🟑About the Author  :-Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a British writer and Medical Doctor. He is known for his four Novels and fifty short stories. He had created the well known character of Sherlock Holmes in his first novel "A Study in Scarlet" in a year 1887. Over 130 years are passed still the character of Sherlock Holmes remain very much popular among the readers. The Holmes stories are generally considered as a milestone in the field of Crime Fiction. Doyle was a prolific writer; other than Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories about Professor Challenger and humorous stories about the Napoleonic soldier Brigadier Gerard, as well as plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels. One of Doyle's early short stories, "J. Habakkuk Joseph's Statement" (1884), helped to popularize  the mystery of the Mary Seleste. 


 Novel Section 

Around The World In Eighty Days
✴️ Mary Morstan begin to get the pearl every year since 1882. This is the year when Major Sholto died. 
✴️Mary received the pearls continuous for 6 years upto 1887. When she got the pearl as well as invitation for meeting.

 Chapter II Summary
"The Sign of Four" is a novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. The book is divided into 12 chapters, but it seems you are referring to the second chapter specifically.
In the second chapter of "The Sign of Four," Dr. John Watson visits Sherlock Holmes at 221B Baker Street. Watson describes Holmes' eccentricities and his investigative abilities, showcasing his keen observation skills and logical deductions. Holmes is conducting an experiment involving bloodstains and identifies a client named Miss Mary Morstan, a governess who seeks Holmes' assistance in a mysterious case involving her missing father and a valuable treasure.
"The Sign of Four," Dr. John Watson, the narrator, visits his friend and roommate, Sherlock Holmes, at their residence, 221B Baker Street. Watson begins by describing Holmes' personality and habits, portraying him as a meticulous and unique individual. Holmes is conducting a chemical experiment, focusing on analyzing a bloodstain on a slipper. Watson is always fascinated by Holmes' scientific approach and his attention to detail.
Holmes deduces from the bloodstain that their potential client is a young woman with a heart condition. Shortly thereafter, Miss Mary Morstan arrives. She explains her situation to Holmes and Watson. Miss Morstan's father disappeared a decade ago under mysterious circumstances, and she has received anonymous letters concerning a valuable treasure and a secret pact to share it. The letters prompt her to meet the sender at a specific location.
Holmes listens intently, offering his assistance to help her navigate the situation and solve the mystery. Miss Morstan hands over the letters for Holmes to examine. Intrigued by the case, Holmes agrees to accompany Miss Morstan to the meeting the following day.
Holmes leaves briefly to investigate further, and Watson shares some personal observations about Holmes' lifestyle and his remarkable skills as a detective. Watson is both amazed and intrigued by Holmes' keen intellect and deduces that there's more to Holmes' character than what meets the eye.


✴️Sherlock Holmes:- The major character and the private detective, bachelor who lives at Baker Street along with his friend Dr. Watson who help him in revealing the mysteries. 

✴️ Dr. Watson :- Friend of Sherlock Holmes, a private detective. Both of them are bachelors and they are living at Baker Street. Dr Watson was in love with Mary Morstan. Finally he marries with Mary. 

✴️ Mary Morstan :- Daughter of Major Morstan, who wanted to trace the mysteriously disappeared father. with the help of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. 

✴️ Major Morstan :- Father of Mary, a British prison guard who was serving in India. He was after the Agra treasure. He was mysteriously disappeared.

✴️ Major Sholto:- He was also British soldier/prison guard in the same regiment in which Major Morstan was serving in India. He has two twin sons. Bartholomew and Thaddeus. He too was involved in Agra treasure. 

✴️ Jonathan Small :- He was serving in India in British police/guard. His leg was eaten by the Crocodile So he had wooden leg and he was the main accused in Agra treasure. 

✴️ Bartholomew Sholto and Thaddeus Sholto:- Twin sons of Major Sholto who were the hier of the treasure after the death of their father. 

✴️ Tonga:- Tonga was the small tribal from Andaman. When Tonga had snake bite it was Jonathan small who saved his life with some Ayurvedic  medicine. Since then Tonga was ready to do anything for him. 

🟣Theme of the the Novel:- One of the strongest themes in the novel "Sign of the Four" is the shallowness of wealth and the destruction come through it. This theme is recurrently seen through out the novel. as the Agra treasure directly and adversely affects almost everyone. The shallowness of wealth and the destruction that can come through it is also seen prevailing throughout the novel. As the Agra treasure directly and adversely affects almost everyone. In the course of the story, the Sheik’s emissary and Bartholomew are both murdered for the treasure, Tonga is killed while fleeing with it, and Small is sentenced to life imprisonment. Additionally, both Thaddeus and his father spent their lives constantly paranoid about wooden legged men, and about strangers in general. The Agra treasure even provides a “romantic conflict” for Dr. Watson, who feels that he cannot marry Miss Morstan for fear that he will appear to be after her money. 

The theme of the novel revolves around the Agra treasure. Throughout the story, the appearance of the treasure leads to a direct and often tragic change in the lives of the characters. Because of this, it is important that the removal of the treasure would cause the characters to return to their previous position. In the case of Small, a convict, the re-emergence of the treasure leads him down a path that ends in murder; with the removal of the treasure, he is a prisoner once again. Mary Morstan is a charming young woman whom Watson contemplates marrying. With the prospect of Mary becoming an heiress, however, this possibility is removed. When it is discovered that the Agra treasure is gone, Mary returns to a position in which Watson can comfortably propose marriage. 

🟣Plot of the Novel "The sign of Four" 

The Novel has a single but a complex plot.The plot of the novel The sign of Four is set in 1887 in England as well as in India. It creates a beautiful picture of pre independence India. The story of the novel is moved around the Agra treasure, the involvement of the three Arabs and Jonathan Small. There are two corrupt guards from England Major Sholto and Major Morstan who were also involved in the treasure. 

The story begins with the arrival of of Marry Morstan at 22 /Baker Street  . She came to the get the help of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The complete story moves around two things the Agra treasure and the character Mary Morstan. The plot has flashback techniques where the novelist shows the story begin in the present in London and it goes back in the past in India. Where the country itself symbolize the mystery and excitement. Thus the novel has single but the complex plot. 

πŸ”΄Settings:- The settings of the novel "The sign of Four" is in London like many of his novels and short stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson lives at Baker Street. He describes London in such a way that it creates a live picture before the readers.

India is inevitable settings in the the novel The Sign of Four. Everything seems connected around India. India represents mystery. This can be seen through the missing of the of Agra treasure, Jonathan Small's story mainly about India. The character Tonga is also related with Andaman and and his association with Agra treasures represent India  and mystery. 

Hence the setting of the novel is mainly in England as well as in pre independent India. It has also the reference of the 1857's the war of independence. And the revolt of Indian people against Britishers.

πŸ”΄ Language :- The language of Arthur Conan Doyle is not very simple to understand. Being detective novel very often it is noticed that the the character Sherlock Holmes uses the language which is quite difficult to understand. Sometimes Dr. Watson find it difficult to understand. 

The narrator of the the novel is Dr. Watson who is the friend of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle uses the narrative voice of Dr Watson to present the characters and scenes of this novel. This allows the reader to feel close to the action and to follow the plot as it unfolds. Being bachelor his language is occasionally romantic and philosophical, though much of the story is told through direct speech. Watson's narrative frames large sections of dialogue which are used to reveal the mystery of the sign of the four. The language doesn't look very simple and esay to understand. 

πŸ”΅Significance of the Title Of the novel The sign of Four. 

The title of the novel The sign of Four is very apt and significant. The Sign of Four indicates the four characters involved in the stealing of the Agra treasure. The three Arbas and Jonathan Small. Through the clue Holmes was able to trace the master mind behind the treasure. Thus the title itself gives the readers the clue about the missing of the treasure. So it's the apt title of the novel. 

πŸ”΅Some important dates or years /happenings in the novel

✴️ 1878 Major Morstan safely arrived in England(London) from India. 

✴️ Since the arrival major Morstan was disappeared. That is since 1878.

Sept 2021

D.  Answer the following.

(i) Elaborate the following line in the light of the novel 'The Sign of Four'. (in about 50 words)

"You really are an automaton- a calculating machine."

Expected Answer 

Approach of Holmes to client is different from Watson- Unbiased-does not indulge in outward appearance- Watson is attracted to the client (Morstan) while Holmes is focussing on problem-Watson and Holmes are totally opposite in their approach (one to lady and other to the route/case)

(ii) Arrange the following incidents in correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract from the novel 'The Sign of Four'.

(a) Miss Morstan showed Holmes the pearls and letter.

(b) Miss Morstan discussed her problem with Holmes and Watson.

(c) They planned to meet the writer of the letter. 

(d) Miss Morstan met Holmes and Watson at their house.

Questions from the HSC Board Exam.
Expected Answer 
(d) Miss Morstan met Holmes and Watson at their house.
(b) Miss Morstan discussed her problem with Holmes and Watson.
(a) Miss Morstan showed Holmes the pearls and letter.
(c) They planned to meet the writer of the letter. 


March 2022.

(D) Answer the questions given below:

(i) Describe how Sherlock Holmes discovered the connection between Miss Morstan receiving precious pearls with Major Sholto.

Expected Answer 

(1) Major Sholto was the only friend of Mary Morston's

father-a letter mention injustice to Mary was received

-the letter instructed them to visit Lyceum Theatre

- Thus Holmes discovered the connection between

Mary receiving pearls and Sholto

(ii) How does the mystery of Bartholomew's murder lead

Holmes to track down small?

Expected Answer 

(ii) Bartholomew found dead - because of poison dart 

Holmes guessed the murderer to be Jonathan Small and his accomplice-Holmes traces the steam launch

Small tries to escape but is caught.


July 2022.

(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below:

(i) Describe the character of 'Mary Morstan', from the point of view of Sherlock Holmes.

Expected Answer 

(i) Mary Morstan- composure of manner-young lady, small dainty, well-gloved, dressed in most perfect tase- dress-sombre greyish beige - small turban - dull hue expression on her face-sweet amiable large blue eyes-singularly spiritual, sympathetic- model client of Holmes-gave him indirect facts as a clue to him like six pieces of paper-time in London small card box including lustrous six pearls invitation for meet at Lyceum theatre sensible but gloomy about her father's case.

(ii) Give the central idea of the novel "The Sign of Four", from the extract given in the text.

Expected Answer 

(ii) The novel explains how Miss. Morstan states the

statement of the case of her father to Sherlock Holmes -his disappearance from Langham Hotel-solution

to find the mystery Agra treasure and the murderers.


February 2023.

(i) Describe the significance of Mary Morstan's visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Expected Answer:- 

Mary Morstan's visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Watson is crucial because she going to get the answers of mysterious questions like who is the letter sender?, why has he been sending pearls?, What's wrong done to her? She has been eager to know all these mysterious things that's why she has decided to visited Lyceum Theatre. It also introduces a romantic element between Watson and Mary, showcases the Victorian setting, and provides a critical clue that advances the story's central mystery in Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Sign of Four."

(ii) Write in brief the theme of the extract of the novel 'The Sign of Four'

In "The Sign of the Four," the Agra treasure brings trouble to everyone. It shows that wealth can be shallow and destructive. Many characters suffer because of the treasure: Bartholomew and the Sheik's emissary are killed, Tonga dies while escaping with it, and Small ends up in prison. Thaddeus and his father live in fear of strangers and a wooden-legged man. The treasure also creates a problem for Dr. Watson, who worries that Miss Morstan might think he wants to marry her for her money.

The story centers on how the treasure changes lives in bad ways. When the treasure is gone, things go back to normal. Small, who becomes a murderer because of the treasure, returns to being a prisoner when it's lost. Mary Morstan, who might have become rich, is no longer an heiress, allowing Watson to propose to her without worries.

July 2023.

(D) (I) Arrange the sentences in correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract "The Sign of Four'. Jumbled Sentence/incidents : 

Expected Answer:-

(a) Holmes put a revolver in his pocket. 

(b) Mary received a large and lustrous pearl through the post. 

(c) Mary's father was an officer in an Indian regiment.

(d) Mary Morstan was a well-dressed young lady. 


1) (d) Mary Morstan was a well-dressed young lady. 

2) (c) Mary's father was an officer in an Indian regiment.

3) (b) Mary received a large and lustrous pearl through the post. 

4) (a) Holmes put a revolver in his pocket. 

(ΓΌ) Discuss the importance of the following statements in about 50 words in the light of the extract "The Sign of Four." The trio-Holmes, Dr. Watson And Mary decide to visit Lyceum Theatre.


 Mary received the letter stating her to be there at Lyceum Theatre. She was allowed to bring two companions with her, she visited Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes and tell the the whole story and aks for the help. Both of them were ready to help her, Thus the trio decided to visit Lyceum Theatre.

Please note that the expected answers are just guidelines, same points can be presented in many different ways.

February 2024.

(i) Mary Morstan encourages Dr. Watson to get involved in her case. Justify the statement with reference to "The Sign of Four."


Mary Morstan is assertive and open about discussing her case in Dr. Watson's presence, indicating her trust in him and her need for his assistance. Her willingness to share details about her case shows her confidence in Watson's ability to help and her urgency to find answers. Additionally, Mary's insistence that Watson may prove invaluable assistance highlights her belief in his skills and intelligence. Furthermore, her request for Watson to accompany her and Holmes to the Lyceum theatre with appealing eyes and expressions indicates her desire for his company and support. Overall, Mary's actions and requests showcase her strong and independent character, as well as her reliance on Watson's assistance in solving her case.

(ii) Write the importance of various places such as 'Holmes' residence, Lyceum Theatre and unknown destination with reference to 'The Sign of Four."


Holmes' House in "The Sign of Four" serves as a central hub for the events of the story. It's where Holmes conducts his business, entertains clients, and often solves cases. The action begins and ends at Holmes' house, emphasizing its importance as a setting where key events unfold and where Holmes' character is most fully realized.

The Lyceum Theatre, on the other hand, is a place of transition in the story. It's where the characters gather for the party, confirm their identities, and are initiated into the mystery of the adventure. It's a pivotal setting that marks the beginning of their journey into the unknown and sets the stage for the unfolding of the plot.

Lastly, the unknown place, described as a questionable, forbidding neighborhood with an inhabited house, is a crucial setting that adds tension and mystery to the story. It's where the characters encounter danger and where the climax of the story takes place. This setting highlights the danger and risk involved in the adventure and adds a sense of urgency and suspense to the narrative.
