21 October 2020

Mind Mapping

What is the Mind Mapping.

A mind map, according to Tony Buzan, is a way of taking notes or organizing information. You start with a central idea or topic and then branch out with keywords or images related to it. You use colors and drawings to help your brain work better and remember things more effectively. This method aligns with how our brains naturally work and helps us use our brain's full potential. It's like creating a visual map of your thoughts to understand and remember things better.

"Mind Map is a diagram used to visually organized information"

Mind mapping is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain. Mind mapping is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally "maps out" your ideas.

All Mind Maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, words, color and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts. Mind mapping converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.

One simple way to understand a Mind Map is by comparing it to a map of a city. The city center represents the main idea; the main roads leading from the center represent the key thoughts in your thinking process; the secondary roads or branches represent your secondary thoughts, and so on. Special images or shapes can represent landmarks of interest or particularly relevant ideas.

The great thing about mind mapping is that you can put your ideas down in any order, as soon as they pop into your head. You are not constrained by thinking in order. Simply, throw out any and all ideas, then worry about reorganizing them later.

Steps of Writing Mind Mapping.

  1. You will be given the main idea/central idea, that is the Trunk of the Mind Mapping 
  2. You need to choose the situation design for Mind Mapping.
  3. The second stage sib for the  mind mapping is sub points related to the main idea, that is the Branches of the mind mapping.
  4. The third stage of mind mapping is sub- sub points associated with the sub points(Branches), that is the the Twigs of the mind Mapping 
Thus the mind mapping works at three stages. Trunk, Branches, and Twigs.
It's expected that there should be minimum four Branches and each branch should have four Twigs.

The Five Essential Characteristics of Mind Mapping:

  • The main idea, subject or focus is crystallized in a central image
  • The main themes radiate from the central image as 'branches'
  • The branches comprise a key image or key word drawn or printed on its associated line
  • Topics of lesser importance are represented as 'twigs' of the relevant branch
  • The branches form a connected nodal structure
mind mapping

How to Make a Mind Map

  • Understand the main theme and write it at the center of the page. i.e. Education 
  • Find out sub-themes of the main concept and draw branches to them from the center, like a spider web i.e. Formal, informal
  • Use very short phrases or even single words, don't use sentences. 
  • Add images to invoke thought or get the message across better. 
  • Try to think of at least two main points for each sub-theme you have created and create branches out to those. 

The following is the example of the Mind Mapping 
February 2024

(C) Mind Mapping :

 Prepare a mind map on 'Effects of Music on Human Life' using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate. (3)

July 2023

Develop a mind map on 'My Future Goals'. Frame / design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate.

March 2023

Prepare a mind map on the topic 'Human Interest' using your ideas, flow, design and structure.


July 2022

Develop a mind map on the topic "students' roles and responsibilities", expressing and presenting your own ideas, flow, design and structure.


March 2022

Develop a Mind-Mapping using your ideas and concepts to develop the topic 'Proper Time Management.'

(i)Using the title connect your thoughts

(ii) Use your own design for branching and general structure

(iii) Try making 2-3 main and 2-3 sub branches.


Sept 2021

Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame/design using your ideas/ thoughts concepts to illustrate develop on the topic: 'Best Sources of Entertainment'.


Examples for practice.

  1. Develop a mind map on the topic "Indian Education System", expressing and presenting your own ideas, flow, design and structure.
  2. Develop a mind map on the topic "Technology and Artificial Intelligence", expressing and presenting your own ideas, flow, design and structure.
  3. Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame/design using your ideas/ thoughts concepts to illustrate develop on the topic: 'Healthy Eating Habits'.
  4. Prepare a mind map on the topic 'Family Traditions' using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  5. Develop a mind map on 'My Achievements'. Frame / design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate.
  6. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Healthy Habit" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  7. Prepare a mind map on the topic "Outdoor Activities" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  8. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Home Gardening" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  9. Prepare a mind map on the topic "Cultural Festivals" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  10. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Budgeting Tips" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  11. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Stress Relief" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  12. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Quick Recipes" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  13. Prepare a mind map on the topic "Recycling Impact" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  14. Develop a Mind-Mapping on"Hobbies for Relaxation" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  15.  Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Volunteering" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  16. Prepare a mind map on the topic"Language Learning" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  17. Develop a Mind-Mapping on 'Time Management' using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  18. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Screen Time Balance" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  19. Prepare a mind map on the topic "Reading Benefits" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  20. Develop a Mind-Mapping on "Sustainable Living" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.
  21. Prepare a mind map on the topic "Nature Connection" using your ideas, flow, design and structure.

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