(1) You have recently read a book. Write a Review' in about 100/150 words of the book with the help of the following points:

Title/author of the book


(2) Write a 'Blog' in a proper format on "Yoga-A practice for better living with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:

Importance of Yoga in life. 
Keeps body fit and healthy. 
Refreshes soul and Mind. 
Stress buster. 
Meditation helps in focusing



(3) Your college has organized a motorcycle rally to make
to save paper and save trees. people awa Prepare an 'Appeal' on the topic "Save Paper, Save Trees' with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:
Convincing appeal
Famous personality/Guest Venue, date, and time. 




Q. 5. (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions: (1) Pick out the odd element from each line:(2)

(a) Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene, Daniel Defoe, Anthony Burgess.

(b) Mystery, Style, Conflict, Character.

(c) The turn of the screw, Aphra Behn, Rajmohan's Wife, Jane Eyre.

(d) Drama, Novel, Psychology, Poetry.

(i) Choose the correct alternatives and rewrite the sentences: (2) (a) The novel as a literary genre has a history of about years.

[two thousand five hundred, two thousand, five hundred]

(b) The new literature written in the 18th century was characterized by

[mystery, fantasy, spirit of realism]

(c) In the novel, the surface meaning is different from the symbolic meaning.

[Allegorical, Dystopian, Gothic]

(d)........ has coined the phrase: 'Stream of Consciousness'.

[Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, William James]

(B) Answer in about 50 words the questions given below:(4)

(i) Explain in brief the theme of the extract from 'To Sir, With Love'. (2)

(ii) Give the character sketch of Denham in the extract from "To Sir, With Love. (2)

(C)Answer the following:(4)

(i) Complete the table highlighting various traits of the following characters in the extract from 'Around the World in Eighty Days'.(2)

Name of the Characters 
Detective Fix 

(ii) We can go around the world in less time by journeying eastward".

Justify it with Fogg's journey in the extract from "Around the World in Eighty Days. (in about 50 words) (2)

(D) Answer the questions given below: (4)

(i) Elaborate the following line in the light of the novel "The Sign of Four'. (2) 

(in about 50 words)

"You are an automaton - a calculating machine."

(ii) Arrange the following incidents in the correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract from the novel 'The Sign of Four'.

 (a) Miss Morstan slowed Holmes the pearls and letter. 

(b) Miss Morstan discussed her problem with Holmes and Watson.

(c) They planned to meet the writer of the letter.

(d) Miss Morstan met Holmes and Watson at their house.


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