21 June 2020

Speech Writing. Speech on International Yoga Day

Very good morning to everyone. Honorable President, respected Principal, respected teachers, and all my dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate the 10th International  Yoga Day. This day is celebrated annually on 21st June 2015. Our honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi proposed it during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. And from the next year means in 2015 United Nations declared 21st June as International Yoga Day.

This year, the theme for International Yoga Day is "Yoga for Self and Society." This theme highlights the importance of yoga in both personal well-being and social harmony. Practicing yoga not only fosters individual health and self-reliance but also promotes unity and collective well-being. As our honourable Prime Minister envisions a healthy and self-reliant India (आत्मनिर्भर भारत), yoga plays a crucial role in this mission. If we are healthy, our country will prosper, as only healthy individuals can work efficiently towards the growth of the Indian economy.

Friends, Can you tell me why the date 21st June is chosen?
Yes, it is because the 21st of June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. So the United Nations declared 21st June as International Yoga Day to spread awareness among the people regarding yoga.

What is yoga?
Well, yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. It originated in India more than 500 years ago. The word yoga came from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to yoke, to unite, or to join. Though no one knows the inventor of yoga, still it is generally believed that Sage Patanjali who is the pioneer of yoga wrote Yog Sutras which are the principles of yoga that are still followed today. In an ancient age Rishis, Munis, Sages, and Saints practiced yoga and meditation regularly. We can not forget the name of Ramdev Baba who is the present yoga trainer.

Yoga uses asanas (postures) and Pranayam (breathing techniques) to integrate the body with the mind and mind with the soul.

We all know that health is wealth. And yoga is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body (a sound mind is in a sound body). Yoga is beneficial to us in many ways. It helps to manage stress and anxiety and keeps relaxing. In today's fast life, no one is free from stress and anxiety. So yoga, pranayam, and meditation are very essential things to keep us healthy and tension free. It improves respiration, energy, and vitality. Regular practice of yoga can help to lose weight, release stress, improve immunity, improve concentration, and so on. On seeing the benefits of yoga, we should practice it every day without fail.
     Our honorable prime minister started the celebration of this day because he wants healthy and self-reliant ( आत्मनिर्भर भारत )India. If we are healthy, our country will prosper because only healthy people can work efficiently for the growth of the Indian Economy.
    Therefore, we should practice yoga and meditation regularly so that we will be healthy and fit.

Wish you all the best for your healthy and happy life and Happy Yoga Day, 
Thank you.🙏🙏