September 2021

Q 1 A 5 Language study 

(i) He shook his head regretfully.

(Choose the correct alternative to get the Present Perfect Tense form of the given sentence.)

  1. He shakes his head regretfully. shaken his head regretfully.
  2. He has shaken his head regretfully.
  3. He had shaken his head regretfully.
  4. He will shake his head regretfully.

Expected Answer- (2) He has shaken his head regretfully.

(ii) I will not open my mouth.

(Choose the correct alternative to get the affirmative form without changing the meaning of the sentence.)

  1. I will not close my mouth.
  2. I will open my mouth
  3. I will shut my mouth.

Expected Answer- I will shut my mouth.

Q.1 (B) Language Study (Non-Textual Grammar) Do as directed:

(1) Use the correct articles and rewrite the sentence:

(i) COVID-19 is one of ----- most hazardous diseases witnessed by--------- world.

Expected Answer-

COVID-19 is one of the most hazardous diseases witnessed by the world.

(ii) As soon as the captain gave an order, the soldiers fired.

(Choose the correct alternative to get the 'No sooner....' form of the given sentence.)

  1. No sooner the captain gave an order than the soldiers fired.
  2. No sooner did the captain give an order than the soldiers fired.
  3. No sooner does the captain give an order than the soldiers fired.
  4. No sooner has the captain given an order than the soldiers fired

Expected Answer- No sooner did the captain give an order than the soldiers fired.

(iii) The teacher said, "The Earth revolves around the Sun."

(Choose the correct alternative to get an indirect narration of the given sentence.)

  1. The teacher said that the Earth revolved around the Sun.
  2. The teacher said that the Earth is revolving around the Sun.
  3. The teacher said that the Earth had revolved around the Sun.
  4. The teacher said that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Expected Answer- 1) The teacher said that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

(iv) Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence.

I know a man which is very tall.

Expected Answer- I know a very tall man.

Q.2 A5. Language Study(2)

(i) A child spends a major portion of his life in taking formal education:

(Choose the correct alternative that indicates modal auxiliary showing 'obligation.') (1)

  1. A child should spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.
  2. A child must spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.
  3. A child will spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.
  4. A child can spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

Expected Answer- 2) A child must spend a major portion of his life in taking formal education.

(ii) A peer group has its group structure and expectations from its members:

(Choose the correct alternative to get the 'not only.... but also' form of the above sentence.): (1)

  1. A peer group has not only its group structure but also expectations from its members.
  2. A peer group not only has its group structure but also expectations from its members.
  3. Not only a peer group has its group structure but also expectations from its members.
  4. A peer group has its group structure not only but also expectations from its members.

Answer-(1) A peer group has not only its group structure but also expectations from its members.

March 2022

Q. 1 A5 Do as Directed. (Seen extract)

(i) On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions.

(ii) Men who smash windows do not remain to chat with the police. (Make the above sentences simple)

Expected Answer:-

i. On the opposite side of the street was an ordinary type of restaurant

ii. Men smashing windows don't remain to chat with the police.

B 1. Grammar/Language Study (Non-Textual Grammar) —

 Do as directed:(3)

(i) We can accept our life gracefully. (Rewrite using modal auxiliary showing 'compulsion')

Answer :- We must /ought to accept our life gracefully.

(ii) As I entered the post office, the Post Master presented me with a telegram. (Begin the sentence with "No sooner.........) 

Answer :- No sooner did I enter the post office than the Post Master presented me with a telegram. 

(iii) The mother looks after her child. (Make it a rhetorical question)

Answer :- Doesn’t the mother look after her child?


Does the mother not look after her child? 

B 2. Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite the correct sentence. (1)

(i) Summers in Delhi are extreme hot.

Answer :-Summers in Delhi are extremely hot. 


(i) Summer in Delhi is extremely hot.

Q.2 A5 Rewrite as Instructed.(Unseen Extract.

(i) He worked hard building a better consumer electronics division.

(Rewrite the sentence using the infinitive form of the underlined word)

✒️Answer: He worked hard to build a better consumer electronics devision.

(ii) Tata Group launched the passenger car Tata Indica.

(Rewrite it beginning with 'The passenger car Tata Indica.......')

✒️Answer: The passenger car Tata Indica was launched by Tata Group.

July 2022

Q.1 A5 Rewrite as Instructed.

(Choose the correct option as the answer to the following sentences).

(i) Discourtesy is not a legal offence.

(The correct 'affirmative' form of this sentence is...)

  • (a) Courtesy is a illegal offence.
  • (b) Courtesy is always a illegal offence.
  • (c) Discourtesy is never a illegal offence.
  • (d) Discourtesy is an illegal offence.

Expected Answer: (d) Discourtesy is an illegal offence.

(ii) There is no allowance for manners and intellectual damages in these matters.

(The correct use of 'as well as' in the given sentence is.....)

  • (a) There is none of allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.
  • (b) There is always a allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters
  • (c) There is no allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.
  • (d) There is a definite allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

Expected Answer: (c) There is no allowance for manners as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

B) Non Textual Grammar - Do as directed:

(1) George Washington was elected president in 1788.

(Choose the correct 'change the voice' answer from the following options.):

  • (a) The elected president in 1788 was George Washington.
  • (b) They elected George Washington as president in 1788.
  • (c) The president George Washington was elected as president in 1788.
  • (d) In 1788, president George Washington was elected.
Expected Answer: (b) They elected George Washington as president in 1788.

(2) It is not necessary for you to wait any longer.

(Which also means ..............)

You .........not wait any longer.

(Rewrite the above sentence using correct modal auxiliaries from the given options.)

(a) need

(b) should

(c) must

(d) will

Expected Answer: Which also means absence of necessity)

You need not wait any longer.

(3) I spent my high school years in Mumbai.

(Choose the correct change into Past Perfect Continuous change from the given options.)

  • (a) I had been spending my high school years in Mumbai.
  • (b) I have spent my high school years in Mumbai.
  • (c) I have been spending my high school years in Mumbai.
  • (d) I had spent my high school years in Mumbai.
Expected Answer: (a) I had been spending my high school years in Mumbai.

(4) Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite.

"Susan gave me a real nice bouquet of flowers."

Expected Answer: "Susan gave me a really nice bouquet of flowers.

Q.2 A5 Rewrite as Instructed.

A5. Language study

(i) You can gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

(Choose the correct alternative from the following options that shows the correct use of 'able to' in this sentence.)

(a) You should be able to gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

(b) You are able to gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

(c) You would be able to gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

(d) You will be able to gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

✒️ Answer:- (b) You are able to gain the necessary knowledge and understanding.

(ii) New force enables you to realise your hopes.

(Choose the correct alternative from the given options to frame 'Wh question', to get the underlined part as the answer).

(a) How do new force enable you?

(b) What does new force enable you?

(c) When did new force enable you?(d) Where does new force enable you?

Expected Answer (b) What does new force enable you?

February 2023

Q 1 A5 Rewrite as Instructed.

(i) 'I was quite happy getting into IIT, but my joy was short-lived'.....

(Choose the correct alternative showing proper use of 'though')

  • (a) Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, but my joy was short-lived.
  • (b) I was quite happy getting into IIT, though my joy is short-lived.
  • (c) Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.
  • (d) I was quite happy though getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.
Expected Answer: (c) Though I was quite happy getting into IIT, my joy was short-lived.

(ii) 'I felt extremely humiliated and upset.'

(Identify the correct exclamatory form of the above sentence.)

  • (a)What humiliated and upset I felt!
  • (b)How humiliated and upset I felt!
  • (c) How extremely humiliated do I feel!
  • (d)What a humiliated and upset I felt!
Expected Answer:- (b)How humiliated and upset I felt!

Q 1 B Non-Textual Grammar

Do as directed:

(i ) Both the partners have signed this agreement in haste.

(Identify the correct 'Passive Voice' form of the above sentence from the alternatives given below)

  • (a) This agreement had been signed in haste by both the partners.
  • (b) This agreement has been signed in haste by both the partners.
  • (c) This agreement have been signed in haste by both the partners.
  • (d) This agreement was signed in haste by both the partners.
Expected Answer (b) This agreement has been signed in haste by both the partners.

(ii) I asked my sister, "What can I do for you in this matter?"

(Identify the correct 'Indirect Speech' form of the above sentence from the alternatives given below)

  • (a) I asked my sister what I could do for her in that matter.
  • (b) He asked his sister what he could do for her in that matter.
  • (c) I asked my sister what he could do for her in this matter.
  • (d) He asked my sister what she could do for her in that matter. her in

Expected Answer (a) I asked my sister what I could do for her in that matter.

(iii) As soon as he left the house, he met with an accident.

(Identify the correct 'No sooner... than' form of the above sentence from the alternatives given below.)

  • (a) No sooner does he leave the house than he met with an accident.
  • (b) No sooner had he left the house than he met with an accident.
  • (c) No sooner did he leave the house than he met with an accident.
  • (d) No sooner do he leave the house than he met with an accident.
Expected Answer: (c) No sooner did he leave the house than he met with an accident.

B 2. Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite the correct sentence.

She has been worked in this office since 1996.
Expected Answer: She has been working in this office since 1996

Q 2  A5 Rewrite as Instructed (Unseen Extract)

Govt. of India is encouraging medical tourism in the country'. (Choose the correct present perfect form of the given statement.)

  • (a) Govt. of India is encouraged medical tourism in the country.
  • (b) Govt. of India had encouraged medical tourism in the country.
  • (c) Govt. of India has been encouraged medical tourism in the country.
  • (d) Govt. of India has encouraged medical tourism in the country
Expected Answer: (d) Govt. of India has encouraged medical tourism in the country

i) 'This may make it difficult to deal with any complication'.

(Identify the replaced version of the statement using the auxiliary of certainty or definiteness.)

  • (a) This can make it difficult to deal with any complication.
  • (b) This might make it difficult to deal with any complication.
  • (c) This will make it difficult to deal with any complication.
  • (d) This have made it difficult to deal with any complication.
Expected Answer: This will make it difficult to deal with any complication

July 2023

Q.1 A5. Language study. Do as directed:

(i) Soapy turned off Broadway.

(Identify the correct tense form from the following options and rewrite)

  • (a) The simple present tense
  • (b) The simple past tense
  • (c) The present perfect tense
  • (d) The past perfect tense
Expected Answer: (b) The simple past tense

(ii) 'Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass.

(Choose the correct alternative to make it a simple sentence)

  • (a) Taking a stone Soapy dashed it through the glass.
  • (b) Soapy took a stone to dashed it through the glass.
  • (c) Soapy has taken a stone to dash it through the glass.
  • (d) Soapy takes a stone to dash it through the glass.
Expected Answer: (a) Taking a stone Soapy dashed it through the glass.

Q 1 B 1. Language studyDo as directed:

(1) There were no boats to take the people across. 

(Identify and rewrite the correct transformation of the above sentence beginning with 'If.....)

(a) If there were no boats, they wouldn't have taken people across.

(b) If there were no boats, they would have taken people across.

(c) If there were boats, they would have taken people across.

(d) If there were boats, they wouldn't have taken people across. 


(c) If there were boats, they would have taken people across.

(2) He simply abandoned his sack by the stream. (Identify and rewrite the correct transformation of the above sentence beginning with 'His sack...)

(a) His sack is abandoned by the stream by him.

(b) His sack has been abandoned by him by the stream. 

(c) His sack was abandoned by him by the stream.

(d) His sack had been abandoned by the stream by him. 


(c) His sack was abandoned by him by the stream.

(3) She said, "I have worked hard from childhood." (Identify the correct indirect narration of the above sentence from the given options and rewrite) 

(a) She said that she had worked hard from childhood.

(b) She said that she has worked hard from childhood.

(c) She said that she worked hard from childhood. 

(d) She said that she has been working hard from childhood


(d) She said that she has been working hard from childhood

B 2. Spot the error:

India pays tribute to Gandhiji for his birth anniversary.

✒️Answer:- India pays tribute to Gandhiji on his birt anniversary.

India pays tribute to Gandhiji on his birth anniversary.

A5. Do as directed:

(1) He laughed aloud on hearing of the problem.

(Choose the correct change in the given options,(1)

if "would' is used in the above sentence). 

(a) He would laughed on hearing of the problem.

(b) He would have laughed on hearing of the problem.

(c) He would laugh on hearing of the problem.

(d) He would be laughed on hearing of the problem.


(a) He would laughed on hearing of the problem.

(i) They all stood around and looked at him. (Choose the correct alternative to write it with 'not only... but also.")(1)

(a) They all not only stood around but also looked at him. 

(b) They all stood not only around but also looked at him.

(c) Not only they all stood around but also looked at him. 

(d) They all stood not around only but also looked at him.


(a) They all not only stood around but also looked at him. 

February 2024

A5. Do as directed.

(i) I like to ask questions of the places I visit.

(Choose the correct tense form of the above sentence from the following options and rewrite.)

  • (a) Simple past tense
  • (b) Simple present tense
  • (c) Past perfect tense
  • (d) Present perfect tense
Answer:- Simple present tense.

(ii) I would come back to my apartment in New York.

(Choose the correct option using 'used to' for the given sentence and rewrite.)

  • (a) I use to come back to my apartment in New York.
  • (b) I have used to come back to my apartment in New York.
  • (c) I used to come back to my apartment in New York.
  • (d) I had used to come back to my apartment in New York.
Answer:- (c) I used to come back to my apartment in New York.

B 1. Language study.

Do as directed:

(1) Avneesh said, "Sanchit, what are you doing in the garden at this l.)

  • (i) Avneesh asked Sanchit what he was doing in the garden at that time.
  • (ii) Avneesh wanted to know from Sanchit his cause of being there in the garden.
  • (iii) Avneesh asked Sanchit whether he was present in the garden at that time.
  • (iv) Avneesh asked Sanchit whether he was doing in the garden at that time.

Answer:- (i) Avneesh asked Sanchit what he was doing in the garden at that time

(2) Neeraj Chopra may not participate in the world championship due to ankle injury.

(Choose the correct option from the following sentences which uses a more definite modal auxiliary.)

  • (i) Neeraj Chopra cannot participate in the world championship due to ankle injury.
  • (ii) Neeraj Chopra will not participate in the world
  • (ii) Neeraj Chopra should not participate in the world championship due to ankle injury.
  •  (iv) Neeraj Chopra might not participate in the world championship due to ankle injury.

Answer:- (ii) Neeraj Chopra will not participate in the world.

3) Unless you are confident, you will'not succeed. (Choose the correct option from the following options to change the sentence beginning with If.." ) 

  •  (i) If you are confidence you will get success.
  • (ΓΌ) If you have confidence you will get success.
  • (ii) If you are confident you will not get success.
  • (iv) If you are not confident you will get success.
Answer :- (ΓΌ) If you have confidence you will get success.

 B 2. Spot the error and rewrite correct sentence : 

He prescribe medicine alongwith a few exercises to his patients..


He prescribes/prescribed medicine alongwith a few exercises to his patients..

Content of The Post.

Table of Content

1.Grammar Questions of Sept 2021

2.Grammar Questions of March 2022

3.Grammar Questions of July 2022

4.Grammar Questions of Feb 2023

5.Grammar Questions of July 2023

6.Grammar Questions of Feb 2024
