08 July 2020

Poetic Appreciation of the poem 2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow.

Poetic Appreciation: Have You Earned Your Tomorrow?   
Edger Guest 

Q. Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem Have You Earned Your Tomorrow. 
The poem, 'Have You Earned Your Tomorrow' Is the inspirational poem of the well-known British American poet Edger Guest. The poet used to write in very simple language optimistically that's why he is known as a Peoples' Poet. A similar simplicity and optimism can be seen in the present poem. The poem is in a question form, the poet has been asking the questions readers. It is quatrains as it has four lines stanza structure. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each with a regular rhyme scheme. The first line rhymes with the second and the third line with the fourth. Hence the rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb, ccaa, ddee, faa. The speciality of the poem is that it has eleven questions in the poem, hence the prominent figure of speech in the poem is Interrogation. There is one more noticeable figure of speech in the poem which is Alliteration.
The main theme of the poem is an inspiration. It's an inspirational poem that enables the readers to do the self Introspection and helps us with self-improvement. The poet is asking the readers that have they secured their future by helping others or doing their duties for others. The poet said that today's good deeds will be the treasure of tomorrow. It also focuses on the karma philosophy that earns your tomorrow by doing good to others today. The questions in the poem are telling us to do good to others or to make someone's day. 

The moral of the poem is that "As you sow so shall you reap" whatever you have done today same thing you are going to get back. For expecting a good future from the future we should be good, and do good to get good returns. I like this poem very much as it helps us with self-improvement.