22 July 2020

Figures Of Speech In English.

Figures of Speech in English.


   1. Alliteration :- The repetition of the sound of initial letter of word is called Alliteration. 

  • eg. Weavers, weaving at break of day.                               Explanation:The sound 'w' is repeated, hence it's Alliteration. 
  • eg. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea. 
  • eg. White as a feather and white as a cloud. 
10. Transfer Epithets: Epithets means an adjective when an adjective usually used to describe one thing is transferred to another.

2. Repetition:- When the specific word is repeated for better Poetic effects, it's called Repetition. 
3. Explanation:- The word 'stir' is repeated for better Poetic effects, hence there is repetition in the above line
4. Simile :- When two unlike objects with similar quality are directly compared with each other by using the words like 'like, so, as' 
It's called Simile. 
5. Explanation:- There is Simile in the above line as the funeral shroud is directly compared with feather and cloud. 
6. Metaphor:- When two unlike objects with similar quality are indirectly compared with each other without using the words like 'like, so, as' It's called metaphor.
eg. Still here I carry my old delicious burdens. 
7. Explanation:- There is metaphor in the above line because the memories are indirectly compared with old delicious burden
8. Personification:- Whenever Inanimate objects are given human quality it's called personification. 
eg. The Sun in heaven was shining gay. 
9. Explanation:- Being happy or gay is the quality of human given to the inanimate object 'the sun' hence there is personification. 
In simple words an adjective belongs to one object or person is transferred to the another, it's called transfer epithets. 
eg. He was walking with the tired legs. 
Explanation:- In the above line an epithet "tired" is of person (He) but it's transferred to legs. Hence there is "Transferred Epithets"
Watch this video to get more idea about figures of speech in English

After watching the above video please Attempt the following online Test on Figures of speech. 
Attempt the following Test Online and write it in your note book as an Assignment no 1


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