09 October 2021

There is another sky Poetic Appreciation

 Poetic Appreciation of the poem 

"There Is Another Sky"

The poem "There Is Another Sky" is composed by the American poet Emily Dickinson. This is inspirational Sonnet which gives us the message, 'Never to say Die'. The poem is inspirational for those who found themselves in the depression and frustration. The poetess is addressing her brother who is in frustration. She advised him not to loose the hope and always be positive as she believes that when one door close another opens, that's why we should not loose the hopes and keep on going ahead with the hope that we will overcome the difficulties. The language of the poem is difficult to understand as the poetess has used the unconventional punctuation and capitalism. Even theere no regular rhyme in the poem. 

The poem is full of figurative language as the poetess used the figures of speech like Hyperbole, Inversion and alliteration. 

The poem is an inspirational poem which ends with positive and optimistic thoughts that even though many challenges comes in our life we must face it and overcome the obstacles. The moral that we should have the 'Never to say - die' Attitude. 

I personally like this poem very much as it gives the positive messages that we must live the positive and optimistic life irrespective of the circumstances. 

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