16 January 2022

Semester Exam for Std XI.

               First Semester Exam.

STD: XI         Time: 2:30 Hrs 

Marks: 50                       Sub: English 


Important Instructions 

  •  (i) All questions are compulsory. There may be internal option/s.  
  • (ii)Answers are to be written in complete sentences. One-word answer or incomplete. the answer will not be given credit. 
  • (iii) Figures/ webs/diagrams/charts/tables etc. should be drawn and presented completely with proper answers written as instructed. 
  • (iv) Use of colore pen/pencil is not allowed. Use only Black or Blue pen. __ 
  • Shakespeare was the greatest writer.

  1. As you Sow, So shall you Reap
  1. Empty Vessels Make the Most Sound
  1. Patrol romance
  1. Comedy
  1. Tragedy
  1. Tragic romance
  1. Solinus
  1. Theseus
  1. Philostrate
  1. Demetrius
  1. Anthony and Cleopatra
  1. Romeo and Juliet
  1. Helen and Troy
  1. Pyramus and Thisbe
  1. Lysander
  1. Demetrius
  1. Egeus
  1. Philostrate 

Q. 1A Read the given extract and complete the activity given below:                [10 Marks]

  When we reached Kathmandu we discovered that a controversy had arisen. We talked it over, Hillary, Colonel Hunt, and I. We agreed that all the talk was childish. So we made a pact, and each of us signed it in the office of the Prime Minister of Nepal. Each one signed his statement. I have a copy of Hillary’s statement which I carry in my pocket.

It reads: “Kathmandu, June 22, 1953.”

“On May 29th, Tenzing Sherpa and I left our high camp on Mt. Everest for our attempt on the summit. As we climbed upwards to the South Summit, first one and then the other would take a turn at leading. We crossed over the South Summit and moved along the Summit ridge. We reached the summit almost together. We embraced each other overjoyed at our success, then I took a photograph of Tenzing holding aloft the flags of Great Britain, Nepal, the United Nations, and India.” (Signed: E.P. Hillary) There is another paper like this in English, signed by me. Thus, we will not take part in any controversy. As the statement says, Hillary and I embraced when we reached the top. We did as well as our bulky equipment would let us. I remember saying to him: “We have done it.” But we couldn’t hear. We had our oxygen masks on.

First Thought My first thought on reaching the top was a sense of gratitude to God, that after having failed six times, He had blessed me with the fulfillment of this desire I had held so long. I placed on the summit the offerings to God that I had carried with me. This is in accord with my religion. Both my wife and I are Buddhists. I could not kneel because of my clothes and equipment. But I offered a silent prayer in my heart. The offerings were biscuits, candy, and a little blue pencil. My youngest daughter, Nima, had given me the pencil before I left home. She asked me to put it on the top of the mountain as her offering. It was an ordinary blue pencil, not even a long one, but it was one of her prized possessions. As I put it down, I pointed it out to Hillary. He gave me a big smile, showing that he understood. Then I got out the flags which I had on a piece of string about four feet long. I fastened one end to my ice axe and Hillary took pictures as I held it up.

A1 Rearrange the statements in order as the events occur in the extract. 2

1.) They made a pact.

2.) They reached Kathmandu.

3.) They signed their statements.

4.) They discovered that a controversy had arisen.

A2. List how Tenzing Norgay celebrates reaching the top. 2               

1. -------- 2--------- 3----------4---------

A3. Write about any controversy you or your friend are involved in. 2

A4. Give one word for the following expressions:   2

1. The things that are needed to do a particular work - 

2. The feelings of being grateful - 

3. A covering for the face or a part of it. - 

4. Having god’s help and protection   -            

A5. Language Study.  2  

1. When we reached Kathmandu we discovered that a controversy had arisen. (Rewrite using ‘No sooner….. than’ by removing ‘when’)

2. Spot the error and rewrite the sentence.

Q. 2. (A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below:  [10 Marks] 

If you have a mobile phone in your pocket when you leave home, you will confidently believe that you are not far away from your family. You can make instant contact with your family from anywhere in the world. The same holds for the Man-God relationship.

Life is full of disadvantages. Frequently we come face-to-face with unfamiliar situations. Dealing with them is thought and planning and, at that time, we need some pointers to a future line of action. In such a situation, belief in God serves as a lighthouse. We are like the captain of an ocean-going vessel, who finds himself in a state of loneliness and isolation. Then he spots a lighthouse on the coastline. Its light gives him new hope and he decides to follow the path it illuminates. The result is that he is successful in reaching his destination.

One's success is 50% struggle and 50% hope. It is a source of great hope for everyone that God is with here distance between Man and God. He is just a call away from us.

A 1. Global Understanding.         2

A 2. Complex Factual.   2

How does the writer compare God with the lighthouse?

A3.Inference / Interpretation / Analysis 2                                                                          What is the similarity between God and a mobile?

A 4. Personal Response. 2

 Do you believe “ One’s success is 50% struggle and 50% hope?” Why?                         

A 5. Language Study. 1

i) You can make instant contact with your family                                                             (Rewrite the sentence using able to). 1 

A 6. Vocabulary                       1 

Give opposites by adding prefixes

i) belief

ii) true  

3. (A). Read the following extract and complete the activity given below:             [6 Marks] 

Al Complete the web that brings out the qualities of the sower.   2                                

Shadows run across the lands: 

But a  sower  lingers  still, 

Old, in rags, the patient stands. 

Looking on, I feel a thrill. 

Black and high, his  silhouette 

Dominates the furrows deep! 

Now to sow the task is set. 

Soon shall come a time to reap. 

Marches he along the plain 

To and fro, and  scatters wide 

From his hands the precious grain; 

Muse  I, as I see him stride. 

Are  august; and strange; his height 

Seems to touch the starry skies.

A.2.The Grains are referred to as precious'- Give reasons.          2


 A.3. Find out the rhyme- scheme and pick up the rhyming words from the line quoted to you.  2                                                                                                                                                                          

Q.3.B. Poetic Appreciation:   4                                                                                Write an appreciation of the given extract based on the following points.

(Title, Poet, Language, Poetic Devices, Special Features.)

I lay on the grass, at ease, 

Looking up through the leaves at the blue 

Blind sky, at the finches, as they flew 

And flitted through the dappled green. 

While  bees in ecstasy  drank

Of  nectar  from each bloom and the sun sank 

Swiftly, the stars turned in the sky, 

And moon-moths and singing crickets  and I 

Yes, I! — praised Night and Stars and tree: 

That small, cherry, grown by me.

About the poem significance of the title

The theme of the poem and its significance

Inspirational messages, values, and morals reflected

Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem.

Q.4 Writing skills.                 12 Marks                                                      A)Attempt any one of the following.                                                                Email writing: 4        

Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighboring Junior college requesting him/her to send a Panel of teachers (Language) for judging Inter college event to be organized in your college.


Letter Writing     

Anil/Anita Chaudhary, the  Student of XIth Commerce A lives at Nashik Road, Tycoon Plaza A/702 near Bitco College. You have been commuting daily to KTHM College Gangapur road. You have to apply for a traveling pass so you need a  bonafide certificate. Write a letter to the Principal of your college and request him/her to issue you the bona fide certificate.                 4                                                       

B.)Expansion of Idea:(Anyone)

Expand the following idea with the help of the following points given below. Write your answer in about 100 to 150 words.

C.) Attempt any one of the followings: 4                                                            

Interview Questions

The world-famous woman sportsperson was invited to the InterCollege Sports Meet.

You were asked to interview her. Prepare ten questions to ask her.


You visited the Old Age Home at Bandra along with the social group of your college. You have been selected to interview one of the senior-most residents in the Home. Frame ten questions

Literary Genre Drama

Q 5. A. Do the following activities as per the instructions                                 (4 Marks)

State whether the following statements are True or False.  2     (i) Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be active on stage.

(ii) Drama is written in a narrative form.

(iii) Dialogue involves one speaker only.

(iv) Drama has its origins in folk theatre.

B. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative. 2                                                     

(i) Shakespearean era came into existence in the ……  century.

     ( 16th, 17th,18th)

(ii)  ……... Experimented with Greek tragedy in the early forties of the 20th century.

     ( Shaw, T.S.Eliot, W.B.Yeats)

( iii) ……….. is the essence of drama.

     ( Theme, Conflict, Dialogue)

(iv) the…… is the main character in the Play.

    (Protagonist, villain, static)

Q.5 B. Choose the correct options and rewrite the statement. 4                                                                           1) A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a _____________                                                      

2) Who is the Duke of Athens

3)Which play did the amateur actors perform at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta

4)Who is the master of the revels?

2)Write the character sketch of Oberon.(2)                                                             

                         ALL THE BEST  

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