The poem "There is Another Sky" is a Sonnet, (A poem of 14 lines with two parts Octave and Sestet.) The speaker of the poem is a sister talking her brother. The poem is in imaginative tone where the speaker took the readers to the imaginative world like a fairy tales, to visualise (imagine) the two places which doesn't have physical existence. There is a comparison of the imaginative world of these two worlds The world of her brother (William Austin Dickinson) and her own world. Her brother seems not happy in his world that's why she has been requesting her brother to come to her world 🌍.

The world of the speaker the Garden, which is an allusion of the Bibalical "Eden Garden 🏡" a Bibalical Paradise/Heaven.

The phrase "There is Another Sky" refers to the imaginative world, the Bibalical Heaven/Paradise, which full of calm and peace. The poem is loaded with the figures of speech like Alliteration, Hyperbole, Inversion, Metaphor, Enjambment, and Metonymy.

Figures of Speech in The Poem 

Alliteration:- When the suond of initial letter of the word is repeated, it's called Alliteration.

  • Never mind faded forests, Austin. 
  • I hear the bright bee hum.

Hyperbole:- When there is over exaggeration in the statement which is used for emphasis or effect, it's called Hyperbole.

  • Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green.
  • Where not a frost has been.

Inversion:- Whenever words in the sentence are not arranged in proper prose order or grammatical order, it's known as Inversion.

  • Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come.
Metaphor:- Two unlike with similar quality are indirectly compared without using the words like "Like, So, As" it's called Metaphor.

  • There is Another Sky.
  • There is a little forest, Whose leafs are evergreen.
Enjambment:- It's a poetic term for the continuation of a sentence or phrase from one line of poetry to the next. Is short the sentence is completed in the next line.
  • Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green.
Metonymy:- The l figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another word that it is closely associated with.
  • Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come!

Poetic Appreciation of the poem There is Another Sky.

The poem 'There is Another Sky' is a Sonnet composed by the renowned American poet Emily Dickinson. The poem is addressed by a poetess Emily Dickinson to her brother Austin who had gone out of the country, where he faced adverse conditions and was frustrated and disappointed. His sister advises him not to worry and come back to his nation there is another sky full of brightness. Thus the title of the poem is very apt and symbolic as it indicates optimism and hope. 

The theme of the poem is never to say die. The sister encouraged her brother to keep moving ahead. The poem deals with the theme that one must go ahead irrespective of thinking about failure or success. Never surrender to the difficulties and frustration of life.

The poetic style and language of the poem seem difficult to understand as the poetess used unconventional punctuation and capitalization. The poem is full of figurative language. The poetess used many poetic devices like figures of speech, prominent figures of the poem are inversion, hyperbole, alliteration, etc. As the poem is Petrarchan Sonnet, there is no regular rhyme scheme in the poem. The  

 The tone of the poem is optimistic. The poem gives us the beautiful message, 'never to say die'. The special feature of the poem is unlike other poems of Dickinson which deals with the gloominess of life the present poem deals with the bonding between sister and brother. It shows the sister's love and affection for her brother. It indicates the strong bonding of brotherhood. The poem gives us the strong message that one must not bother about the instructions in life and keep moving ahead. We should never give up. 

I personally like the poem as it enlightened the readers with the stark reality of life, that the obstacles will keep coming in our way We have to keep moving ahead. It's the poem that imparts a positive outlook on life.

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