23 September 2018

Model Auxiliary

0.2014. 49. Moreover, human population will stabilize at about 11.5 billion, (Make it 'less definite')

  Ans:  Moreover, human population may stabilize at about 11.5 billion. 

M.2015, 50. My little girl can get tasty fruits from some other garden too!  (Rewrite the sentence using modal auxiliary expressing certainty)

Ans: My little girl will get tasty fruits from some other garden too!

0 2015.51. He had to stay after school .(use the modal auxiliary showing compulsion )

Ans-he must stay after school. 

M 2016. 52. The earth could withstand upto 200,000 times the current population. (Rewrite the sentence using the modal auxiliary showing 'certainty'.)

Ans- The earth will withstand upto 200,000 times the current population.

0.2016.53. "I will try." (Rewrite the sentence using another modal auxiliary showing 'obligation')

Also  I must try.       
M 2017.54. You can sell waste to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation.
(Replace the modal auxiliary by another showing 'obligation'.)

Ans- You must  to sell waste to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation.

Sept. 2021. A child spends a major portion of his life in taking formal education: (Choose the correct alternative that indicates modal auxiliary showing 'obligation.')

Ans- A child must spends a major portion of his life in taking formal education

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